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.(gj-7 ff *T | ' lTT^""'f ■« ._■._.__«_. . ___________________________ ._-,-, —, . . ■ T Special Shipments jnst arrived per "Arawa." Marked at .specially low prices to clear. Kead the ~ a lot to the re- I FO2 GENTLEMEN § __ FOR LADIES I >*S-Sv 1 aßd compare - ;««* 1+ >i3||gftS. I I __?»*?«_ _____ HATPINS, new lever heads, enamel, kiwf. set on pearl, EVERY GUABAN- I ffitt nrinae Cipieat- . fit I TRIUNE BRUSH SETS of HAIR, CLOTH and HAT BENGAL RAZORS 3/6 tot* I Bftg4ffi... «^J^U = jgr-_si_» -m A. __«."__.._. .* , _,_ri_ _w*. 3/3 VW ARTICLE M ___*__7l_ T_ED. 1 lUe PtICCS. .. J I_l-anS little tO ! BRUSH, to Leather Ca_ 18/8 11/8 each SHAVING BRUSHES. real Bade- .: 3/8 to 10/8 I THE JEW EL HATPIN, coloured beads <*«*)- 'fldSSBfeH I NOWhCre el«_l_7 WCttua «hw* iw J&GkWrS' §1 VVfc 1 ANTIMONY HAIR BRUSHES, good bristles- SHAVING BRUSHES 1/- to 4/8 each | i&&&& NS&sIF BROOCHHS-The latest enamel, steding silver _tc_le~ , WW&m? Ml I »»"««C CISC YOU WiSCa yOII J& / II I \k 6 3/- each, S/8 pair POCKET KNIVES .. 64. to 10/6 each I 1/6 and 2,3 each 1 Will VOD find nnr_hac» __T I Sk_/ S I JUSONY HAIR BRUSHES •/- 7/8 10/- to2l/-pair SILVER SERVIETTE CLIPS.. 2.'-each ' * HATPINS to match .. 1/3 each 8 _ *a«w pitftUaSC ... B !B^ 1 ' » CLOTH BRUSHES, best finish 2/» 3/8 6-8 each SILVER PROPELLING PENCILS 2/3 and 4/- each BANGLES- Rdltd Gold Nellie Stem-art {j years' guvan- _7__ggL_ * fl SHCD fl Hißf£lllat these low fl I wallets.. v-*> *> - **_ s. silver match boxes- Brooches ia Silver, stej£ixgs_l.-_r'_! «_«■_" '.'. YA\ZI% I fiot>nt _c C _n r»r!PP<_—<SO f „_ _--.u------A CIGAKr.TTECASE-v-.V-k. 1/- t/6 t/- 3/Se_-h 6/8 7/8 1/8 18/8 12/8 each _»_ -W*.=*V,._ , Also SILVER NELLIE STEWART 1/8 and 2/3 each I *'<?«« aSSOH-|H-_iA_- aw • . »_%_■-.-"_. 7k &-<_tT<Vy*yF : S Solid Leather 3/8 to 20/- each PIGSKIN PURSE 1/3 1/8 each E?allp'3 Gtold *)f»t GtllA Also SILVFR I t-rKY BANGLES, for Children 1/8 i man. __f CiieaßlV Can CIGARETTE HOLDERS .. 84 to 29/- each SELF-OPENING POCKET KNIVES .. 1/- each BOi-Cl -WOKM. JCI. trf-IH, AtoML \hR LLCk. BUGLES, for OriA« .. JVB MB%%Si Xll 8 deßtO! .... K.OU . . SfcW. with Case .. 2/-each BRUSHES. In Case. .. 8/3 to 30/-s_ I a n_ P__l«al ScKLIS-«f .n__SUver'' Rolled g1- M%W% 8 _irf iVIp «. fftr yon bay here. SArETY KAZOR * in Nick " — 7/i 12/ Beach LEA ™ ERDRESSINCCASES •• 8/6t030/ - and Enamel - -JS-tiHk I ""t?. I ?'* ' .__. _. ...._______._■-_•. " PURSES, for Inside Bass .. 4Jd. to 2/8 each ! _$?#// \_4_i ! •. . CliriSlßiaS Look at the 1 DOLLS AN© TOYS writikg cases, leather- IPfffL4 Gift*? NnwhPr* K> I •/- */ 3 * /c 8/8 to m/- _s*i_.ii*>___3 I____s_tß_l_ _fai*2». t.owiieic IOW priCßS t . . I H..»R-STCFrED VOUS .. 1/- 1/8 2/- 3'- TRUMPETS Cd. and 1/- ««--«——| BLOTTERS, <o_ld leather .. 2/3 3/-each Mil SH ■ ' «»I*P flrP fh«» iOOk Oi file I S ORKSSED DOLLS .. . .. IZ-tolS/- HEARS ON WHEELS 3/6 15/- TOST-CARD ALBUMS I<Hd 1/8 2/8 2,. 