.■ ' . .> ■ -'.- --~ ■■•! The Canterbury Agricultural College en- n nual sport- were held in the College ground* Lincoln, on Saturday afternoon, in splendid weather.-- Tie sports were very -well attended by friends aad relative* of-the students;" a number journeying from 4own by. special 'drags. The following- are tho, results of the different events:— '_ _-_ , . 100 yds Handioap—First heat: W. H. Jsoob, 4yds, 1; G. C. Miln, 12yds, _; A. B. Deschler, scr, 3. Time, 10 4-sth.sec Second heat: w. J. Balnll-e, syds, 1; L. J. G. HamiKon, iyd. 8; A. AMxrtt 81yds, 3. Time, Usee. Third heat: H. A. Reese, Bj_s, 1; J. Sloss, Byds.'_; H. A. Hunt, Byds, 8. Kme, 10 JWth **. Final: H. A. Reese, 3yds, 1; W. 3. Bal«m« syds, 3; O. C.Mlln, 13yds, 9. Time, 10 a-Mfc see. Nine started. * 130 yds Hurdle Handicap—F«st heat: li. J. G. Hamilton, owes lOyda, 1; H. P. Gi.bert. own «yds, 8; F. W. Hxwt. owes Byd» 8. Time, » 3-sth see. Second heat: B. C Harris, owes Syd* ll A. R. Detchler, owes 7ydi, 2: A. E. Price, owe* syds, 3. Tune. 31sec. Final: L. J. C. Hamilton, owes 10yds 1; S. C. Harris, owes syda, 2; A. E. Price owes syds. 8. Time, 20»ec. Six started. . 220yda Handicap—Fin* heat: G. C. Miln 25vds. 1; A. Adams, 12vdf, 2; JL G. Sharp. Bvds. 3. Time, 25 l-oth sec. Second heal: J*. Sioss, 17yd«, 1; J. C. Allan, 10yds, 3; J. O. W . Anderson, 13yda, 3. Otoe, Msec. Final: J. O. W. Anderson, 13yda, 1: A Adams, 12yd*. 2; G .C. Miln, 95yds, 3. Time 25sec. Six started. «oyd* Hardicap—H. A. Reese, 15yds, 1; F. W. Hunt, 2Sy<3_, and W. J. Balai.he. 20yds dead-heat, 2. Time. 56iec; A; B. Deschler scr; L. J. G. Hamilton 3yds, D. W. Ami] 10yds, W. H. Jacob 10yds, H. P. Gilbert 13yds, A. Abbott 15yds, M. G. Sharp 15yds J. C. Allan 2_ydp_ J. O. W. Anderson 25yds J. Paige 23yds. J. Sloss 85yds. C. Burton 35yds, F. G. Wriffht 40yde, K. K. Macfarlane 45vds, and G. C. "Miln 60yda also started . Lon_r Jump Handioap—H. A. Hunt, 17ft 4in (2ft 6in), 1; W. J. Balsillie (Ift 9in), 2; A. E. Price (Ift 9:n). and J. Sloss (Ift lin). equal, 3. L. J. G. Hamilton scr, A. R. Desrchler 6tn, D. W. Ariel! Ift 9in. W. H. Jeoob IH 9fo, A. Adams Ift lOin, F. W. Hunt Ift lOin. and C. Burton 2ft 6in aTso started. 880 yds Handican—H. A. Reese. 30yds, 1; ■ G. C Mi!n. 100 yds, 2; H. P. Gilbert, 25yds 3. Time. 2min 13i«ec. D. W. Ariell scr. L. J. G. Hamilton 10yds, A. R. Desohler 10yds W. H. Jsoob lOyAi. A. E. Price 40yds, w. J. Balsillie 50yd., C. Burton 50yds, J. O- W. Anderson COrds J. Page 55yds, J. Sloss 60yda. and J. K. 88yds alsortarted Putting ihe Weight Hacdieap—W. J. Balsillie (sft., 30ft Biin, 1; J. S.os*. scr, 2; L. J. G. Hamilton 3. H. A. Hunt 2ft 3m. F. W. Hunt Bft, J .C. Maiofurlane 4ft Sin, D, G. 4ft 0:n, C. Burton OK 6in, end , G. C. Miln 7ft also oompeted. I Throwing the Cricket Ball Handicap—H. P Gilbert, s« (BOyds 4in), 1; H. A. Hunt, Byds (83yds Ift -Sin), 2: L. J. G. Hamilton, scr (79yds- 4in). 3. S. C. Harris Iyd. D. G. Macfarlane 3yds. W. B. EaHtm 6yds. W. J. Bait sillie syds. F. W. Hunt Gyds. A. Adsima 7yds. and G. 0. Miln 15yds also oompeted. Hi"h Jump J. G. Hamilton (scr. BH 2Jm 1; D. "W. Ariel '3«n) 6ft 2; A. E. Price (Sim), M lOtin, 3. H. A. Reese 2in, A. Adams Sin, and H. A. Hunt 7in also j competed. . I Inter-Year Relay Race, one mile— Second J. year team (D. W. Ariell. A. R. Deschler, H iP. Gilbert, and W. H. Jacob. 1, first year , team 2. Tlie third year team did not finish. » One Mile Handicap—D. W. Ariell. scr. 1; J VT H. Jacob. 30*ds. 2, H. P. Gilbert 80yds - 8. Time, smiu ajsec. C Burton 110 yds also started. 100 yds Old Ftv dents' Handioan—G. Rennie Bvds, 1; H. Wri"M, nvfo, "2; J. W. Otway, Byds. 8. Time, 11 4-stb sec. Sis smarted. 100 yds Vrsitore* Hatidicso—J. Guthrie 1, C. J. Turner 2. Time, 10 8-st_ sec. One Mile Cyole Handicap— J. C. Allan. 45yds,' 1; L. J. G. Hamilton, 55yde. 2: J. 81oes,scr.-8.- Time. Smin 8»o. F.W.Hunt, 90vds. and 1 C Burton 120 yds slto started. "Sack TtmrnatfenV-H. ■A. Hunt 1, G. C. Miln 2. Eitrht competed. Obstacle Raoe Hindioap—L. J. G. Hatail- . ton,Bor, 1; J. Paste. 6sac, 2; C. Burton, 7e*o. 3. Eighteen started j GretJ?y Pig Hunt—J. Page was the winner. ] '220 yds Consolstion—M. G. Sharp 1, W. H. Jacob 2, A. Abbott 8... ~ - ' •> The principal ofFcials were:—Judges, Messrs W.jLawrie. G. Gray,.J. Henderson. .J. Ounninvbam. J. Johnson, R. Lbchbesd,' and H. N. Wright: timekeeper", Messrs W. J. Cole-, batch, and H. Gcss; starter, Dr. F. W.'Hil- *. gendorf.