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[VUOM OUB BPIXIAL COKItESrONDENT.] PERSONAL ITEMS. London. 11 Hi August. Admiral Sir Francis Sullivan, who obtained his post-captaincy and tho decoration of C.B. iv recognition of his services in tiho New Zealand Wars, has succeeded his late cousin in the family baronetcy, becoming tho sixth baronet of the line. Ho served/ with distinction in thn New Zealand, Crimean, Kaffir, Zulu, and iKgyptian Wars. Ho is, in fact, one of .Now Zoiiland'ci most distinguished veteTans of tho "bad old times" when war was the chronic condition of the colony. Mr. John THilino returned from New Zealand recently, travelling by way of Vancouvei. Ho is at present staying at tho Tavistock Hotel, which has been his invariable London hostetijy (for many years past. He is looking reman kably well and vigorous, notwithstanding his 78 years of age. ' In tho current number of Sandow's Magazine there- is an interesting article by Mr. W. P. Reeves on " Physical Culture Amongst tho Maoris." Two New Zealand veterans havo died within tho last week. Colonel 11. N. J. 'frent-Stoughton, who died in his 69th yeiw, at County Kerry, Ireland, served with the 68th Regiment in tho Now Zealand campaigns of 1863-6, being at the Uato Pah and To Raiugu. Ho was scvorely wounded at tho latter, when he led two companies of tho 68th to tho attack on tho left of the enemies' ritlo pits ; for this ho received tho Now Zealand medal, tho biovot of Major and other honours. Ho took the name of Sioughtou on the occasion of Imm mairitigo in 1869. Commander Robert Hell, who saw service a.s Lieutenant of the Iris in New Zealand watcus, nnd who herv<>d with tho Naval Brigade in 1860-61 in the colony, died on Sunday last at Blundell Sands, near Liverpool. Ho also h D !d the Now Zealand medal. Tho Earl of Onalnw has presented an acre ami a half of land to tho parishioners of Woking for tho pin poses of «, burial ground. Mr. R. Arthur, Puvato Secretary to Mr. W. P. Reeves, on Saturday night last gave a lecture on New Zealumd at the Ui'eatcr Bilitain Exhibition ut Earl's Court. Mr. Boag, who is still in Scotland, has, I hear, purchased a young Cljdesdnle, which he intends Uiking back to tho colony when he leaves at tho end of tho present month. Among tho Ruahine's passengers were Mr. Patrick and Mr. R. Irving, of South Canterbury, who shipped on tho samo vessel nix thoroughbreds, the particulars of which I sent some time ago. Latest news from Mr. Overtoil is that he is still in Ireland, but intends to return to London whpu tlio weather becomes somewhat cooler. Latest iufoimation of Mr. John M'Kenzie is to the effect that he has now ho far recovered that his medical attendants hope he will bo ablo to leave the hospital next week and rejoin his family at Princesstreet. Mr. J. C. Martin and family are ieavmg London for a short stay on the soutlr const. They will visit Winchester, Bournemouth, Weymouth, and other places in that aelightful locality. Mr. W. P Reeves, I am clad to loi.:n, is rapidly improving, though with diphtheria one has to ba Very caroful. Ho is not ablo yet to leave Mr. G. B. Shaw's house — in fact, ho is not out of quarantine — that is to say, till rink of infection will not be passed until nesjt week. PROSPECTS OF OUR LOAN. Referring xo proposed colonial loan?, the Si Jumos's Gnzetto, in its city art bio, says that New Zealand will attempt to make a 3 per cent, issue, and adds— "ll.o Socialistic tendencies of the colony rather militate against a successful issue. If tiio autumn demands for money are g'cnl il will bo a question with money at 34 j'(.r cent., or perhaps 4 per cent., if a 3 per cent, interest will bo sufficiently attractive." \

