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EVENING DRESSES gILKS! SILKS! Made by MADAI^IE DE VERNEY in tho most artistic style cost conP"RATvt sidorably los.s than their appenranco I<ROM would load you to suppose. We aro now showing tho finest assortment. 9 of Evening Materials at the D. Yard, lowest prices in the city. AT """"" JAMES SMITH & CO., WARNOOK & ADKIN'S. TE ARO HOUSE. I" OST Pn,. O n TTir 7^ „ • VOST SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND B UM, Purse, J.M. on outside, containing j[ TYPFWRITING Roiari^Snanle onSSSS: NN — L M ™^™'' ° UST ° M - terraco.offTasman-street. Conducted by tL MISSES CARR, WeiSOST, between Willis-street and Govern- lington and Christchnrch. Shorthand (PitJ rnent Station, Pur&e containing train man's and Light-lino), Typewriting, Mimeotickot. Kindly leave at Evening Post. graph, Writing, &c, taught. I OST, between Sydney-street and Bolton- t?^™ l^^"^ 11 "' 1^ 16 V nlimi !f d : BJ Bti-eet, last Monday week, a Silver J° ? 13S ?^ Ctt . lT a Vm{share Chain Bangle with padlock. Finder kindly obtained the best rostfts in the shortest return tt St. Paul's Vicarage, Bolton-street. RX)aca of tnl>o in Mew Zealaad . !,OST, on Monday, a Pair of Spectacles DANCING CLASS FOR LEARNERS. J in smnll rod case. Will finder kindly leave at Evening Post. TV| RS ' H " B * MASON>S DANCING B^OUND, a sable and white Collie Dog. CLASS FOR LEARNERS is held ■ A])ply Fish Shop, corner of Frederick- afc the New Assembly Rooms, 5(5, GhuzneeBtreet and Taranaki-stroet. slreett iaexfc St- p ; ter . s Church> eyery / CONSCIENCE, -J. R. Bbowh, Abel MONDA V and WEDNESDAY, at 8 p.m. k^wntrre^^n; reely F^o Lessons can be arranged. \\ T ILL Wm MKay Georgo call at 5, PI4ODUCTION & SINGING-- ? ? Alpha-street, for letter ? V Mrs. Dodwell has resumed teaching A \ OUNG Lady reuidnig in the country 'J^. 1 ™ commences with pupil Address-lOoi J\ desires a position aa Lady Help or Willis-street (over Eller's, Ellerton House). Companion ;is thoroughly domesticated and | \ ANCTNG.-Mm. Dodwell's Children's competent needlewoman. Roply Urgent, \) Class, Masonic Hall, on Saturdays at No. 1, Kvening Post. . 3 pm . p riyale Leßsms Add i e _ s _ AN experienced teacher has Vacancies 106, Willis-street (over Eller's). . for two or three Pupils for the Piano ; tjwmywat Arm'Tr-tn beginners from 15s per quarter; weekly or lUißluVAij JNUJII&. monthly terms can bo arranged. Address ■_ „ „ -p tit nTrT^T-N-i-nTi t». n ■ Musico, Evening Post. MXM X - F - W - GARDINER, Pianoforte „■,,>,,,.,.„-, „ ; 55 — r r - n ■ luner and Repairer, begs to notify OJUVAIJi Board and Residence, five his change of address from Sydney-street to on _.. m""»tosm ""»tos trom Posttftico; no children. 21, VIVIAN - STREET (O'Connor's BuildoO, Dixon-street, near Willis-street. ings), where ho has' greater facilities for VACANCY for ono or two crentlomon teaching dancing, either in class or private Boarders afc 22, Buller-sfcreet ; every lessons. Orders for Tuning, &c, left at convenience and attention. Terms moderate Scoullar & Chishohn's (Telephone 110) will mm \ vi'av t — T^Fi Tj Tr~. receive prompt attention. Tt/H AX ION & CO., Advertising, House. — JjJL and General Conimission Agentsj |_| HUNTER-BROWN N.Z N.A. Rooms, 21, Willis-street. EX. Cbbtipicatkd Piano Tuner I\T UK^btt WOOD WAEL>>S HEALTH Repairing and Regulating a Speciality ±X SYRUP is n..t a food, bnt it is an Organs and. Harmoniums Tuned. excellent medicine. Try it. 'is G.I per bottle. BANJOS.— Teacher of the Banjo, as a MALL Gas Engine for Sale £1 10s to roal| y «»usical instrument Sole importer of IO bo been work at R. G. Demon's, the °elehrated Stkwabt Banjos. Engineer, l/ppor Willis-stroet. Address— No. 1 , Boulcott-tevraca. . , ,„, r..