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SYIXXWV, Will April. Arrived— Viotorln (10.50 a.m.), from Aiinkland. OSKHIMWJA, Mill Ai>ril. Smlpa — I'oiißiini (1.25 p.m.). for Now l'lymoiitlt. l'nssNiKers ; Sutonn— Misses Cnirn'o, Ciddiok, Rule, Moidmni>s nuelinnan, MonUc, Nultiiiß nml two oliililrcii, Dell, .ludifi- Da.\\ . Mciurs. Uroiinalmii, THibh, lUniloison, Potter, - iHuoklinK, Sently, M'oodrofrc, Vonkecscnbcre, jMeuOc, und Fltxgcrnld. IH.ENHKIM, 14th April. Salled-Opnwa (11.55 n.m.), for Wellington. BAST Oal'E, 14th April, tlauplri pnssnd south nt 7.45 a.m. The Chief Health Officer (Dr. Mason), who hus been on a business visit, to Auckland, returned to Wellington last night. The annual meeting of the V.M.C.A. Hockey Club was held at the looms on Tuesday last. Tho report and balancesheet wej-o adopted. The election of ofllccrs resulted. a« follows : —President, Mr. G, A. Troup ; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. J. IL Barker, C. E. Dowland,, W. 11. George, U. N. Holmes, H. N. APLeod, and P. Thompson ; Senior Captain, Mr. L. 0. Parson j Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. G. Fossette; Senior Selection Committee, Messrs. Parson, Brittain, and Wickett ; Association Delegate, Mr. L. C. Parton ; General Cominitt«c, Senior and Junior Captains and {Secretary. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. if. Pcarn, lato captain, for his services; also lo Mr. M'Lcod, for assistance, rendered. It whs decided to enter for junior and thinl-clasH championships. The club will pay a visit to PnJnaurston North at Easter to play a match versus Palmerston Y.M.U.A. Tlw new postal and telegraph office** for To Aro, which will bo nituated in Ohuzuec-stroct, ■ just oIF Cuba-street, are to be opened for the transaction of business from Tuesday,' tho 25th inst. Tlhj hours will he 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., nnd 7 to 8 p.m. for telegraph huttiuew only. For mouey-ordbr and savings-b^nk business the hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., ■ except on Saturdays, when the office will ■re-open from 7 to 8 p.m. for savingn bank dcposiU only. Tho otllce will be closed on Sunday.*, but the private boxes will be available. Correspondence will be placed ,in Iho private boxen by 8 a.m. Tho last mail of tho day will bo forwurdwl from "tho Clirof Post Ottlco for Te Aro at 7.30 p.m., and correspondence placed in private boxjwi by 8 p.m. Tho posting-box will bu cleared at midnight, 8 a.m., 9, mid every two hours thereafter up to 5 p.m., ami tho <lny'» linal clearances will bo 6 p.m. and 7.45 p.m. Mmls will ■ lie daipntcued from the Chief Post Office to Te Aro »t 7.30 a.m., 8.45 a.m., and every two hours thereafter up to 4.45 p.m. The mombors of the Hutt and Petonc Borough Couifuila held a conference at tho Hutt last night in committee, on the subject of drainago of tho hill creoka along the Huttroud. Tho report supplied to the Petune Council by Its Engineer, .showing alternative schemes, was gone into. It was decided that Mr. Cook, Pobone Borough Engineer, should go into the matter with .Mr. Meaaon, Hutt Drainago Wngwyor, nnd matter* will come up for discussion nt the meeting of tho Hutt ratepayers next Mondny evening, when the Hutt main drainage proposnls will be considered. An interesting contribution to the perpetual controversy regarding the propriety ■of yielding to athletics tho homage wind* it receives to-day in the academic grovwi of learning appears in tho hlmpc of a letter to tho Christen urch Press from Professor ' Blunt, who occupies tlio Chair of Modern Languages, at Canterbury College. Tho Professor's letter runs m follows:— "In this morning* Press you quote Professor Disvid, of Sydney University, m follows : ' Outdoor sports fortunately saved somo of us, but oven at tho University the luliourors in tho athletic field wen; few ; and us a l-osult there wuh ovorstrain of tho nervous system, ami that tired feeling which required a stimulant •for its removal.' In January, 1904, I heard Professor David in his presidential address to the Australasian iScience Con-igress-enlargoMipon tho disastrous effects of modern athletics, at tlio Universities and elsewhere, to the delight of many obvi--ousry unexcrcisod savants. Can it bo tJint Professor David has executed a complete ' volte-face- in ono Rhort year 1 Are his present viows those of Potsr sober n« against those of Poter not in thut condition, or are wo merely confronted with yet another uf tho graceful vagaries of modem •science?" in tho course, of an article on the skill which Canada has devoted to advertising H.self, a writer in the Lyttelton Times describes the Canadian exhibit at ithoiSt. Louis Fair. "The fwituvo