4/G ' jksJM J - ■ IOOS 3- I teddy bears Vu,7/« gi..d-eye u,«t .. '..n- S ra ??4!__. fT. pv ~. w _i' WW >^^f W i pHCCS SOIOW greatdiversiiy - I „ ALLS « d . toi /9 dogs on wheels .. .. | MR^Sto BRUSHEb,p,au,E,p - N - s -~ the _72sS r l I as at of s3Uable-. .' P ■■ ■ »■ ■m_«. a « MBMB ,, MMMM J! " " M - 10 !''" wheei s " " }/'«I S mirror, o4j. P i_n_.pj«.s.' :: is-'ocac- Mckenzie' 1 .! __ „,™ „ 1P , ,„ _, ""WI.MI-b 1,.- l..M_b U*, WhtLl.. „ .. 2/- each MIRROR and BRUSH. Shell design .. 19/-pair ** Ifil._iCU_.ieS articles. Tarns >.-<•<•• so-"? M " o_ r _)• «• "r _, bi__l_act hawks, w-*__« v-toMe_ch r Christmas Gift or tbe sice gift £-_._ o.^.^'___.d. : "■ * iX- SUNDHaES MBROR BRUSH - "-r «/ ' S J? .mm**. ■, OKOCCO lather Ho.? _ _ ~.♦, Our SpeeialUne, E.P. BRUSH and MIRROR 7/8 pair ft* 211;. yOa CQ2 giVe, S B^__^ O SSx« ,,, * ~ totfc .-J ,SS_ fffA^K 18 " £rE~__ i E.P.N.S. SARDINE DISHES .'4'- r iU ANSONIA ,„ months'grantee) L _■ # . _~ nnd hfilV UttlO SOLID MOROCCO. «:ri_J Pur*. . 22/- S*-ONCE HOLDERS .. .. 3/-__h KP. JAMSTOONS -• .. 1/Bto4/Bf«h __ ILP.N.S. SUGAR and CREAM. Opal China .. 11/6 Elgin Rolled Geld (ro yean' parantw) 58/- BaY 3t the Fair SHU OO *. Utile * »£*£ " _ VtQ 2/ . to «>_ SOAPBOXES .. ««.»«/-each -.P. SHOE HORN and BUTTON HOOKS 3/8 pair g ' ■"■"" '—■ ■" l E.P.N.S. SUGAR and CREAM, d-fen ..12,8 I^*li«'Nickel WATCH 3/11 Ladies'Njekd WATCH 8/8 5 oil" It COStS 9'/ PSir- SUEDE ARMLET BAGS, in grey. -rcen. broCn 8/- TOOTH BRUSH HOLDERS .. 7»_ 1/-each PERFUMES, ia boxes, lovely selection-From 1/- t»x . E.P.N.S. AFTERNOON TEA SET, 4 pieces 82/18/- b ' TCH r _.'" ™« .V. <!__ ___G_«aVe. . . ChaSiaS? here YOUNG GIRLS' ARMLET BAG- " 7 4/aeac'h SHAVING DRUSII HOLDERS . 1/-each TOILJTS^J' tf tteb«t brands .toc.ed Tritt-iet BOXCS, « E.P.M.S. VASES .. .. 1/8 to 10/-each 1 MODCy. tliaaltlg •***=■*•«• CHILDREN'S BAGS 1/- 1/8 3/8 4/8 NAIL FILES 88. to 3/8 each SERVIETTE RINGS. E.P. .. 1/- 1/8 2/-each •___%■.__-. E.P.N.S. SWEET DISHES, Golden Glass .. 4/3 MEXICAN SILVER CHAINS .. 1/J to 2/8 »a•__»»-j.. SILK and SATIN BAGS 1/- 1/8 2/- each SHOE HORN and BUTTON HOOK .. 1/8 each SERVIETTE RINGS, CELLULOID IJd. toM. each lOu. tO 5/** Two Dishes .. .. .. .. 7/11 Ladies* Rolled Gold Mufi Chains (5 years' pi_--__->— I SILK HANDKERCHIEF SACHETS .. 2/- to 13/- El. lIUTTER KNIVES 1/- 1/8 2/S 3/8 SI UDS-bij variety-From .. .. 18. each ' Wth Pretty China Dish .. .. .. 2/- 8/6 to 17/8 1,. . gat " "

SjHHlSli fflfflSl J WEBRBBW _ --Hani -JJT j I isiir § © SrHil BOYS _JDj ! 800 Books j as Prizes . | _ ■ a -ere is a chance for 100 beys er girls * ■ t to win a handsome prize book such as J P "Tha Boys' or Girls' Own Annual,"and jj ■i other books that young folks liko. The 'i £ succasjlul competitors wilt receive _n | I order on Whitcombe and Tombs, and r_ **y | B choose from a Dig range of books tb» one 1 hey 'ike best. AH you have to do is to : : .write nnt mora than a single page ot an j - | ortjlnarj writing tablet showing what you think" Con