IMPERIAL PENNY POSTAGE. Mr. Henniker Ilealon, M.P., writing to the Daily Chronicle, states that Queensland and New Zealand are waiting to persuade the other colonies to accept Imperial penny postage. INSURANCE IN THE COLONIES. Commenting on lnsuiance bu*inci>s in New Zealand and Australia the Economist avers that the lust returns for the fire and marine insurance companies doing business in those colonies (thiee of which have their head quarters in New Zealand) ,nro unsatisfactoiy. As to life insurance generally this journal remarks — "Although Iho waste by discontinuances is still heavy, and tho expenscK ratios arc high" tho position is "better than it has been for some years past." NAUTICAL ENQUIRIES. Mr. Charles M'Arthur, M.P., lecently made enquiries on behalf of the Mercantilo Marine Service Association respecting the progress of negotiation's between the Board of Trade ana Colonial Governments as to establishing some uniformity iv tho conduct of nautical enquiries. Tho Board of Trade now states that tho various colonial Governments, including New Zealand, havo been communicated with, and where there are differences cf procedure tho question of introducing amending legislation waa being gone into. I learn, however, that there i.s practically little difference in the conduct of enquiries in N«w Zealand and in the Home Courts. THE DISABLED S.S. WAIKATO. Great gratification is expressed that the s.s. Waikato was sighted on 3lsL July off Mauritius, and the piemium foi* rc-insuranco at onco dropped, on receipt of tho news by Lloyds, from 55 guineas per cent, to 10 to 15 guineas. Tlio cause of the delay — the breaking of the Vessel's shaft, coupled with the recent similar mishap to the Perthshire — is directing attention to the desirableness of vessels being fitted with twin screws instead of with a single propeller. AN OCEAN WAIF. A curious story is related by Captain George Perrian, of the London ship Nelson, which has just arrived at Queenstown on its way from Lyttelton, New Zealand. Tho captain says that last Sunday week, when about 500 miles south-west of the Irish coast, a .small, decked, cutler-ng^od boat was sighted. Tho Nelson signalled her, and, running up to her, read her «mmo us the Great Wostcrn. Only one van could be been on board, and he too* > o notice of the signals or the shouts which Were raised on board the Nolson, jo Lo was left to himself in the solitude cf the Atlantic.