of a wellarranged interior," ho says, "was a roof containing half-a-dozen iinniciiKC oil paintings, miiged in a half circle, to resemble •la panoramic scries. They were supposed to rcprvactit farming in the Canadian ■Weal. No. 1 showed a lusty looking pioneer, with his one-roomed shanty, lackling tho monotonous, desert-looking • prairie. New. 2, 3, 4, and 5 repioscnted womesteudft in various stages of advancement *, whilst No. 6, reached by gradual "evolution, gave a picture of prosperity 'that would turn even a New Zealand i 'cockutoo' green with envy. The pointings - worn capitally executed, and beautifully illuminated by shaded elect ie lights. If they were nut perfect Irom an artistic , >point of view, at any mto, thore uiia nrv slack of colour. You could sco the 'golden , drooping with iv own weight; cat •tic. fat as pign, fairly levelling iv thu joyous sunshino of a lich land, and a niaiiMioii-like honuvMtcad. mu rounded by orchards filled with fruit. It was n piclure that talked. It kept the farmer spellbound. He could hear tho Wish, n\vish' of the renper. the litinimiiiK of the llnesliing iiuiohtue, tho rippling of the lit t K* stream, w) cleverly depicted on the canvas; he evou wont further, and, Tolling lys thoughts follow their natuiul bent, could hear the clinking of the silver dollms such iv glorious harvest must bring in. II ij looked, and looked again, contrasted the picluie with hi« own pioaaic surroundingM, and an irresistible longing : came over him, a longing to go out West, to 'the last" " The latest advertising novelty issued by Messrs. .1. Nathan and Co. in the intercuts of the "Delluiire" biand of hut4er and dried' milk is a calendar, which can bt! \ used for a period of twenty one yours. The t •mall, lound, light metal due in a distinct--novels

In reply to a message of hyinpathy sent Ihiough Int. Kxeelliwy the* (Ji)»prnor on hehiilf of ihu uolnny in conncrtion with Uio leient dtsiwtrxms earthquake, the following (viblo meftsago hat) been received from tho Vicoioy, laiixl Ctirzou :—": — " I am most grateful lo you, your Minwd^is, ami our follow MibjcrtM in New Zealand for their kind in<? of sympathy in our,ter." A verdict (if "Found Drowned" \vt\s returned at. the Coroner's inquobl to-day on the body of l);iviil Flynn, lalmuror, which wiiH recovered from 'the harbour .i« reported ymtorday. Deceased was lnHt Reon early this month, (.'orrespondence bdch to indicate ho liail a wife, in San Fnuicibco, with whom the police will conununt«ite. An inquest, was held this afternoon, before the Coroner (Mr. Jauuw Asheroft j, on tho body of John William Murphy, 1 »ged 53 yours, killed by a fall of wirth in his own brick-kiln in Tnranaki-srrort, in fircuinstariccK reported yesterday. l)t. Herbert deposed that deceased wim ileud on his arrival. Uo attributed death to the injuries to the head and to shock. William Augustus Sievers, bricklayer, doposod that deceased was removing mippoit« on which rested about three tons of clay earth, the earth having buon used as packing to enable a new dome lo bo put on a pipe kiln. Witness and William Redden were auninting deceased. Deemed was in tho kiln under the packing Witness and Redden were ut the 4oor. The supporting uprights consisted of seven, some of them being l°-in carthwarc pipes, and some being coment barrels. Witness remonstrated with deceased nit to tho. wny in which ho was removing those supports or puck> ings, and deceased replied that he would vlake his life on the pipo-pnckhigs. Deceased had Uikon away two lots of the packings (cement barrels), when the load suddenly came down on him. Apparently when the extra weight came on it, tho centre pipe-packing weut back. It took a quarter of nu hour oi twenty minutes to removo tho body. Win. .Redden gave corroborative evidence. He had advised deceased to shovel dowri some of tho earth before continuing to remove the packings, but deceased would tiot bo interfered with — was a man who would always have his own May. Tho proper way wns first to removo the top weight. Deceased wished to hurry the work, he hud so mnny orders. Deceased's son deposed that' he considered tho fatality accidental. A verdict of accidental death, in accordance with the »ridence, was returned. At Fitzgerald's Point, Oriental Bay, there in a triangular piece of ground which is labelled a park on the City Council plans. Stunted trees and blighted shrubs disfigure one comer, tho other is bare of vegetation, and relieved only by the. glint of empty jam tins. A movement to havo the plaws planted in Jlowore was made last year, but no success followed, and tho plai-e is further disfigured by tho presence of derelicts who sleep off their potations in the park, and make it