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.„■..-;■ v. BUSINESS .NOTICES. m:- K-GETvRXD-OF PILES! ■■~'■ ANN Treatment 'tjives: immediate .and ~f. permanent.relief.-"SeiidV9d iv staiup'3 for generous sample'.7'I,Zaiin Pty., Box 952K, Wellington. ~. .;'■■..'•. ■.'.'■'■ ..' '-' .--. , HAIR TUEATMKNT. :/ ;. T~VO.N"I spe'utl pounds on: ,'iair treatment. ■*■-' Geta^Ss Gel. Birtuese, If ci bul Hair Root Treatment.. : Used : in■'.. -joiijunction '..-with ifiriiieseSliamyoo, itMvill end'dandruff in 3 d.iyft, stop liuir i'roin failing out, and promote .growth, hair in 30 days. Obtainable from.. .VVV.vSiinley;'"Ltd.,, -E., T; Saiun'dcrs, Ltd.. ;U."Jllv Perrett;''.'.'and' all (-'liemisls. ■■:. , ' . > ; ■'• , i: " '-'".'•'■<"■' ■■-~.: "TROUBLE t'OLIZnVS~KKGLECTED TWINGE OF PAIN.' ' . ." rFHOSE ljttle twinges of rlieiiinatic pain ■■*■ . are warnii^'s. Neglect them arid you may soon snit'er from cemented joints or otlior crippling .disorder. -,'• R.U.R. Rheumatic Remedy'(large size) is sold with a genuine- moiieybad'k guarantee. There is also a new half-treatment size at 4sNFree booklet from. King's- and Perrett'sPharmacies and S.>G. Burns, Petone.- .- BHAKE ..'.off depression! ; '-' \Vhen you're *P ,' ; feeling listless and depressed it's a «;re sign;\vour system : needs, toning up. There's, nothing better for. the purpose than Div- McKeni;ie!s Tonic.'Liver. :Pills. Banish Headaches,-, Constipation;, Indigestion, and., kindred ..ailments.' quickly;.;and surely. All; Chemists ->ntf ; i .HER ECZEJL-il CLEARED AWAYV ' IX7HEN'. Ceptine Salve;:wilr "completely " : remove Eczema (as it.'did for Mrs. J. Williams,:1- Coliege Street, Palmerstou North) it quickly heals cuts,,sores.'burns, septic nails, head rashes, .pimples^. dandruff, etc.: ■' Ceptine;:Sarve-;penetrates\and kills, germs and infection' iri; "next- tot no time;,2s, ; -3s Cd. 6s, from all chemists. -~ E'\ RHEUMATOID , ARTHRITIS!-''' NGLISH wonderful new dis- . .-. ePvery known . as: RU4MARI, ban'snos/all Theumntio conditions- Mr. Hugh YVnipole, famous author (givea: up by London and' New- A'ork /"specialists,as hope-' less), and many other ehrouicv cases'; bedridden, years, permanently cured. -'■ Call for full, particulars of amazing remedy. ' C. H. Perrett, ■'Chemist --".-.-'■■•■.-■'■.:,.;'-" ? ' ; '.'::.■ ■ ■ HOW IS KHEUMATlSliiiciuSEpj JT'S Uric Acid eating-iyourrjoirits tliat'a *- .causing, that stabbing "Rheumatism. Convert .this-. Acid: iritaVa soluble-:bpdy: with Bettle's Pain Powders.,. "J?riee?yourself from pain! -•'. 2d each or: Is packet o£ eight,(B)., :■,■:>■:;.;, -:.. ■/.;;,.;-;;.'.:;,,.■;,':' ■'■ ■'-. ■'■' ■ /.- ',-.;.-., "■'V:'":'V ;■''':'■ i-v*"i■■:,"■■'■." ;' J-y.'"^' ;'; ''•M'isCEli ; llAN^pUsFF:HF:^W^HS : goiy tov-Rotorna?; ;:s'Calidarium"; * ?-■ ■ ;Tiirkish,;;Baths;-.:35- Cubai;Street^ re- .' neves all rheumatic. troubles.?fone's serves. WRING-Elfcßollers ■ RTbuilFby^perti; ;*T,;WeJcc-llocti-'-.Tel-: 52-545.'Nu' Tread; 06 : l-lnrawki Street. [6pp.''T.crriiiniis:Hdfe'l). -' ■PRICE: Wanted;: filling; fo.rsec,timu- about yards; rock' : .oi-:clay^;a>yamutu,St.,, Lower Hiitt.- ',',X';V'.'"; ''"' \V'','\?"-V* :i-!■ v,*"''■'.•< .■ ■' I?RlCl£EAYJsH;;iwauts^qrk, ■:' walls, gar-: ~:-.\: age?,>, chimneys,;, alteratipns,.rcoppers ;■' Jabour;,or^:contract. 