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LETTERS REPORTING CURBS IN CASES UE GRAVEL AND STONE. From Mr. G. IT. Robinson. Harbour View, Watson's Bay, N.S.W., 29th Soptentbw, 1903. "I h«,ye much pleasure in testifying us to the value of vViuner'a Safe Uure, as gradually, and without pain, it removed a stone from my kidnoys which hud boen accumulating for years." From Mr, Ernest Otto Bockmaun, Prince of Wale« Hotel, Qeorgo Street, Moouta, S.A., 27th November, 1903. "Nine years ago I wns nftlicled with what tke doctors called calculus, or gravel in the kidnoys. I suffered excruciating {lam, ;tnd could obtain no permanent 10tef from the medicines 1 took. Tho doctora could do nothing to benefit mo, tmd I was nearly in despair when a friend adriscd me to toy Warner's Safo Curo. Knowing that thnt medicine Mas highly rucomuicndod for kidney, liver, and bladder diseases, 1 commenced taking it, also Warner'B Safe Pills in conjunction. Wa-r-nivr's Safe Cure seemed to act immediately on the kidneys, releasing from them a, liLrgg quantity* of gravel which passed off hi my water and me great relief. My urtn» soon became clenr from all suoh dopostts, und as I have had no trouble since that time, I consider mv««!lf effectually cured. lam now in tho enjoyment of good health." From Mr. A. Spiers, 98 Morehfad Street, R«dfcrh, N.S.W., 10th February, 1904. "About six years ago I was a great Biufferer from gravel and kidney trouble. My doctors said I had Bright s Disease of the kidneys. My sight, too, became very impaired. I tried Turkish baths *pd many otker remedies without obtaining relief. I wt»* in misery for at least 18 months, when n. friend adrised. mo to give Warner's Safe Curo a tsri«4. I did so, taking also Warner's Safe Pills, and in nine weeks I was a new man. I attribute my recovery solely to Warner's medicfties as I have nob suffered in uny wsg since." Frott Mr. John F. Kennedy, Argyle Street, Farramattw, N.S.W., 22nd September, 1903. 'ISome years ago I was attacked by great pains in the kidneys and bladder, accompanied by spelling in tho groin. The pain waa so severe that, even when lying in bed, I could scarcely bear it, whilst to walk across ' tho room was agony. I whs treated by doctors off and on for five years, nnd at hut they told me tiuU> it was no use giving me any moro raed-ic+ne, but bo take care of my< neK ftod take pleht-y of nourishment;. I was l*idi up feeling very bad when I {happened to read on« of. your pamphlets, I sent for some Warner's Safe Cure nnd continued taking it for three months. After taking throe or four bottles, it brought gnvr«l in great qmvutitiea from me, and I vrsa soon able to got up and walk about after three months on my back. I fliu well known in Parramatta, and people were surprised to sco the Troy I kod improved after taking Warner's Saf* Cure. I went to the chemist from wkom I bought tho medicine and when I showed him the gravel it had brought froat my system, he said it was marvellous." From Mr. James. Qro-nt, Grocer, 126 Youug Street, Annandale, N.S.\V.,l2th February, 1903. "Some ten yeans gao I was attacked by great pains in the back and groin, which at times were so severe that I almost s screamed with agony. I wan treated by * doctors for fully five years, and also tried several pabent medicines, but obtained no relief. I at last despaired of ever getting well again, but was recommended by a friend to try Warner's Safo Cure, as it had givon him immense relief in a similar case. I followed his advice, and, after taking the medicine for a while, I passed a stone about threequarters of an inch long and a quarter of on inch wide. J am pleased to soy that, after this ston« had come away, my sufferings wrr* at an end, and I have not suffered in the slightest degree since. Many of my friends know of my case, and I always keep the stone I passed. 1 can confidently recommend Warner s Safe Cure in cases liko mine, as I am thoroughly conviheed that it saved me many ye»rs of agony, if not my very life itself." .From Mr. W. W. Wignell, Elderalie, Camden, N.S.W., 19th March, 1903. "I have great pleasure . in strongly recommending Warner's . Safe Cure. For the last eight years I have been suffering from gravel, and have found Warner's Safe Cure has done nfo a wonderful lob of good." From Mrs. Annie Dix on, Maveoba., Q. , "About five years ago I was taken ill, and could not leave my bed. 1 had read one of your pamphlets and thought I would give Warner's Safe Cure a trial, fiefore I had finished taking one bottle I was up again. It drove a lot of gravel • out of my system* The doctor seemed to have no faith in my cure, and said that I. should be troubled with the same malady again within two years. lam thankful to say, however, that I have never had a return of it since, and I think five years is long enough to prove tho permanency of the cure." Urio Acid. — Tho presence of this acid in the blood is the cause of people suf-~ ferine, from Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica, Gravel and Bkideler Troubles. The accumulation of uric acid in the blood is a certain indication that the kidneys are acting inefficiently. Warner's Safe Cure acts specifically upon the kidneys, and invariably restores thofie vital organs to health and activity when all suffering due to uric poimning ceases. ■ So potent is Warner's Safe Cure that it will even cure , B right's Disease of the kidneys. A simple test to make as to tho condition of the kidneys is to pub some of the urine, paoscd the first thing in the . morning, into a bottle or covored glass, and let it stand until nefct morning. If it is then cloudy, or if it contains a sediment like brick-dust, or if particles float about in it, or if it is of an unnatural colour, the kidneys nre not healthy, and no time should be lost in commencing to tnko Warner's Safe Cure. — Advt UK. fyrah © DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS FOR BILE, WIND, INDIGESTION, Hendacha, Furred Tongue. Sickness, Giddiness, josi of Appetite, Hoartbocn, SliooWcr Pains. Constipation, and all Liv,or Complaints. Dk Kino's Pills, ooaiiamtkkd without Mbrcukt, still keep «hoad of atl others aa a Liver Remedy. Established 1882. Sold everywhere, is. ifct., as. gd. and 4s. 6d. per box. •% Solely JpUnufcotared by f Konxs & Co.. 133 Y ork R<l • '-»mb«tn, Loudoa Wholesale Agent*— THE NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO ■nalK. M • UokoH HOOTri aud KjnfbMiPßkmS** HARtt£&( water. __«. volret. Adds threo SOLD MEDAL. timeH to the wear n a rt • ofleatbor. Flefusant _ _L. SffibEfSA odour. A.Howg polinh fIXOHBST AWABPS tor 8 ,,p0n^% Shako Koup, *t Manufactory, DnhdcH, 1*,., don. EwJuukL

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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 62, 10 September 1904, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 62, 10 September 1904, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 62, 10 September 1904, Page 13