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REGENT THEATRE. In "Plunder," showing at ■ the Besent Theatre/the pace v a "cracker" from the time Freddie Malone (Tom Walls). » - *"**? society thief, takes the artless D Arcy Tuck- (Balpb Ljnco) ...into^ j'«'«^; willi Him to relieve Mrs. Hewlett- (Mary Brough) of her ill-gotten jewels. V Arc} i s fla";----ceo (Winifred Shatter) has been depr hen of her Inheritance;- by old Airs. UeMlell, and this settles any 'qualms which D.'iwßW otherwise .have had of becoming, suddenly dishonest. Nevertheless, he Is anything but.Uie "dear thief, and Freddie has many a trying moment, and the audience many a Bale <* laughter, before the old lady's regalia is -removed. Avouch of what• ought to-be■ tragedy comes with the death of the prying Undo Simon," but so quick is the action and solndependeut the theme of anything in the nay of normal, honest behaviour that the deceased gentleman is hardly missed. But the evil that he did by blackmail lives after him. and lands the two confederates at Scotland Yard—uu inimitable scene, rich in sheer foolery and delightfully aggravating nonsense on the part, or the inconsequent Tuclt, who alternately reveals and conceals the high lights of the crime to' the discomfiture of the officials and the varying consternation and approval of his friend. .--■■-■ •■ : -■■■■ MAJESTIC THEATRE.: • .. "A Tart Time-. Wife", will finish; with...tonight's screening:at the.Slaljestic Theatre. -. •Claudette Colbert will be seen at the Majestic Theatro" to-morrOw. lnv a feature comedy-drama of modern life'entitled "A Young Man of' Manhattan," In which ehc wjll be supported by. such well-known people as Norman Foster. Ginger Itcgers. Charles', Leslie. Austin. Dudley Hawlev and tlie Four Aalbu Sisters. The-play Is an adaptation of the well-known book of the same title by Katlierlne. Brush. It Is a story of a "mail! and "woman, both clever sporting writers, "cduneck-d "with big' daily papers, who marry and settle down, but while the lady is: a hard worker the able husband is cursed with the.sin. of sloth and "also has a fondness for alcohol which ends in separation from his wife. Every word of the really'clever dialogue is said to rlnsi true to life, and the play Is regarded as being something far "above tlio' average. There are in n many "flashes of various sports and many laugh-ter-provoking episodes. The first part of Uie programme will consist of special raramount fcaturettes and ■an -.interesting news reel. The usual late shoppers' session will commence morrow at five o'clock and finish-at 7 p.m. Bos plans arc at The Bristol and also at the theatre. DE LUXE THEATRE. "A notorious Affair" and "Top Speed" willbe shown . finally, at the De Luxe Theatre toDlOn'e of the most engrossing pages of Western history will be. presented In "talkie" form .at-the De Luxe Theatre to-morrow In Billy we M, a-. spectacular Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer _ «U-taU>b«----production. King Vldor's splendid P«sentationrot the-twenty-one-year-old character who became the-"most* dangerous maii_of the west during the eighties is both:good.drama, and.'a erearlesson for youngsters 'of the present day. No one who sees tte bravery of WiUlamßonney, but his steadily losing -fight against the.Jaw, could, help but be. tapreraed^by the. picture thii story presents of one who lived at Ihe wrong time. John Mack Brown-does * toe iob a«; Billy,, and Wallace Beery; is excellent as Sheriff Pat Garrett. Kay Johnson, of 'Dynamite" and Passison Flower" renown, is ; responsible for an excellent portrayal.of. Claire, Karl Dane and Russell Simpson head a_ very substantial cast which numbers some hundreds Box plans, are available-at- The -Bristol-and the theatre. . . '.'■ PARAMOUNT THEATRE. "The Cohens andikellys In Africa" will Be shown finally at the Paramount. Theatre ■'"""Officer O'Erlen.r starring William- Boyd, and featurinc Ernest Torrence and Dorothy Sebastian opens at ■ the Paramount Theatre to-mor-row together with a" supporting programme of special Pathe,short subjects. Box plans at Bristol and theatre. The/. opinion- was generally voiced that "Officer' O-Brien" Is/one of thedasßlest. pictures produced this season. The story was acclaimed as appealing and convincing, while the settings and scenes .were hailed as beautiful and gripping.. For tense drama the trial scene, when a witness Is mysteriously murdered, and the. climax, when the' hereof the story faces-one of the strongest situations ever conceived, are said to: be sure to Impress theatre audiences as being exquisitely One. KING'S THEATRE. "Men of the North" will be shown ths. Klnn's-Theatre-tOrnlght. . ...._ ... "The Lady of Scandal'Vwill ; be screened^at the King's Theatre on' Friday. It la the story of a London actress who-become^ ensued to thn son of a peer, and Is taken Into uign iodrtTtd be* Educated." "stead, she Vedu, cates" high society, in a series; or W"10"* comedy incidents, and then suddenly f^es an Intensely dramatic problem, "hen: torn between love and duty. Light comedy .and drama are iald to be woven together skilfully, and as on the stage, the film drama Is a powerful Vehicle ,for an actress., . . , ~s ' EMPIBE- THEATRE. ISLAND ,BWf rO'i: The main attraction at the Empire Theatre Island Bay, is-"His First Command, .