'Tel. ,54-095.",., ■■ rr\VO-vSeats Tequired : in : cafPtravellrng' A-; Auckland, JUay,»,; 9, or?1O;; by-- Gents, ;il9i'::Evig;':Post.'*'v' ;:'::'.^v -. :•■ ! :T;' ADIES!.- Do not fail: to: ■■ se:e ■■■ Page-13. :JL N"ewhouse,..UL -Street. ■/- '.'TIDIES! Bo.not. fail to, see Page 13.': r 1-* V AI. Newhouse, J.4l>,Manjiers Street. ! rpKA^VELLEK; = :\vithv,'-.leaving : for- ->■: .*;-; Sbutii, .working all' /townsy., desires Travelling; Companion. .' sS.'Evg. 'Post. TryUtiTURS'; Optical .Prescriptions ;Aceur'*?*.:..."ttely. and.Promptly .Dispensed-^by' P. 'Gv Abbott, Dispensing Optician, ;3rd.iinoor, ;Lgvy Building. -~ '■'--;.;■.■;■■.,;,.--.-■■.:.^. ; ,--'"'-. ',■■'■■: .' r^AK,: going Gisborne,Friday"night,:May; ::"7,- returning Suridavj'room:'4-'Passeu-:gers;: 39'-Evg'. Post.-;:'.■?, :^:i, 'V-'■;".'\' ■•»:" :' ripRONATION. ■•Brides.!;;..'YoursWeddin* V^: Party will be a bigger success if.held in ";tli4"! Jlaylair Cabaret;-:for ffull' par- : cictilarei'j'Hng :51-77().?'' - : ■;';-"'.'-■•-. ■?*?>.■?■';■?■<'■■ MRS- COLLINS,; aO'Manne.rS'StreeJ,; fof ..,. ■'• &flrytjiing ,;;iiv.':','Cluldren's.! ; Woollen .ji'n'd Silk: Sets, Fi'ocks/^RmppWs.f'lnfants' Putfits'J 'etc'.iModerate*''p'i'ices.,''*''':;' ' -' ■T.TP'HOLSTERJN^;..SpecMst^Cl^ster-. ; .M ;;: field :Suites Re-'coyered 'and Repaired. T.:C: Sloan, :39"Lo\v-er;'Cuba'.Streef.,Tel, 40-837. . '.'-'..-,-•■;. ..■-■'-: ,''. 51, X::,;': ■■ ') ..' ."VTUESES' and -.Waitresses' Aprons, C.ap«< '•*■!..■ Belts,' .Overalls,'! to,.order.. jMrs.:: Collins",- ptf. Manners Street./(next, Scott's Tea« rooms). '-. ■';'■■'-. ';.'•. '.'•.■i'-'-.\A:.-::'}-<■'•■[■-■■■■'■■ : - DENTAL "<t\vp hours;', price* . from 3s: fldj;r, with best -materials. Cooper's. Bldgs v ■ opp.'- -' "Evening' Post,'': entra'nce-Mereer Street/■y;,.v:; -.';.:: .-■■' ■UE3ISTITCttING,-OVerlpckinr,-press. -*--*- making; your last, "summer's coat, costume, ' frock, .mades'like.1 new; 5 renovatioos. . Sirs';': Collins, '.00 ; Maniiers \Street.. WINCY. Infants' Plunket- Qutfits/'from .. ~ -v'34s- ve(J; 'also :Clydella> and;f yyelia;! Legginettes,: Overalls, . Jersey; anH-Pants, Miss Hitcliings,94 Courteriay: Placed : ■ DISI'LA V .Dressing. Go'wps, fromjlfe- 6d;| :Vyincy: Nights, from;-29,11d;: 'special« ists in"'"Blouses: ■■•: Miss -.Hitcliings; "94: Co'ur« . tenay Place; -: y .^;--r :-:.'■■ rh-'( ■'■■■.'.?-.■. .-.;.' i . DENTAL-.- Repairs ~.Teeth-- vperfectly; . 'matched;, 'keenest prices, t.' Rapid Dental Repair Service, 15 Manners Street. rel.: 47-562. ' Est. - 1925.'■■:". \ :- ":P:-? '>-; -.' I^LEpTRIC Massage, the'best;, tonic for ; *-'- 'weakness, . convalescence,;. rtin-down1 :onditiori. J^ W.-.M.. :HarrisOn,: (Certifl:ated), .7, Cpnrteiiay. -Place'; (Masseuse M lttendancp -for/Ladies).;- ': .'-••y"--. .■;':' i"-.'. . VTEEDLKWtJRK' Lessons,-'- Elementary; *■' . and Advanced. -jArt Craftwork Studio, 132 Willis Street, .1 door[from-St.- Geoi'ge. R~TTPAIRS. 2 hours, from: 3s :Cd,.2 hours' .visit to make"Set.Teeth.'-Ei'Oat,- opp. ■);-I.C ■'--. ■-~''-;'•-■::■: : :--;:- ' -''-'A vvo >■•-''}. ■': &OOD Printing , deserves; ;-Good:-.Block". The "Evening Post" PWhting-'-Wprks :an ' supply-.both. , ':;:Tcl. 44-040 '■ vtor'.youv -'. -' : .-.;.:.' - r~"HE True ~Spirit—"Golden '.Grain,'' :■ guaranteed ,100": per - 'cent;-': Scotch;' [uarts 12s, pints 6s 9d,...The. bouse.wliisky if the Grand .Hotel.,' ' i .''