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THE GRAIN MARKETS op VICTORIA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, a.vo TA-MAXIA. From thi; " Sydney Morning Herald " April 1. The first public Corn Market was held at Melbourne, on Wednesday last, in the building recently opened on the site of the Eastern Market. It will be seen, fnvn the following report of Messrs Law, Clo-don, it Co., that the initiation of this establishment whs begui under very favourable an.spices : — Ir affords us much plon-nre to ho able to record some of i tlii! transactions which form no unimportant feature in another siage of VU-:ori.i\s career. We regard our new market sis: the eornmeurenniut of :i new era in the commercial history of This oousilry. It is the st.-.sjc on which the enterprising farmer "iH have ;m opportunity of displaying for his own advantage (he results of his own .skill u:id a dfinmistriLtscTii of our local resources under the guiding baud of intelligence. Whilst the agricultural sirit tin is ;:i the maricet a good interest for outlay of capita!, and rein!:neratuiu for skill and industry, it will at the same time contribute lamely to the prosperity of !he colom-. F.vevy one interested in the welfare of the coumry will regard the market as an important .ieineut in the future of Victor a, and will join with us in the best wishes for agricultural enterprise. Considering the short notice which has been given of tlie market, it opened in every respect satisfactorily to the muvi'is; and tii;; committee ;md fiends o;' the Port Phillip Farmers' Society, many nl whom we observed \v,-re present, exjiresßeiitln!i:ise!ves weli pleased with th.iday's ir.i.issictiojis The sumples shown were very fint-, and would have stood at the head of the Mar); l.asie Market (quality eousidere ) We observed some of our u:illers. as well us the smuii doalers, endeavouring to supply their wants. Atnoimst [he faviiier.- am! others presem. Mr. Viiikiu showed !i sumpiu.of .i('(i husheis of tiie prize —c. po,-- j tion of whieli he sold iind realised Ms. ».:. per bushel The description grown by tins f.iruier is k uuvn as the Uxbridtre wheat. Tho sieKt in ijiiitlity is time crown by Mr. iioyd, of Kilmore. i-olii of wliieii we .-nail feel grea. pleasure in showing samples to any jjeiulemeu wiio m;iy Mr. U'e.-taii refused V- a'l f>r «'hite velvet wlifa! of Victorian growth. lne .saino ;(.;.;'lemi'.u sb.-wed imported Hci'teli oats, and imported l':i;;e ii.ivley, but fn.m a eon\ielion that pi ices w>-ui,i ri>.\ refu-.-il :•■ sell 0:1 tL.-sii-off'red Mr. !'':ui|, the ag:-icu!tui-iii agent, iepru.-i;.iiod several fe.rmers with some tine sample.- of wheat. A rim-.ider.ihle portion ■ f (.Injie Parley c'on.-.ged hsMu!- ivi (>s Oil. Tiirt:iria:i oats realised (i- M. The potatoes were very line, but the growers refined to sell. Tile prevail ug opiniui is tliat prices will ri.-L, which will accouut lor (he llnuiiObs of tho boilers.

From tht? lust Melbourne circular of Messrs. Bear aud Son, 2i<th instant, we take the following;— Wool Markew.—We have still a. considerable private inquiry, and any p;>reels now corning to hand might b« readily placed at favonr:i/'>U: rate.-*. We atli-mied .1 Hale by auction during tlie pa-t week, at which 3(6 bales were offered, we give th-.) result; —Flfte<-e.-i. JMX, 26 haies at 15: M ; ]J, 26 at Wi^,] ; Df, -I at 1«f f1 ; OF, sat 17{d ; JMN", I wet, ut lid. Greasy CR, 83 at B%d ; 3 wet. rtd ; IMX, 11 :u 6^,1 ; 3 wet, 4^l; X.L, 3 at li.'d ; C&:.'. 3 at 9d ; [.vu] I at 8:1; T<:, 1 ut B,J.i ; (be), trre-isr lamb--, 16 at !>2(d. Scoured W, 50 passed ; OK, 30 -.a I7jd. I.amb*, —Glass, 8 nt 14^d: slipe, 0. 1 6 at 12^d ; IJ, 17 at 14^d: j Mixed, B\V, 1 at 55fd. Tallow Market—Great demand and price* firm. FlioKa Makkbt —No parcelfi uo«v ofieriiig. The " I-lobiirtoii Mercury of the 24 th reports: Holders of wheat »:ill decline sellinc; at present prices, which range from «., to 8s M pur bushel ; a considerable quantity brought from the Kust Coast by the Duncan Hoy la has been privately purehasi-d, .md is held back for an advance. How this can be uffecte'l we know not. The Cornelia, from Valparaiso, has arrived at Luonreston, -vith 11,000 I.ushel3on board, aud a quantity of flour, consigned to the trustees of Pott's estate; the eaptaij was offered £1 per ton freight to bring the cargo to Hob«irion. but be refused to do so. The Purf arrived to-day, with 2000 hash. of wheat and ten tons of f|:-nr. from Sotitn .Austr.-iiia. aud ie the face of these irnporrafio .»•, with nain «iso arriving coastwise, and from the interior sreneraiiy, the market is lisely to be overstocked. Fine floiir is quoted at jflb to -i' 26 per ton, which is not quite in proportion to the current price of wheat. Potatoes have slighty advanced, and jf 6 is readily given for sound samples. In thi; timber trade more briska-.-ss has taken place, in exportation* to Melbourne and .Sydney; prices, however have not been affected by the change. From the iat.-st mercantile report from Hobart Towa we take the following;— The market presents the same inanimate aspect this week which prevailed duri:is the preceding one, and iv the absence of news from Kngiand it is difficult to effect sales, and a:io:her cause for the prevailing dsihiess is the difficulty wiuch the settlers experience this season in disposing of their produce at anything like remuueraciiie prices. The wheat market nas further decline;! in consequence of expected arrivals. A uirge cargo of Chilian wheat, via Launceston, is daily expected, together with considerable parcels of wlmat and Hour from Adelaide and Melbourne, advices of which have bi:en to hand several da vs. Spp.l!S—We notice large parcels of ruin being shipped for the Sydney market, which must considerably enhance the value of the small stock now on hand. The stock of brsnriy is also very small; and the same' remarks apply to old torn in wood and case, which is inquired after at better prices. Potatoes.—Moderate supply, prices varying from j£s 10s to _£*.'. per ton.

