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Robertson Gladstone, nephew of the Premier, died at Liverpool in November. It is learned on good anthorlty (according to the London Despatch of November Ist) that a well known English retired naval officer ia forming a small fleet of cruisers and, torpedo boatß In England, in command of which he Intends to proceed to the as'iitanca of Admiral de Mello. He has already purchased two b hips which, he is fittlng^up as cruisers; arid is negptating ; for, two torpedo boats . Several English naval officers^ are preparing to accompany the. expedition. in a speech' at Harrow on November llih the c Right .Hon Lord George Hamiltoa.^First Lprd of tHe Admiralty during Satiabary's administration, Bald "that if Great Britain Ib' deprived, of the command of the sea a large portion of her people' will be reduced to permanent , destitution. Foreign nations are making great naval progress, and unless we make

an Immediate and determined effort we shall jLe_at_a_dlaadvaQfcage next year. I : ~ jbope the Government will soon intimate ' its readiness to prepare JcTineet^ the netar "WMrerdFlfie Uavy. "K nb^Qt will Jbe the" dnty of Parliament |<f |iSa^j.hein iho^ their hands." '" '" '" .. . Miss Luole Pex^eyj.-ja jyelK.kaown; American actreßSj'diea.df brain fever, on NpTeriiber <&&. * She*Tplayed an -engage- • ment ln]Sy4ney, New Sodth .Wale 3 ,fAti* In Melbpurnej in. 1876^77. .-Her- eajKtei figures,p|)(j^ 600 000 dollars, j : .M" *,- An , e^rplpatlotf off the' ''accounts' '6i Hallett and Co, navf ageiiw Knfabsiikika,* shpwg, e^ceardinss^fto' ?the -Dea* patch of November 1 . '6thjf .liabilities^ of , Ll^O.Q^O. Seyeraiiof theiPraacesefes Royal and moßt^.f rthe'promineDtJtmvat 1 offia^ra^ •re among the unsecured -creditorsHallett attribute! his failure to aiding vtfie Dalzlell News'agency-to the extenb-of overrL4o*oQo - C ; ' ThiißrKtßh Troopship Crocodile, -having oa board a large namber^ of soldiers returning' from India on Bick leave because Hheir terms of office have' 'expired, was reported to be r r disabled off the? Arabian Coast on November 30th, >ud the gunboat Pigeon and several tugs had> gone to the assistance of the vessel from The London Times' is'thfc authorUy for ■aylngthat thßrffhave^b^n 400 cases of dlpntHeHa in London 'per week recently, (Jadslnfe 80 bf 90 deatbk ' TPh'^ttiifl 5 Mayor 'of 0 Liver pool gave a 1 banquet at the Town Hall on November. 6tbf Mrf^KSnor of ' Thbmaa J^Bayard, American- Atnttafisabtor? \whOv maae reiponse to the toast pl'hlr health. General Patrick CbllW^hitea sfatea CbnsulOeneral, In hlr j&kc'Hnientipnea the faot-'tna^Hraa'e bkd iniproved In the United States. <; 'apd Bliid^itß reheiral, wbuid DB ll ftli fri'Liverpobl. j 1 English^ men ihowed themselves, as wlae as their. American cousins, the action of J Congress. ; Irl Wpealibg; the purchasing'" clause of "the ' SUver^'W 'had 1 Bim^lflßtfa^che -'iflfc ' "Mwqr-General Charles Teeae, Her Majeßty'* Maat'er of Ceremonies, , and i at . one time Equerry to the Prince of Wales, and who accompanied ' the latter to the • United states, died in London on November Ist.. - v <. . •. . • ■ "•;-. ; \\ v Aijth^i4i(bK«UDlooeßftn.Syrindi ; County •■ Down, Ulster, on October 31st, a motion : was proposed thanking "Government for ', the rejection[of the'Hpme Rule Bill by the j Borflsj-and thanking the Unionist' Peers , for opposing the meaanre. Dr Wright ( moved an amendmbtif ttie aotion of the Lords as narrow-minded i '' A babel of voices protested against the amendment. Amid a storm of hisses the Rev Dr Hunt seconded Wight's amend- . me^nt and made a speech describing the Lo*#^ rnfttanß; i The members ef tho • -Bytfbfll "became infuriated, and Grand Qirageman Kane threatened to eject Dr I Hunt. | A vofe was finally- taken on Dr ( WrfchS!ff- amendment, and it was reThe Court of Honor as exhibited at » fee Columbian World'aFair at Chicago, . with all its Bculpturetand electdc effects, Uto be reproduced in South Kensington, I