-starring William- ■ Boyd. The story concerns a. .rich mfil son 4o joins;the order to be neat a-girl: with WttOtn. he has gallon,ln .love The way'the-boy'overcomes difficulties makes ™nrUUng and laughable ■production. ■ TOe second picture, "Her Private Affair." starring Ann .ofthe crime her troubles Increase. ... OUEEN'S THEATRE. ..',_. ■"Tiger Bose- will be ' shown 'finally at the Q^n^ R^ct,-ii!irVGOldwyn-J! ayerV alltalklne adaptation of- the successful Edward She^n stage play; wblclropens a return.. Bason at the Queen's Theatre to-morrow night Greta Garbo is seen and heard as the alhirlng foreign opera, star whose romance with adg fcc'T Sr^ra-^an^^S; Comont, Henry Armetta,- Elliott Nugent, and Countess Nina de Liguoro. . .'REGAL THEATRE, KARORI. The Foreign Legion ..plays a big jjarl/ in "Women- Everywhere," which w 1 screen at the Regal.Theatre, Karori, to-night. J. Harold Murray plays -.Hie part or a ""W"™"' who accepts a cargo of guns for the Arabs. He,ls captured by the French,.escapes from prison, and is .saved from death, by^ a singer (Fifl Dorsay). and serves on the desert ..wiin the Foreign Legion, and becomes a hero.-re-toning to marry the girl. Excellent supports will be shown.'.' .■ ■ • SHORfT'S THEATRE. ■ Pararaount's picture, "The Dummy," shoivln" at Short's Theatre, replete «ltu clean humour and tense, thrilling W The picture has an Imposing cast of■ Pl«crsall of VFhom have wou,renown on the-legUlniaw stage or before the movie tM^WCW; terton is in the feminine lead. The *therfea ture- on the programme f'^'f,..^ r Bo^ teSTne Wln?an Gn eer rgin 1 BaScSft'mtfe fists with manners provides the basic.stuff for CAPITOL THEATRE, MIRAMAR. ..Betty Compson,- Lowell; Sherman, Raymond showing at the Capitol to-night.- Speciarsußports include > news reel a revue and^a Harry Langdon comedy. KInB of n JKiav A Sen^Se^rr S ive^U chlW who purchases a sixpenny adro.sMon ticket on Saturday afternoon. OUR THEATRE. NEWTOWN S - The createst story of the Mississiimi River ever written. "Cameo Kirby," is be us shown at Our Theatre tonight. 3. Harold Murray and Normnn Terries are co-starred. . It tells of the colourful love affair between a ■ river b o at"gambler and the aristocratic daughter of ji wealthy Louisiana planter. There are ex -sound-supports. .--■ ' '. •. . !'■ BRITANNIA THEATRE. ' "Kast. is West" shows flpally at the Britannia Theatre to-night. •. : ■"■'•■■■ ;; . _ "Animal Crackers;" the new Paramount production, wliich stars, the four funniest men in fllmdom, The, Marx Brothers, wtf be screeneU at the.Britannia TUcatre to-morrow. The Australian' kangaroo gets pndo of place in the picture. SEASIDE PICTURES', LYALL BAY. ■ William Halnes, well known: for/his„ comedy roles, will be seen In "Way Out-West" at the Seaside Pictures; Lyall-.Bay,,. to-nlgut. Halnes serves as a'target for the jokes "Of a group or cowboys who Ire! repaying . him for trlcWng him at roulette.' Riotous results^ollow^.upon their, attempts to teach the "dude "the various tricks of the cowpuncher trade.^ The- supporting .pro K ramme,consists of .a Metrotone News, travelogue, cartdon. and comedy.- •O'l-'°"K day the excellent British attraction, Entet Sir Join" will be -screened. This isa .mjsterj story-Mid to be noted for: Its.perfect English dialogue.-. •■ reservedly telephone or at the theatre. ■.- . ; ARTCRAFT THEATRE; "The Desert Song," a complete screen operetta, with music, songs, choruses, JJ an?es, dialogue, is showing at the Artcraft Theatre. It is a novelty, but an enchanting one, and points the way to still greater triumphs for talking and singing pictures—the production-ot entire grand operas upon the screen. -me beautiful voices of John Boles and Carlotta , King are • heard, assisted by a huge chorus ot KtLBIRNIE KINEMA. "Hell's Angels" Is showing at the Kllbirnle Kincma. Major C. C. Moseley, formerly of the First Pursuit Group, A.E.F., now vice-presi-dent of the Curtis Flying Service, is one or many ex-war aces who has voluntarily gone on record In high praise of the authenticity of the film. "Hell's Angels" actually shows things as they were at the front during the war, declared Major Moseley. A'TJniversal talkln? news will support the feature. Reserve at theatre ana Bristol.