^T^-r .t. Teloplione, 569 \ 0 ADAMK SINCLAIR, Scientific Palmist i.T U and Graphologist, at home 10 to 10. ' — Carlton Villa, S'J. llbuzuce-atreot. New Plymouth. ff ANAL is a perfect Washing Fluid, and -^w* 1 ?,- Sti?"? S ? N ' i »- J J contnins notlnin; that will nnure tho ij „ b^ lv "~ 1 , havo n *™ 7™* Asthma finest fabric. All grocers •. C<l lior pint. Hy , IKe1 Ken L od^' and consider I have derived -■■ vr; — ; ; ■ great bonefit from its use. Please send me tt,fl/ 111 pay twelve guineas lor a Set ol somo more, jib 1 am anxious to give tho v 1 Teeth when you can got the same for remedy a further trial.— Yours faithfully less than half sit the London Dental Company? ~SVhI BAYLY RT N MKDI.K WORK HMPORI UAI , No. C. Fitzgerald, Chemist, Willis-street 3. Manners-street.- Mrs. FicAKNk has Wholosale Agents— Sharland fc Co. just receivod Latest Novoltios in Art Needle- * ■ ioq awtttvm \>t tvi ~~Ti\7T i work, Latest Designs in Linuu Goods, Lace- ill i Sf (l^"' DM A f N f j MJM J5 BTv8 Tv a "i Mccl > c f Linen and TnuWer Initials, Tapestry Wools, »>«".« oiheotrolysw. References are kindly Art Shades, Arrasenes, Silks, Berlin Wools Jf" 'ffAnSW" Booms ovei (2i Bkehi), Crinkled Paper, ad and 5d roll. Ml ' • B "' DBE S ' Dentlst ' Wtlll "-street. Lesaonß v iven infancy Work and Painting. WELLINGTON FIRE UNDERWRITERS' Inspection invited. Lowest prices. ASSOCIATION ~\\J E call special attention tothe fact that V ? all druogiKLs' lines stocked by grocers ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. aro sold by us at exccptioually competitive prices. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 2s fld; A PPLTCATIONS are invited by the above Scott's Emulsion, 2s; Beccham'a Pills, lid; l\ Association up to the 13th instant from MothorSiegel's Syrup, Is lOd; and other linos persons competent to perform tho duliosof equally low. C. Evens, Chemist, manufac- Electrical Inspector to tho above Association, turor of Evens's Specialities. Established Applicants must not be in any way connected 1575. Nole tho A ildress— Opposite Wilkins with the business of supply of current or and Fiold's, Manners-street. wiring, and must slate salary required. A WASHING DAY a pleasure, by using W" f ft c **}** a » d r Regulations for ElecLanal, tho only perfect washing t«c Light and Power Installations, which the fluid. Removes all dirt and stains from Injector would requn-o to see enforced, may woollen goods of every kind. Ask your »° seen at tho office ot the Association, grocer for Lanal Applications, accompanied by testimonials, — '—— must be sent in to the undersigned, addressed VTUBSE WOODWA RD'S HKALTH to the Chairman, and marked outside " Elec JL^I SYRUP is a sovereign remedy for trical Inspector." Dyspepsia and its attendant evils. All By order. Chemi&ta. h_ j^ LYON, T I BURNER'S Headache Wafers aro the Secretary. I best; instant cure. Price Is per box, 4th June, 1898. post free. Turner, Chemist, corner Willis _, ._._,„„_,„_ T and Manners streets. PARTNERSHIP. NURSK WOODWARD'S HEALTH SYRUP is a wonderful cure for Dys- A N old-established Commercial and Manupepsia and Liver Complaints. -t%- factoring Firm in Christchurch, doing ' i i mi an extonsivo business, are prepared to enter into negotiations with a Gentleman of busiESTATE OF JOHN MAGINNITY, npss experience and adequate capital, with a Dkceasicd. view to a Partnership. Application (by letter from principals only) .TT is requested that all claims against tho to bo made to J abovo estato be rondereil to the under- JOYNT & ANDREWS, signed, care of Mr. Ernest Magiunity, Fea- Solicitors, thomtou-stroet, forthwith ; and all accounts 205 Gloucestor-streofc. Christchurch. duo to the estate bo paid to the said Ernest Maginnity, who is authorised to receive -•»••» a -kt m t-i tn the same. • \\T A N T E D , JOHN O'MEARA, Ir, , * V ™™ JAMKSAMJSS, 'J Executors. , BOYS 11 lh June, 1898. _ _. „ _ „, . _ For Plaid Box Making Department. AMERICA AND SPAIN. ripHE war between America and Spain is E. BELL & CO., Newtown. B not causing half tho misery that is yearly endured by those who suffer the aches — — — and pains of Chronic Rheumatism, Sciatica, \\J ANTED KNOWN. and Lumbago, which are cured by taking * ' Bauraclough's Rheumatic Liquid. Ob- DON'T PAY MO"RE ! tamed at 131, Adelaide-road. „ Mb H Baiiraclough -S' Sir-It Singlo Bod Blankets, 1/11, 2/6. 