The cargo of sugar, ex Acis, from Mauritius, still remain* unsold ; the importers «re not disposed to sell under about .i\l tn jf4(s p;-r ton, ami the grocers ha\-« not, it appear*;, made up thoir miudsto give such an advanced rate ; a: all events, not before they fire compelled te do so ; and some of them have large stack* which were purchased at ve:y moderate piiffs when compared with the present rates asked for tho nhovi! cargo The Luuueestou market report. 22nd instant states: j That grain mid flour have continue:! to decline steadily for several week-;, and to-day wheat is quoted at 7s aud Hour at -r2O, the miil prices heiug only v, Hule ia a>'.vau-.'B of these rates Potatoes are quoted at .-£W> per toa ; oats, at per hushei ; and pressed hay, _£'" per ton. From A ielaide via Melbourne our advices extend to the 22:<U instant. The Legislature of Sou;h Australia has, af:er having affirmed the principle of the bill on Steam L'o<;ai Communication, :iiij .urued tlie further coJisidor^ if the question for a tort night. I: is much to he rcg : -^:;ed that ;hu cordial | spir'.t \viih whii-h thu measure was treat.-rl oti its pre.-eatatiou to the ho:iM' Wius of so transient v natnrj. "Flour had an- ! :lerjro:ia a further dci-Une. Messrs. Huil ifc Cuwie. report, uiuii.r date uf the "20:h iust.; — The aciounts receive i :"ni::i Mrfiinnrn-:' by the Havilali have not lviii the off-ct >if r.>vivinj the ;i-.'nv.t:;d for tionr for thai market, hut ;ui»- nnmuii'. uf busiiu'NS i'.:ai micht have iieeii done ha-• been checked by the unwiHiiiirness of holders of wheat and flour to se!i at preset:: prii-es; ' clianseil har-ds: has been at .£ 20 u> .£ °1. Wheat brings 7s od, or a reduction of 3.1 per husiiel on hist week.- current )>rice. The inquiry fur ha< somewhat siackene-J., and harley we ([note as before. l>rau is iv cood d'.'ii:uud, ut Is to 13d. Fi-ivsrhts to Melbourne have again declined—s;;y to _')s for weiitht. In Ca;id:es, hutti'r,! hsini*. tho market has hren quieter, rUe :ir>r. h;ivi;ig ->\ per lit. Bou.ed ale of first-class brsiiuls ia better deni lad at Vis to !'s ;o od. lUiii: a'ie is ..uii ;o i-i.;v.r off in 'lti.ia;.;.-. . Oass i,ratiCies and port wine are in fair dtmitiu-i. !-u;."\r ;n;u;:t.ii:is fuWy the rates ol' last, week- Must s>n:is!i iin:.or:v,-.:,ous are coming to a ready market, an i a steady business is coisig torwarii iv them at i'.iir prices. The pries of sr:-ai:i, tl'"Ur, and proveuUer are quoted ou the same date: — Mne liour, ,i 21 : wh, a:. 7s ;o 7s 3d : hrm, •s; oats, KuSilish, s>. to 3s Od : Kng'.iaa. bUriey, i.i» ; Capit ditto, 4s.

Wkuixbtos M.uikets. — X uur is iiown horo. and is p.o-.v siO!ii;u' f::iTi);\!i:iir r,i i!u l-i s^^n-.Unl) ut oLV uuii 31/. pvr ton ; wheat, :it I U ami Us ti.i |u-r b::>ael ; pot:i:o-.-s. 4» jut rwt. : insu-.i.'i".-. nuvu, .ii.: to S.i per Ib.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume VI, Issue 362, 23 April 1856, Page 5

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Markets. Lyttelton Times, Volume VI, Issue 362, 23 April 1856, Page 5

Markets. Lyttelton Times, Volume VI, Issue 362, 23 April 1856, Page 5