an unfit place for children to frequent. Tho roadway bordering the park is a much congested s|>ot since the oluctric tramways were installed, und only careful driving by the motormen has averted accidents. For betterment of theso conditions tho City Council has decidod to oxl«nd tins nJadwoy through the park, while maintaining tho ! present routo also — a procedure that will I minimise risk of accidents, add to vontl passenger facilities, and do away with a state of things that has lately becomo nn eyesore to resident* of the vicinity. Tho Karori Hockey Olub will open the* j season with a toumsment at Kaiori toj morrow. Mr. C. A. D. Hawkins has resigned I from hi* position as (Sovcranient Hemp (Inulcr. The Mission being conducted In Wesley Oiukli, Tarannki-streot, l\y Dr. | Torr, of Aridnidc, continues to Ik 1 well attended. Dr. Torr's subject last night wiis Ood's rescue work, his text ! boing, "Ho brought mo up also out of j a ho»riblo pit, out of the miry clay, and sei my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." Sin, in its many ((inns, was nhvays n pit, nnd hid m»n from Clod, <oul wns as elm ins binding men down. Wo should mako the licit of lifo, have a definite purpose in life, something or someone to work for. Tho mission will be continued this evening, when Dr. Torr will address a meeting for men only. A swindle perpetrated on tho confiding ' section of the Auckland community us far back at 1895 has (says the Auckland Star) recently been oxpo»cd. A top-h«JUcd and frock-coated foreigner with extensive, powers of pomuosion induced a, number of people, niiwtly of tho artisan class, to invest £1 in a ' 4 Tontine G<*ollß,c!iaft," organised, so ho sijid, at Fraucnlob, Magdeburg, (formuny, the assets of which wereto be divided every five youru, the Jiret distribution being in January, 1000. Aboutthat dat« " members " of the tontine began lo m:»ke I'Mjuiriea as to their share of th'j profits, but repeated applications brought no response Iwyond a return of the 1611011). Tho tontine had no existence outside the fertile brain of tho foreigner, tho membership tickets had been printed here, and wiUi tho proceeds the alleged agent skipped, having five yoars' start of his dupes. Thero is a German proverb to the effect that tho supply of fools neverfails, and this was apparently Uie oxperionce of tho inventive foreignor, who is [ probably now working the same swindle in other lands. A snlo of unclaimed dogs will bo hold I | at tho Corporation yards to-morrow, at 3 o'olook. Messrs. Sitloy, Merch and Co. advortiso galo of furniluro and _ good* of all descriptions to bo hold in their rooms tomorrow, commencing at 1.30 p.m., without roHorve. Messrs. E. I'onrco and Co. invito inspection of their selection of opening bliocs. I Miss Bsjrbnra Putnam,- tonclior of dancing, calisthenics, and deportmont, announces that hlio will resume lowons after tho Easter holidays. Classim will bo hold in tho Kont-torraco Hall on Saturday afternoons, and ut tho Knrori Hall oi\ Wednesday afternoons. Other particulars aro advertised. A salo of damaged wiro nails and axehandhw, ex s.h. Lnngton Gringo, will bo hold by Messrs. if. 11. Betlmno and Co. at O shed, Queon'-s Wharf, at noon on Monday. Tho goods will bo! sold iv lots to suit buyers. In our advertising columns tho Wollington Auctioneering Company call altontioujj lo a realising «alo of Amoricau hootx .mil it largo quantity of mixed jewellery, watched, opera glnsaen, etc. Theso «'ompriso tho Block and samples of an indont j agent nnd importer who i* giving up busiI hops nnd returning to England. Tho 8.1. Duchess will run speoiul nxcnr sioiiH lo Day's Hny to-morrow morning nnd nftrrnoou nt tho usunl hour*. Full timulublo u|)iu<ar» in another column. Mr. W. F. Shortt, will hold «. «alo of drapery nnd groceries nt his mart, to-mor-row, at 2 o'clock. Mr. A. Lindsay, of "Tha Great Hoot l'.inporium," Lamnton-quay ami CubaHticot ndvrrtiso special pricoß for tho l-'iastev holidays. A «j>ecial nhow will bo nirulo to-night iv his now windows, CubaBtrcol. , Mowrp. Lnnry and Co. wij sell by auction nt thoir rooms, next Monday, 140 kogw aborted nails ; nlso a numlicr casCs corrugated iron. Mr. Jon E. Lindberg, "tho cheap drapur," Culift-fltroot, announeog special Easter prices, with stamps or discount, for tomorrow. Tim Now Zealand Express Company linn an announcement lo complices that wUI ro£|y H Aerui»U

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 88, 14 April 1905, Page 6

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BY TELEGRAPH. Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 88, 14 April 1905, Page 6

BY TELEGRAPH. Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 88, 14 April 1905, Page 6