.L'■'.'■ '".'■ ■■■':'-" ■' i|.;», you ■grey,'... We- recommend .Van- . U'l-uy; hundreds of delighted users; \ ;rbws natural 'backp 5s (3d. t. Per-: e':'s..-.,--.-'. : ;.-, -'--'■"=. ;:■■: ■ ■■".--■ ::: '• ;:.-' .- -■■'-■■ LXTEAR Smart Clothes,, buy them.on -easy, "X terms from..Heimann's.;: Only address:; 3n.Cmirtenay Place. •■ -.- -- -■.::.-'A:, ■, -.'--- '■-.■ "^OOD Port is an essential part. of-'New _ ■' 'Year fare.' "Gladiator" is the best loney can buy.'-' Qrts's9. ipta..2s 9d. G.raui Intel . -*'-;::':.' -^- ■:.■..--:-■ v-^;. ■ :- _. [ OOK Smart; buy your /Suit: from Uei-L-f manna on easy/terms.;" Only addre£9< 'Place.' :") V':^"- r :" . COSTUMES, Coats, for;,the. hbljday; you J • can get : yours: On easy .terms-..frora Ipimnnn's,'" 13n: Crinrteiiay. J'lace.'y:::;% LTRS. DIAMOND, 0f,153 Willis Street,"•much appreciates,Jewish scommunity■ npport. ':Fresli--supplies;:6f:::clishcs.::and. ewish'', tTplinateas'en.' : ;;■;■■■-,:'■; ■;■. " ATEST Knitwears-Suits and .Cai-diiians, : -1 all' sizes, specialists in, putsizes. Keen; : rices at Morgan's. M Dixon Street. ~ X)M Eto B eiiii'ahn's ;for' Smart. Clothe* J :■■ on easy ,ferms.i :iPply..; address, 13ai niirtenay Place., - y.*vX- ':-":■"':■;' .* ' : '. : ET the Grand . Hotel:, rome ■; Supply. rf;- Store fulfill your requirements. Btocfci te every \vorth-ivhile-brand of ,Wme« nd, .Spirits. :. v >''.:: '■:' i i -'^> J'-''-'^^r-' . 1U ITS Ulazers, Sports Coats, Shoes, on.' 5 - easy terms; large stocks f to-choosa ■0m...; Heimnnn's. -,l3ai,Courtenay Place.; , HHIS Week's ' Special—New ...Season's ■ L Tweeds, sein-.wide.-brownvfwine^save, - avy,: riseda,Msr.Ud;.yard.:,:::Mprgan s. 51 ijxon -.-Street:-.', i;■' - -•''.-': iv. ' -r-"^'-- ■- ■■'•■• ■:... -: >RANDIWINE radiates'hap'piriess;'His, , J ideal beverage, quarts? 55,-hakes-35,-- , olely ;at:the' Grand,Jdotel, Hijme: Supply tnre; ' •■' -.-■,■:,;■■ ;,s;.'---:- ■■■::;■,■ . <-»»v.-:.::-■.»*:::,■-:- _ ' EARN^Hairdressingi:and;ißeauty;;'CiiV : A - turevTuition.guaranteed. Jay a, ,«;';<■- fnirriressing Collegei :2p.Wilirs.Street: leL : ; i-589. ■'-■■■'-- .■■- -■' -: .''■■■■'-'^"^■-■■'- •'■'' '.•'■'■.'■:■■'■■-? . >3 3s SET- Gold cPin. Teeth,;^vifh,3n,;V ' years reliability behind them.;1 Fitweli, .-, ok and wear well;- American ...Dental.-.1*,; . "illis Street. • oneMiour. .;-_;. M-1K Grand.Hotel stdeks'. finest selection -~.; - of Wines and .-.Spirits.- .-,<:Free^l&--. : ,, rery, to any partof. City: - Teli-41-C2-J. ; -::. i OOIJ Printing deserves, 'Good . Hlot'Ks, >: T' Tlie"'Evening.:PnFt>;,'Printinß Works. .-; n supply : both; ;'Tel;" 44-040 ■'■ for_,ypuc .■; ixt.quotation. : ■: ■'.. :'-::,:-'..-:—;,;..; k yUAKT Hottle ot Golden ; :Grain:,i * Whisky Is an ideal gift" for, the New : ear .Qiinrts: 12s. pints-6s :9d. 'Sojels :' Grand Hotel. .->:■;-'■/■:.-;"■'■■'•;.;■!■- ■'V 1 ■■;■ \ 'ELEPHONK.44-040, for Sfuotations tot Catalogues,-Invitations,1 Business Stan .; inery etc. and : Line BlocW ■'-.': )de at shortest noticev The /'EveniD< . : ist"- Printing Workav ■*■" ,'/[; "■ ■" '";; :':'^ ■■.. ■

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 102, 1 May 1937, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 102, 1 May 1937, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 102, 1 May 1937, Page 6