London, and .with it a Theatre is to be ' tfuilt, where "The American." the theatifcal sehsation. of the Expoaition season, will be given. The company, which is composed of Englishmen who visited the World'! Fariumiahes the money for the gigantic ntfdertaking The London Times of November 15 referring to a rumor ad- j verse to the Bane of England, says that q the investigation of certain irregularities ] with regard to advances on securities is ) proceedincr^-but-^it is probable that the .j lostfefwTffbe much less than has been c allitftfd/aniJ'tH^ reports of the retire- a mum^bt' the directors are erroneous j While it is difficult to fix the blame on ) individual directors, we are of. opinion that there mifsi te fault inj a system under which the irregularities occurred. 3> appears, to us that', ion the piwent' od^^a fv :th)!.Bjin£ will, be well [ atdvia^d -W'iepskWWoia'M c'usfomary and * proper practice of ignoring such rumors and publish the facts which concetn 'the a pubKc in advance of the half-yearly meeting. Thoogh the Bank is a private cor- * poration, it is also a national institution, ? and therefore ought to reassure the , public when uneasiness has been created * by false rumors. l Later despatches lay that the bank officials contioue to maintain silence. It l U itated oin good authority, however, that tbe bank's connection with bad finance is ' principally limited to its transaction^ In . South America and Mexican Companies, whioh have been ventilated in the courts. , The Irregularities aie confined to allowing j favored customers to substitute lobs dealtable securities for those upon which money ( was originally lent. Herbert Spencer, the famous philoso- * pher, lagrowlng'feebler, and hlainvalldiem Is becoming chomio. He tetuined to h(a 1 London home from Brighton a few days , ago, according to a London despatch, but j 1b confined to bis house most of the time, ' aud does but little writing. This malady makes him exceedingly irritable and * eccentric in many way a* His famiy and friends humor him moßl indulgently and ' occasionally he regales them with flashes , of good humor and, wisdom. ' Alderman Robert Tyler, the new Lord ' Mayor of London, was inducted Into office on the 9th with thejusual formalities, Including the customary parade witnessed by tens ef thousand of people. It was notrwell iecelved by the working men, who hissed as the procession passed. At thej banquet In the evening Bad Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty, replied to the toast of the Navy, saying in effect that Government Is determined to develop it and maintain England's supremacy on the ocean. The toast to the Ministry wai responded to by Lord Kimberley, Lord President of the Conncll and secretary for India. He said that foreign relations were friendly at present, bnt Government could not contemplate the armdents of the continent without anxiety. He oongratnlated Ms hearers on the finally established friendship pt Great Britain and America. There is a dark, side to the Indian picture, the Earl said. With regard to silver, he wag convinced that bat for the measure taken by the Government the exchange would have fallen to a shilling. The measures we're necessary. He also alluded to thedistiriot diminution in crime in Ireland since the Government entered office. Mr .Bayard, United States Ambassador, proposed the toast to the late mayor and made a short speech. '""~; v """" " V"' "' ' """;"^ : >

HA remarkably prolific crop of oranges Mexpeoted thU f ear ia the W»lr»rnp»

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Grey River Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 7806, 12 December 1893, Page 2

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ADDITIONAL 'FRISCO MAIL NEWS. Grey River Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 7806, 12 December 1893, Page 2

ADDITIONAL 'FRISCO MAIL NEWS. Grey River Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 7806, 12 December 1893, Page 2