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WA 11 JS T O C K_& ADKIN. £ 2700 OF~BARGAINS FOB NOVEMBER. A/• DOZEN BLOUSES, 7s 6d in the £ under usual prices— 7s 6d, worth 10s 6d; tfcU sa, worth 7a 6d ; 4a, worth 5a 6d ; 3a 6d, worth ss ; 2a 6d, worth 3a 6d. Stylish and well made, with very full sleeves K(\ DOZEN KID GLOVES, O//i These are worth 4s Gd 4 CASES LEICESTER SOCKS and STOCKINGS, made to our order, fresh from the Mill, at our own prices r*-| A£\ WORTH op UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS. A special lot of ailverdblrlAj mounted handlea, 10a 6d for 7a 6d, 7a 6d for 5b Cd 1 . Alao, a few very handBorne SUNSHADES, at London prices Qi"vrv/-K YARDS NEW LACES, real and imitation Torchon. Black Silk Laces, all O" vFvJ widths ; some very fine for Milinery, and all widths for Capes and Flounoingß. All widths in Cream, Butter, White, and Biege, in fine Laces for Dress Trimmings SHOWROOM (Theae gooda will be ready on Saturday)— New Sailor and Untrimmed Hats, and a ohoioe lot of New Millinery. Children's Summer Costumes, Ladies' Coraeta and Underolothing. A very large and choioe lot of White Skirts. One case Waterproofs CLOTHING— Men'a Suite, 28a 6d, worth 40a Trousers, our own make, 6a 9d, 8e od, 10a, 12a 6d Youths' Suits, long Trousers, 17a 6d, worth 22a 6d ; 22a Gd, worth 27s 6d Boys' and Youths' three-garment Knickers, 15s to 30s Boys' Melville Suits, all aizea, 5a 6d to 15a Gents' Black Sacks and Vests, S.B. and D.8., 33s to 45s A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS' WASHING BLOUSES AND SUITS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. PORTMANTEAUX, BAGS, TRUNKS, TENNIS SUITS, HATS, RUGS, And every other requirement. \j m IN THE £ RETURNED FOR CASH. WARNOCF& ADKIN. B. HANNAH & CO., ~" THE BOOT PALACE, ' 79, LAMBTON QUAY. OPENING UP OP SPRING BOOTS^AND SHOES. OQA AAA WORTH NEW AND FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES TO *OU,UUU SELECT FROM. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. GENT'S DEPARTMENT. . 4 trunks Ladies' American Button Boots, 2000 paira Gent's X Boota from 16a 6d 1000 paira Gent's Pliant X Boots 4 trunks Ladies' Amerioan Shoes, from 16s 2000 pairs The G Hand-sewn Boots, from 6d 17s 6d 6 trunks Pinet's Evening Shoes, from 11s 6d 8000 pairs Gent's Pumps and Danoing 4 trunks Boatook'B Walking Boots, from 12b Shoes 6d 600 pairs Pollard's Balmorals, perfeot6 trunks Otto Herz Shoes, from 16b 6d fitting 2 trunks the Beotive Shoeß, from 14a 6d 1000 paira Gent's Tan Balmorals 2000 pairs Ladies' Tan Evening Shoes, from 200 pairß Cove ft West's Tan Field Boots 3b 6d ' Hannah's G Cookhams, 20a and 22a Cd 500 paira Ladiea' Suede Evening Shoea Cove & West's Glace Kid Shoes • 10,000 pairs Children's Shoea, from Is Hannah's G Frenoh Calf Balmorals, 18s 6d, 9000 pairs Children's Boots, from Is 3d, 1b 6d, unequalled for comfort and wear 2s 1000 paira Hannah'B G Duke of York Boota, 10,000 pairs Ladies' Canvas Shoeß, from 3a 22a 6d 6d 600 paira Grained Watertight X Boota 6000 pairß Ladieß' Tan Shoes, from 3s lid Hannah'B G Watertights, 7a 6d, 8a Cd, 10b 1000 pairs Girls' Canvas Shoeß, from Is lid 6d, 12a 6d 30,000 pairß Girla' and Women'a Norwegian 200 paira Soafe'a Waterproof Studded Sole Slippers, 9d and Is Boots Ladies' Silk and Satin Shoes, all coloura Hannah's G Shooters, 8s Gd, 9s Gd, 10s 6d,Ladioa' Slippers, from 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4a Gd, 5a 12a 6d, 14s 6d 6d 10,000 pairs Canvas Shoes, from 3s lid, 4s 2000 pairs Beautiful Felt Slippers, former 6d, 5s 6d N prioe 5s 6d, now 2a 6d 2000 pairß Men's Norwegian Slipperß, Is The favourite G Boots are in great demand 3d 2000 G Coppertoea, Is lid, 2s lid, 3s lid 2000 