Ami, tho wonderful 6d. cleaner, is best for. Bon Ami deans | many things, hot we want you to toll usl in your own way what yau think Bon Ami ? cleans best of all. 3 ; Tha competition will bedecided upon... j one point only—the most interesting description wins. But competitors must !gl»e their opinions from an a .tH»i *>»>. of Bon-Ami. You can say wftat you like —what- Father, Mother,* or Uncle Joe j thinks of ii—providing it is Interesting, j ! Tbe main Ining is to make your description bright. ■-..''■ ','■-.- i * ' This competition shooldbe ancMKged. 1 by parents because it fosters a spirit of. investigation and analysis; th* child, en will hare to mako careful tests before I they can attempt to writ* anything. * wrapi-ir taken from a cake ol Bon Ami B (which can be obtained from your grocer) must be enclosed with each'attempt, and as many attempts are allowed as there are wrappers. Answers must be written in tho compelltor's own handwriting, and the full name, address, and { age should-be stated. ' j j .The nemos of the winners wfil be put [ | In the daily-papers. ' Remember, there j ! are JOO chances, and ne reason I why yc_ should noi'J I ,*; ■ prlie. Send, j i your essay address*, to ; | BOOK COMPETITION ! •-. ■■■• .-. -•-.■• I P.O. Bex 567, Ghristebnrch The Competition closes at an early date; there is not much time. Send in year - attempt to-day. ROVEBS ARBIHB By Coriathic - Book your orders now ior one of England's best motors Winners of the Silencer Trials Teams Prize. (Tourist Trophy Race) Winners of the 1911 Chris.cht.reh Trials, Secondinthe 1913 Christchurch Trials First in. the »6 roll* Beach Race, 1913. No other Motor in. the World can show such a record far reliability as the ever reliable Raver. The Hotor yon rarely see about town oa a holiday—it's away in the back blocks rovbllinc on the hills. If yon intend to get a motor this season be sure,and give the Rover a trial. . JACK SUGKLBf-G Cantefbary Agent 114 Manchester St-. Chiistchnrch. Note—Send for Catalogoe. So-yoo wast to feel AKOTHEB M® 9 You know that success depend* upon enerjy, but yon .«l Jaded, out ol sorts, aad off colour. And you have to keep moving. The rtacedy is quite a ample matter if you will be advised. Ycur nerves are starvioc for loodr-for phosphorus. Take a bottle or two ot FLETCHER'S PfiBBPHATOI.!G aad watch mutts. Take Ure*u_rly. and doo't miss doses. Regularity is half the battle. It£tt>_ to the root of tht trouble, acd will tooe you up to concert-pitch in short ordtr. rrice: 2/8 and 4/8 tram Chemlits and Cretan ' on- rort none nou ' CHAS. A. FIJBTCHB-t, C___m, \Vii__rcros.

"YOU NEVER KNOW YOUR LUCK" i except when you see Martell's Bluo and I Silver label, then you're SURE of it. 19

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14854, 20 December 1913, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14854, 20 December 1913, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14854, 20 December 1913, Page 14