2,11, 3/6 J.ii.l\r. XX, UAIwvAUIiUUuH. XJlilll Oil lb t\ i i n j 7.1 111 1 An 111 1 t \ 11/* 111 •* gives me great pleasure to testify to the P° v . beb c £ e( } ?| la .!i ko *?\ jllj ll1 ' 4-'4 -' 3'3 ' 4 ' G - 4/11 value of your Rheumatic Liquid (token in- D . ou fK? B ,^" I lLs ',7^ l ternally). I havo suffered for 20 years from 0 ?« d 9. ulltß ',V, ll 1 . , chronic rheumatism, which affectod mo so eav - v h ?? tin^' l d - 6d much that large swellings were caused by the ?? T fcron »i? aU , C0 ' '(U( U P« r dozen y ards pain. Before using your euro I tried several ? len , 8 bln^ots, Is • Pants, Is of tho best doctors, and all kinds of medicines j jat "? 8W <>" 1 . and liniments, which did me no permanent father Shirts 1/11 , Moleskin Shirts, 1/11 good. But over two years havo passed since 3 P aivs SLron & , Mo ™°, S^J?y ls ,, m«, „ your rempdv pffprted a ptivfl— Your* frritn Rhmkmbkb !— NO ONE ELSE CAN SaSS;.S£ A*FOW> T0 S « LL AT THESK PRICES. : 2 : Call and See how it is Done. COD LIVER OIL. JOII. E. LINDBERG, THE CHEAPEST DRAPER, HT'XTRACTED by tho latest improved Wrong Sidb of Cit»a - strbskt. iU method, whereby the full medicinal ~~ CAM 10 R A properties are retained, while tho objection- ANTED to Sell, one' wholo - plate abe flavour so common to most Cod Liver W Camera and Tripod, fitted with Oils has been reduced to a minimum, render- Lancaster's rectograph lens and Iris dmPin?7,wrTY pat atabttp pjinigm, including 4 wholo-plato and 2 halfPLRIEOTLY PALAIABLE. plate dishes, 5 printing frames, carriers for I havo just received from Lofoten, in Nor- a^ s ' ze P^tes, glass measure, burnisher, way, a splendid sample of the abovo Oil. squogee, negatives, and complete chemical outfit. Pi-ico, .£lO. Owner going travelling. W. PARKER Apply Evening Post. (Late Turner & Co.), TENANT FOR STABLES AND PLANT. FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, Medical Hall, \T7"ANTED, a good Tenant for Stables ; 28, Manners-street. Telephone No. 147. reut Oll[ y 3 0s per week for stables, — seven horses, buggies, eis*. 'bus <tc. VV ELSBACH INC A NDESCENT GAS- Apply> sbarp> LI _ • A. G) TAINE ft CO., PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Auctioneers. Actual proof can be given by comparative \\T ANTED "KNOWN. tests that tho Welsbach Burner gives three * * times the light, of IG-canillo eluotric lamps or You can buy at tho ordinary gas burners, at ono-half the cost. SYDNEY CASH DRAPERY COMPANY, fa^bSS^dei'SioSZ 11 ™ 11 ' 6ffeCtß ° UnU n n ?" AK f? nO " oBo B f IMIW1 MIW - Wo aro selling hundreds of tlieso Burners, Rouble lied Blankets, at 9s 0d and want everybody to study their interests V 5,111V 5 , 111^ 10 'V^ I ,™' 0d o „, and comfort by adopting the Best and "oublo Bod Quilta 3s 6d Cheapest Light known. &nßle& nßle od . 1 do a '. 2s o , „„, * 0 Heavy lwnl Sheeting, 2yds wide, 7sd yard JENKINS & MACK, Jf en ' 8 T^ ad , Suits ' 17 OSO S °i l , and 22s 6d . „. ' Heavy All-wool Underpants, 2a 6d >.OLE AauNTS for WELLINGTON DISTRICT, Men's Leather Shirts, 2s 3d Lambton-quay. Good Merino Sox, i_d per pair

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Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 137, 11 June 1898, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 137, 11 June 1898, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LV, Issue 137, 11 June 1898, Page 1