pairs Carpet Slippers, 2b, 2s 3d, 2s 6d 1000 G Indestrnotible School Boota, from 5s 2000 paira Men'a good E.S. Leather Slippers, 6d 3s lid 1000 G Patent-face Balmorals, from 5s 6d 6 trunks nioe Patent Pnmpa, cheap Ladies' Glaoe and Patent Pumps, all sizes ' 4 trunks Gent's Tan and Ooze Calf Shoes 300 Ladies' Fairstitohed Balmorals, from 12s 6 trunks Beehive Balmorals 6d 2000 pairß Youths' G Shooting Boots, 6s 1000 Ladies' G Wallabi Sewn Shoes, from lid 11b 6d 2000 pairs Boys' . G Shooting Boots, 5b 300 pairs Ladies' G Kangaroo Balmorals, lid sewn, from 12s Gd 2000 pairs Boys' and Youthß' Laoe Bal1000 pairs Women's G Dairy Boots, from 6a morals, 4s lid, 5a lid lid, 7b 6d 1000 pairs Cove & West' Porpoise )00 paira Girla' nioe Moroooo Bale, inde- Shooters Btruotible toes 2000 pairs Hannah's G Bluohers, from 4s 100 pairß Ladieß' and Girls' Seal Balmorals lid, 5a Cd All kinds of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoeß, inolnding Golf Boots, Tennis Shoes, Biding Boots, and Polo Boota, made to order. All kinds of Polish and Dressing in stook. 4000 pairs of HANNAH'S CELEB BATED G BOOTS manufactured and sold every (reek. All kinds of Leather -and Grindery in stock. The trade supplied with Uppers to order or measnre. By purchasing your Boots and 3hoea from R. HANNAH A CO. you sava the middleman's profits of 20 to 25 per cent., which you have to pay to those boot dabblers who only bny where they can. NOTE THE ADDRESS- R HANNAH & CO., rHE BOOT PALACE, 79, LAMBTON QUAY. WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY, 65, LAMBTON QUAY. oSSr. R HANNAH & CO., gSSSt. OABH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET. WORKING MEN and SETTLERS iv Town and Country should viait the Cash Boot Market. 28, Cuba-street. B. Hannah & Co. oan offer you the Best Value in the Citt. ' , SEE OUR UP TO DATE LINES. tfen's Bluohera, nailed or plain, at 4s lid Youths' superior Half Watertights, 1 to 3, Men's pegged ditto, at 7a 6d 7s lid ; 4 and 5, 8s 6d Men's Al Half Watertight*, at 8s 6d Girla' strong Leather 2-strap Shoes, 7to 9, Men's pegged ditto, at 10s 6d 3a 6d ; 10 to 13, 3s 9d ; 1 and 2, 4a 3d Wen's heavy Watertights, at 9b 6d Women's ditto ditto, all sizes, at 4a 3d If en's pegged ditto, at 10s 6d Women's fine Laoe Shoes, at 4s lid Men's pegged Balmorals, nails, at 10a 6d Women's Leather Laoe Shoea, at 5b lid Men's plain Balmorals, no nails, at 8b Gd Women's high-front Leather Slippers, at 2s Men's strong Shoes, at 6s lid lid Men's Elastic Sides, at 9a lid Women'a Carpet Slipperß, Is 6d and 2s 3d Boys' Btout nailed Lace-ups, 10 to 13, 4s Women'a fine Leather Balmorals, high-leg, lid ; Ito3, 5a lid ; 4 and 5, 6a 6d 7s lid and 8s 6d SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. gQTi Addkebs-R. HANNAH & CO.'S CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET G. &T. YOUNG, „A . 1m m ~~~ By Appoint- Exoellenoy yyATCHMAKERS and JEWELLERS, g^ jg||9|s3[ Governor. Have in Stock— «3s&<x*»Bs» ? ine selections of GOLD and SILVER SPRING CLEANING. WATCHES SOLD and SILVER JEWELLERY \J|7HITE LACE CURTAINS, SILVER and E.P. GOODS " 2* and 3 yard long, ?IELD and OPERA GLASSES ' 2/9, 3/6, » nd 3/9 nZBNOH and AMERICAN CLOCKS, Ao.. J wmTE LACE CURTAINS| rVhioh they cordially invite the publio to ¦ c let V? la f\/a tf\la inapeot. ' 5/b, 7/D, 9/b, 10/O Onr SILVER and~ELECTRO PLATE CREAM LACE CURTAINS, DEPARTMENT is, aa uaual, replete with . 4/6, 7/6, 9/6, 12/6. 17/6 Jie latest novelties, apeoially aeleoted by our ' ' ' ' Mr. GEORGE YOUNG, who buyß for oaah, GUIPURE DART CURTAINS, md aa only a moderate advanoe is put on White and Cream, anded cost, they are able to sell their goods 13/6 Per pair. it a moderate prioe. / Watoh, Clook, and Jewellery Repairs at MADRAS CURTAINS, in Latest Designs. noderate pricea. __ Ooulist Presoriptions for Spoolaoles. NEW SEASON'S FLOORCLOTHS, Foldera oarefully made up. A full stook Choice Patterns, )f the various Lenses and Frameß in Stook. 