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Jl. J. SP E E It, M.D. - . * (SPECIALIST), Lato of this City, hai now opened offices in Dunedin. t ~ People 'at a ,<]ibl,uico can bo treated- nt homo by describing thoir cases by lettor.' Addross— H. J. SPEER, M.D., P.O Box 210, Duuodin. i 1500 NEW 1500 1500 SAILOR 1500 1500 STRAWS. 1500 mHESH FASHIONABLE and INEXJ. PENSIVE HATS bavo just been received, and aro now boinc bhown in tho fullest variety, of all tho stylos and shapes that uro most popular this Benson. Ladios will ftud hero evury conceivable kind of SAILOR HAT, i» Fino or Rough Straw, Wide or Narrow Brim, trimmed with Ribbon Bands in tho newest colouriugs, or with Ribbon and Buckles. PKICES, 1/U, 2/G, 3/6, and 4/G eaoh. 1441 44 only IMPORTED 44 ONLY 44 only FRENCH U ONLY U ONLY HATg IVND U ONLY U ONLY ( BONNETS. 4A ONLY A speoial display of thoso charming MILLINERY MODELS is being made in ouo of tho windows to-day, and ladies should make a point of inspecting' them. Each Hat and Bomiofc is distinct from the others iv style and oft'oct, but they aro alike artistic iv design uud beautiful in colouring. Having purchased these vary advantageously, wo aro onablcd to offer them at tho unusually low ' yiioo of 19/6 Eaoh ' SEE THE SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY TE ARO HOUSE DRAPERY CO.. Ltd. ! TAILORING. TT OSBORNE (Lato J. L. Wright), ) LADIES' AND GENTS' HIGH-CLASS ' TAILOR, ! 98, CUJIA-STUEKT. I TTAYDOOK'S ( NEW LIVER PILLS -fc-J. (Sugar Coated). A wondorful nnd extraordinary combination of coucoiuratod medicine. Tho Victories of Science — Electric Tolcgrnpliß, Steam, aud Printing — rovolutioniHod the whole system of tho globo,.anU mado mankind wiser and boltor. So, although thoro aro countless Pills u-'ed tor disease, and claiming much as to their merit, tho remarkable discovery of Dr. liny dock has eclipsed them nil, nud has founded a NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. Tho Doctors, \\ho3o vast doses of four or iivo pills cntcoblu the stomach and paralyze tho bowcU, must tfivo way to tho man who ristortw hoaltlv and appetite with ono or two of his extraordinary Vegetable Pills. Ono or two of Dr. HAYDUUK-'S NEW LIVER PILLS sullico to place tho stomach iv perfect order, cieatu an appotito, and ronder the spirit light aud buoyant. 4 lf tho Livor ia alTcctod ils iuncliouu aro *roHlorod, and if tho iNorvous System is onfeobled, it is invigorated and sustained. SYMPTOMS OF~BILIOUSNESS. 1. Tho pationt complains of a fullness of tho Htomaeh. 2. Distension of tho bowols by wind. 5. lliMirtburn. 4. A feeling of woarinoss, sleepiness after meals. 5. A bad taste in tho mouth, and furred tongue. 6. Constipation, with an occasional diarrhoea. 7. Hoa'dacho in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits aud groat lassitude. _ All tho above symptoms go to show functional derangomunt of tho Livor ; and now comes tho groat importance of any orror mndo as to tho condition of tho pationt. Ho should immodiatuly provido liiuibolf with n LIVER STIMULANT, tho most common form of which is a Pill. Daily exporionco showß that this, whou the Pill is compounded proporly, is tbo readiest ipodo of inciting nnd promoting tho action of tho livor, and can bo always roliod on. I havo doyotod many years of my lifo in compounding n pill, that will act readily and systematically as n Bilious Remedy. Ido not boliovo 'n tho groat purgatives, nnd therefore havo mado a Pill, ono of which is an activo and thorough doso. I havo called it HAYDOOK'S NEW LIVER PILL. They aro Iho truo grains and cssenco of health, and Iho groutost blessing that Scioneo has given to tho world. For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lnssitudu, 'Want of Appctito and Sick Headache, Dr. Hnydoek's Now Livor Pills will bo found an Effectual Remedy. Each vial coutnius Twenty Pills. / Prico Twenty-fivo Couts. For salo by all' Druggists. Any sceptic can havo a vial of Pills SENT HIM FREE on receipt of his namo and addross, for a trial. Sond a postal card for copy of pnmphlot — "THE LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable information <o all. HAYDOOK AND CO., Now York, U.S. CAUTION I — Druggists aro desired to notice that tho namo of J. H. Francis, solo agont, is written ncross each dozen packages gf Hay<?ocfc's Liver Pill*. AU without this nro counterfeit*. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AND CO., Ohristchuroh. GOLD MEDAIi, Health Exhibition, London. For INFANTS, INVALIDS, Qtid the AGED. This delicious and highly nutritive Food has been used with iciuurkabla success iv the roaring of Inf.ints. and by delicate nnd aged poisons in England for many year 3. It can now be obtained in scaled tins of leading Chemists, &c, in the Colonies, and will piove a boon to mothers and nurses. BENGER'S FOOD is sold in varloui feizeil Tins by Chemists, &c, everywhere. Wholesale of all Wholesale Houses. THREE # * # STAR THE BEST IN THE WORLD. XXTANTED Known— llcrbaTpTlTs, fad per vt box, at Ayres's BoUmc Disponanry, 00, Ouba-itreot.

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Evening Post, Volume LVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1899, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1899, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1899, Page 7