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Tin: Mahurangi Agricultural Society's Annual Show was lielil on Fnday, Feb. 5, at the town&lnp of Warkwoith. Contrai y to the iiub cations on the pi ovious day the weather proved vciy favourable, and the attendance was lather larger than on the occasion of the previous show, The steamer 'Lady Bowen.' conveyed a Luge number of passengers to Waikwoifch on Thursday, including tlie gentlemen "who had kindly consented to act as judges at the show, a number of Msitois, and the llobbon* Company's line brass band, which had been engaged by the Society to enhance the plcasmu of the proceedings The steamer ai lived at the township at about {) o'clock in the evening after a rather \noti.itled and tedious passage, and owing to the lateness of the hour there was not such a dunionsti ative leception as on the pre\ious occasion. Exhibits and visitors commenced to anive at an early hour next morning, and by eleven o'clock all the arrangements weie complete and the judged commenced thenduties. The pretty little township had by this time assumed quite an animated appealance which was very much enhanced by the presence of a large number of Ltdies, \\ ho v. ei e enabled, tin ougii the improved facilities ioi travelling, to attend in greater liumbcis than on any former occasion. An nupoitant and giatifying fcatuic m the Show was the keen competition m sheep, and the nnpioved quality of the exhibits in this dep.utment. There were live competitois toi the special prize awarded by It. C. Dyer, Esq., for the ram calculated to produce the best wool and mutton, and the entnos weie all of really excellent quality, the winner being a splendid ram shown by Mi John C. King, purchased last year at Duckland's fair, and which was pronounced by the judges to be the best suited to the distnct without regard to bleed. Theie was an improvement perceptible in the quality of horses exhibited, although, in this 1 espect, the settlers of Mahurangi have by no means attained perfection. Mr. Dibble, of Albertlaiid, took the first prize for bulls, with an animal which was the subject of general admiration. It is by Mr. McLean's Earl of Derby, and would be a prize taker, if shown, at a more pietentious exhibition than that of Friday. It was offered for sale by auction, and bought in at £50. The bulls under two years were rather a poor lot, the first prize being taken by an animal five months and two weeks old, shown by Mr. Angove. The dairy cows ivere very good, and the cows in milk of fair quality. There were no less than nine entries tor the prize awarded for the best fat beast, but they were all but indifferent specimens, and only second and third prizes were awarded. The pigs, although not numerous, wereof fairquahty. A boor, owned by Mr. Charles Phillips, died while being taken to the show, owing to the heat. The first prize was taken by Macklow and Sons, who exhibited a very line annual. The oats were highly commended by the Judges, as were also the rye grass and cocksfoot. The jams attracted general admiration, and indeed were very well prepared. Among the exhibits of produce were two bottles ot locally manufactured wine from the giape, shown by Mr. J. Morrison. It is a light wine, of very good quality, and appaiently only requiies age to enable it to n\al the best Australian In ands. Mr. Dyei announced his intention of giving anothoi !'."» cup next year for the best ram, and Mi. Moat, M.P.C., ollercd a prize for the best half-pound of opium, to be grown in the llodney district, and exhibited at the show of the Mahmangi Agricultural Society m 187G. He stated that he would be happy to distribute seed to pai ties desirous of giung the industiy a trial. The following aie the names of the gentlemen who constituted the Committee to whom the arrangements wen' entrusted : — Mr. H. Palmer, Chaii man of the Society ; Messrs. John King, W C Macklow, ltobert Phillips, John Wiokham, ltobcrt Taylor, Thomas Sanderson, and M 1 A Campbell, Secretary. The judges weie •— ot Stock, Mr. W. Goodfellow, Mr. West, and Mr. 11. D. Badley. Of Produce, Mi. i\ AVhitson, and Messis. Jlewin and Jakins. Mr Woodwaid, v.ho has acted as a judge of Stock at pieMous shows, was appointed icf 01 co.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5437, 18 February 1875, Page 7

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MAHURANGI AGRICULTURAL SHOW. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5437, 18 February 1875, Page 7

MAHURANGI AGRICULTURAL SHOW. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5437, 18 February 1875, Page 7