ST. JAMES.THEATRE. . "The Benson Murder Caso" closes ■ its season at the St, Jarae3 Theatre to-night.-Claimed to be the finest feature produced by tbJ Fox organisation, "Just Imagine" will bo screened at the St. James Theatre for the.first time in New Zealand to-morrow morning. It comes with a great reputation from England and America. The authors-of'the favourite screen play. "Sunny Side Up.", wrote Uie clever story, and they are credited with achievlm; something in the shape or novelty that.outrlvnis all previous achievements since the. ad? i vent of "Talkies." It deals with "The world In 1080—Fifty years hence" in ail imaginative rashion that 'the "New York World" considered to bo worthy of the famous French author, Jules Verne. The background's of the picture are described as "amazing—no . less,", and the cost of producing these upon the complete scale disclosed in the play is said to be over two millions of idollars. "Just Imagine", is classed as "a ■ comedy-drama," tho action-.of which takes place in two worlds—at New' York ..and on'tho planet''Marsi but audiences In America regard It as satirical comedy pure and "simple,, and of the very highest order,.for,.from: first to last the entertainment Is punctuated wilh roars of unrestrained laughter. . The popular comedian. Ei Brehdef, si-ores a triumph In the character of a :Sw'ed'e who Is bfouglit: back, to life by science and- lurjied loose, on .a- world that Is very diffcrenl from the one. he left 50 ccrned In the production.- Box, plans are at The Bristol./ ■:• . ~-■.".■ :." . . i: "HOUSE: THAT. JACK BUILT." .;.-. The decision of Messrs. J. C. Williamson to extend . the . WelllnEton seasdu :of tbelr; happy pantomime till. Saturday -night and to' present an. additional matinee on Saturday afternoon is welcome; ,for the show -is art excellent one 4nd: the more enjoyable as It Is .nowadays a long; way between stage.. entertainments. ...Asever with pantomimes, the: story Is merely;n foundation for the buildinglup of a', series of brilliant scenes helped . along, by music, aud daiicing. Jini Gerald, who plajs Dame Earleycorn, adds to his popularity,-and. with ■ him as assistant laugbter-makers are Phil .Smith and Roy Rene. Amy Rocbelle'l's a very dashing prlndpalboy, Nell Taylor is the-princess, and Edna Moncrleff and Mona Zeppel are the leading danseuse. ■ The specialty turns of the Fallow Twins are splendid. Everyone . will enjoy, the. .pantomime. ......;_■'. •.-..;-.: NEW PBINCESS THEATRE. - •Tor-the-. Defence,') starring William .I'owell, Is 'b'pitvr shown at the New .Princess Theatre. Amons the excellent supports is.'the new -aulalkie serial. "The Spell ot the Circus. ~ : MEW QUALITY THEATRE. ISLAND BAYVs. The final, presentation of "Big Time" and "Seven Faces" vwill take place at the iNew Quality Theatre to-night. The complete: change for to-morrow Is'headed by' William Powell, in "For the Defence." "He registers a p»«n«;t success as the attorney.. The new, .talkie Installation is . giving great satisfaction. Moderate prices are charged for admission. ,

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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 66, 19 March 1931, Page 5

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ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 66, 19 March 1931, Page 5

ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 66, 19 March 1931, Page 5