The special correspondents who during the Parliamentary session so ably and diligently keep the journal* they represent daily posted on the aspect of affairs iv the capital, be they political or otherwise, aie nothing if not appreciative of good items of U2W3. Wo appreciate their work, and -we hnve frequent evidence that they appreciate ours, with a difference. It is the piactico of this journal to acknowledge (when quoting) tlw work of its contcmporarieit. Th's wholesome rule some of our special friends aro disposed to honour more in tho breach than the observance. Mr. T. M. Wilford, who is a candidate for the Wellington Suburbs sent at tho coming general elections, is to opon his campaign in tho Oddfellows' Hall, Petone, this evening. The Chu'f Justico has rcerved judgment in tho case Sinclair Bios. v. Matenga te Hiko und another — a claim for specilic perfoiuifincu of an alleged contract to sell a pkco of land at Pukeruu. The police aro still patrolling along the shorts of tho harbour in search of tho body of Mr. Loxtou, a victim of Tuesday's boating accident. Constablos have also been out again ou the harbour in the police boat. The remains of Mrs. Loston were privately interred tu-day. Mr. Is. M. Molineaux, who at the end of the year will vacate tho position of inanrfger of tbo Wellington branch of tho Hank of New South Wales in order to tako charge of tlio moro important branch at ClirLslcliurch, is to bo succeeded hero by Mr. Aloysius M 1 Donald, at present manager of ouo of Iho brauches in the city of Sydney. A well-known business man in Wellington received a pleasant surprise yesterday in the shapo of a sum of £27 Gs (id, being tho amount of a refund of money that bad beea takon by a former employe", including interest at six per cent. . Tlio owner was not awaro until he received the refund that his cash takings had ever suffered. Tho bankrupt Charles Ernest Rigg, mercantile broker, has tiled his statement of ntfuii'H with the OHicial Assignee. There is £293 17s 9d owing to 40 creditors, all Hecured, against which there aro no asseta. Tho largest creditors aw — John Saweis, £56 7s Yd ; H, G. Keith (New Plymouth), £34 12s ; Thomas Brash (New Plymouth), £30 j Wm. Gill, £20 : W Reynolds and Co. (Dunedin), £16 as 6d ; W."l<\ Sliortt, £15 6s ;J. J. Cony and Co. (Blenheim), £12 10s ; Morrison and Plenderleilh, £12 3s 6d; A. H. Tripe, £7 7s; M. lOlk'r and Co., £8 5.s ; Dr P. M. Mackenzie, £7 7s ; Claude M. Banks, £7 Is 9d; H. Wollerman, £5 19s ; E. Anderson and Co., £5 12s. A musical success was scored by Mr. Robert Parker in his organ recital at St. Paul's Pro-Cat hedrnl last night, Tho audionco weie introduced to tho work of Bacho, a little-known composer, the item from whoso work was effectively interpreted by tho organist. An Allegretto Piaccvole by Stevens was a dainty composition, and popular items were two short selections from tho works of John Kinroas, Elegie in Q minor, and an Overture in D, an Andante with variations in D major by Mendelssohn, a Melody in B major by Paderowfki, and a Canto Drammatico in G minor by Roeckel. h The vocal soloist of the evening was Mr!" J. Searlo, who sang two well-known oratorio selections. Tho Hon. George Jones, vI.L.C, contributed two violin solos, Romanco, by Bruce, and Mackenzie's Bencdictus, being heard to especial advantage iv the latter Horn. A requisition i.s nbout to bo presented to Mr. T. Kennedy Macdonald aslcing him to stand for the Wellington Mayoralty. Ib i» understood that Mr. Macdonald will in nil probability accede to tho request. Mr. J B. Hai court is mentioned na a probablo candidate. Messrs. Tumbull and Watkins sold at auction to day tho goodwill of tho Corporation lease (13 years to run) of three sections 'it Iho corner of IValherslon and Waring Taylor otreuts. Messrs. Lsvin and Co. were tho purchasers at £128. A sacred concert in aid of tlio organ fund of tho Primitive Mi*thodint Church ol Roseneath was hold laU night. Tho Rev. J. Dawpon Mas in tin i hair, Items wcro contributed by Mirsivj Untuning* and Marks, Mosdumea C. D. Mackmtoih/Trim, Gauler, Bcllums, Jones, and Mossr*. J. Sawyer, C. Sawyer, C. King, 0. D. Mackintosh, Trim, and T. E. Jones. A novol aoloetion of tho lalont ideal in ladies' nock-wear is to bo shown in tlio windows of To Aro House to-night. Tho millinery windoiy contains a apodal lino of ladies' triunnod hats. Mr. Goorgo Wiudor, Ironmoiiffor, Cubastreot, calls spocial attention to some Italian Ihid Fronoh bedsteads, just landod ; also buggy lamps, which arrived too lato for the gonHnn.

Mr. Chisliolm has a sale annouuoement in this is&uo as to jewellery, watches, and plate greatly reduced in price. Messrs. Hornblow & Co. will hold a sale of liorsos mid vehicles at the Nag 'a Hdad yards, JLtison-strcot, to-morrow at 1.30 o'clock. Messrs. Tamo, lluigh & Co. will hold a sale of horses, vohicloH,uud harness at their hoibe Imzaar to-morrow at 2 o'clock.

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Evening Post, Volume LVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1899, Page 6

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ANGLO-COLONIAL NOTES. Evening Post, Volume LVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1899, Page 6

ANGLO-COLONIAL NOTES. Evening Post, Volume LVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1899, Page 6