1 / p et yard. TAILORING. 100 pieoeg SILK TAPBST p Y and GOLD TiIROM and after This date we will make o ;T™ J^ 8 ' *""* *° toad, f FURTHER REDUCTIONS in our Bd, 9d, 10d, 1/- «"»d 1/6 yard. Dailoring Department. We guarantee Style, Fit, and Good Workmanahip, and „„_. TT T. A T ? Tm?TTr'9 respectfully aak you to give na a call. See ® EW K ?Ta??n n,n n,n xm / >Jr prioea before giving your order. No one 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, to 21/s pressed to buy. Colonial, English, Irish, T\r\rvt> qttijo * *¦-¦ » d ta *- Do ° B SLIra i/ 6 , 2/-, 3/6, »a 4/6 Mon'a Suite, to measure, good all-wool MenSaf exWrousers, 57s 6d to 80s TAPESTRY SQUARES New Deaignß, Fox'a Serge, 55a ; No. 4, 68s o_ . . Very Choice, rrousera to measure, lie, 12a 9d to 22a 35/-, 40/-, and 45/- Eaoh. Saddle Tweed, to measure, 16s Men'B Ready-made Suits, 18a, 21a, 295, 40s CARPETS CUT, CLEANED, & RE-MADE. rrousors, from 4a 9d to 17s Shirts, Hats, Ties, Ac. FURNITURE POLISHED & REPAIRED. New and Fashionable Dresß Gooda Blouaeß, from la 6d to 20a EVERY HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE Uoatume Skirts, 5a to 18a 6d jn STOCK. Millinery and Underolothing Dre 8s n 6d k to K i2s 11 premise8 ' fit ana style > HENRY FIELDER, MANNERS-STREET. E. J. WALSH & CO., 75, WILLIS-STREET. pEABCE'S PIANO TUNING. WHITE SHOES, ~ — For the Holidays, CHRISTMAS ia ooming, therefore get ] your pianoa tuned by E. J. King, from Cheap and Good. 7a 6d, and atart the now year by a yearly tuning, from let January, 1896, One Guinea BOOT ARCADE, ;£11b). Ordera now taken. . Cuba-atreet. Beat variety of Sheet and Book Music in Wellington. Juat arrived, ex Tokomaru — Violin 3tring», Mandolin Stringa, &o. Guitara TT T TfcODRERS & CO . »nd other Muaical Instruments of every XI. d * x *'UX>l*.Ej.n,Q OS \J\J., iesoription. No reasonable offer refuaed. MANNERS-STREET. TE ARO MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 69, Mannees-stbbet, CARPET, LINOLEUM, Opposite Opera House. EDWIN J. KING. Telephone 244. LINEN WAREHOUSE, GILBEY'S O. E. DRY GIN Mannebs-strket. Certified valuable fov kidney affeotiona. Vide special report of Sir Charles CHEAPEST DRAPERS. Cameron, M.D. Obtainable Everywhere. __ XMAS PRESENTS XMAS Of Two Shillings BLACK SWAN BUTTER 2. Is Made on Soientifio Principles, _ QIVKN Each Custombr fob EvfRT SO WILL KEEP FOR WEEKS. PouND SI>ENT - £1 RE D TtTe' Tt OR E, AllQoOdß Marked_atWholeaale Pricea. TAYTON & ERSKINE cheapest house in Wellington. (Pbopbietob, P. REIMER) PrmintTi No. 11, Coubtenay-place, Wellington ' X m*s Presents ! Bottlerß of the well-known DUNEDIN RED STAR ALE, BULLHEAD NELSON ALE, rr T •RODRERS & CO BULLHEAD DUNEDIN STODT. H « J * KUU^xtW <B IjU., , Manners. stukkt, Best Dbands of Wines and Spibits. Near Royal Oak Hotel. Sparkling Rhino Wine. Risen BeerTLy Brand. OpKN AT NIQHT T0 10 O>cIOCK - RED STAR STORE. SUNSHADES. FLOORCLOTH AND rtAA DOZEN juat opened. Children'a, LINOLEUM. £AJ\J from 9d to 2s «d: Ladioa' from 2a lid to 12a 6d. Beat value in the country. QPLENDTD ASSORTMENT now open, n quTTW from lljd per square yavd, at *" sftulM » c. SMITH'S, B CABU DRAIUR.ECUBV-BTREIfT. Th« CAIjH DRAPER, Cur4A-8TB«V

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Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 123, 21 November 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 123, 21 November 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 123, 21 November 1895, Page 1