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Mr Hugo Frkdlander was yesterday !•»■.„ J elected »s chairman of the Aebbnrton. HttfKJrj pital Committee for the ensuing twelve & months. • | Superintendent Smith will represent the Christchurch Fire Brigade at th* an- || nual Conference of the Pi» Brigade Aaw elation to be held at Hawer*. *^ Harvesting of wheat has commenced in *| Swannanoa and Fernside district*. Some of the early crope are being cut, and at* expected to dry ia the stock fit far -| threshing. ■ % Mr Harold Ashton arrive* from tkr<| south to-morrow by. the exprao, to valet ;j arrangements for the season here of Iμ Williamson Dramatic Companyj openttg '& at the Theatre Royal on Monday ewaußjf. *S| Dr. Mason, Chief Bedtii Officer, wha., ,4 arrived from Dunedia la»t night, win attend the special meeting of th» Hospital J| Board to-day, when the Bottle Lake qcee J tion will be discussed. '$

Efforts are being made to tele- «- phonic communication between Asbburtoa and Wakaiiui, thence to Riyereide, Seaaaa, i, Kyle, and Dork, and then on to aiWtfcjgs h» support of the movement aie £ to be held shortly at. the centres named. At the meeting of tTW Highbank Commits, held on Baturday, Mr Brcharfs £ tenders! his resignation as one of its man- g bers. The committee decided to hold ov« ,c the tippointim-nt of his raccersor till J«* 6 >« inoeling, and agreed to grant ***™***».4 days from January 28th to March 13:h. -3

On Monday ilr Zouch, Inspector for the Society for Prevention of Cnielty t» Aiamaie, took pos«e{*ion of two horsee » Ifciuwtts, wbicli he found w<?« bemg cd with sore shouMers. An infor s?** Jo s was laid, and the case comes on at Oxlora. Court on Monday.

T'ds Atflilmnton Hospital Coromrtt«i which had under offer.aa X-Bays append tvs, has d-scided oa the Bccre of «pen« to taks no action in regard to its purcnas* at present. Dr. Trevor pointing out that be-. voiid th* initial cost of the appaxalM, •' wnsiderable outlay would be necessaxy » conneetioa with its installatiasfc- : ,

W ;: (WaWe Moore arrested & man at LytBeSon I** ni * hi oa a cherge "t** l " l * Pi fW- of *>«> ts - next local wool sale takes place on Pl-ibe »st iEst-i a»d **» catalogue* dose on next. IT > naxmg the cig hfc tliat tie "Wellingl e , r office baa been open since &'C banning of the tc*t Onrty-four apsjf Xtitiona for marriage licenses have been jig'-jfieerved. <3r r - Enquiry is made from America, through States Consulate, a* to the of Mr and Mrs John Mm*. Keeeriy of BaHaat, and **» »h« I" 1 SC"tEiSof -were lading in Chnstchurch. S'j. There was no quorum last night at the trtdiflMT meeting of the Committee of the SbdrtYior Prevention of Cruelty to Ani'Sji Mm Smith and Messrs Hardcastle ■*>' -tfd" Maclarea were! the only members y. Ext«n«7e additions have recently been s. * nade to Ihe Gear Company's Meat Works jt Fttone near Wellington. The Com- ■' ' «nt can now freeze up to 4000 sheep a ;'•*;££ and has (storage accommodation ior ! ?: 1»,000 carcases. ". r According io the Gibborne "Times" the "' ' Tounft man Sowden, who came back in the * hcUcn Kia Ora, lm received a telegram j * from Felix Tanner, of Tanners Ark, offer- *; j£ to take the place of the late Mr Backeridge, should it be decided to make ?r "another start for London. :. r The Pnb-lio Works Department expects '= tiat the Maneaweka-Taihape section of the •* \orth Wend "Main Trur.k Railway will be '>'ooen for goods traffic by May. Beyond *' T&ihape th*» work of formation is to be l -' vigorously pushed on, and material placet! L- faf readiness «o that mc work shall not be *' -delayed during the winter months. f In connection with the. underground «!>}«« which arc laid in High street ; by the City Council, tlie Engineer will be ! \ clad to communicate with owners en route " «ho may be desirous of taking the supply *' on «t once. This is necessitated in order '. to ascertain what service boxen will b? re- .- quired, so as to avoid the inconvenience of 1 w-opening the street. i It is understood that the Theatre Royal -' proprietary are arranging to carry out the <\ of the Chief Inspector as 1 ltd the improvements nectfsary in the 'V ■ building for securing the siafety of the v pttblic. Messrs Fuller and Son are also /' irrwiging to carry out several alterations - ia the Opera House, and no doubt steps &-wll be taken in connection with other it* public buildings reported upon, by Mr ?'„ Ifossey. *- : '\ The Baron yon Mueller nv.dal for original I researches ii« natural science, referring .-*' BiDeciaUv to Australasia., has been awarded V toTlr A. W. Howitt, of Victoria, for his Zi datmguished work on ethnology, geology, & and botenv, extending over forty years. *£ 'Mc- medal" is awarded every two years or &*■« Mr Howitt wjis for a long time Vict'torian Secretary of. Mines. He was the £ discoverer of the remnant of Burke and F> 'Willi , * exploring expedition, finding King, £- the survivor, ut Cooper's Creek. I- 5 The township of MeKenzie boasts of one jS* solitary lamp, the light of which, accord&'"ing to the local paper, is not, at its best, much more than a candle power. Tlie lamp % ia never lighted, and the Chemist Cqunty $ .Council, which on Saturday last considered £~ tbe question of lighting the township, de--5? ckfcd to postpone the event until the winter W months. j£* The Minister of Railways lias written to % Mr J. McLachlan, M.H.R., promising that %' th* matter of an improved train service be- %* tween Aehburton and Timaru will receive ertiiideration. The letter has reference to S*tbe petition forwarded to the Department & of Railways «ome time ago, asking that $* tie 3.10 p.m. train from 'i'imarn to Orari fcj should com* on to Ashburlon and leave %, km tbe return journey to Timaru at 7 a.m. the following morniug, bo as to giveAshfe*'burton midents visiting Tlnmruthe chance t- tf spending a longer day at the seaport ~- town, and to otherwise iacrease the busi"t ac» facilities between the two towns. 0\ The followirg letter has been sent by the H, *VT«]\iagt<on City Council to the J)epart-&-'l|venb of Public* Works :— "In view of the ■«* v etattiments being made in tha newspapew &■ to the subject of electric tramways, his jp.tiW'orahip the. Mayor thought it might be of £f* "interest to your informed i* that arrangements have alreadj'. been made every man engaged by the WelCity Council a» a motorman or conductor will have to pass a strict medical a examination, and also be of good iK'ii«r;il §, ability and character. Each man will then &' undergo a course «f tuition under tlie §. Bupmntendence of the electrical cngiii««r ¥ l>»fa«>:being allowed to take duty on the % There was a large attendance at ihe y! fuueral of the lat« Mr D. Dick, of Ashley, r. at the Rangiora Presbyterian Cemetery. S"/ Business was fora time suspended at the gf.varVet. Fifty-six vehicles were counted §?• in the procession. Among tho*e present I"; were representatives of the Canterbury Board, Govennneiit Valuation De'£'iport men t, Kowai, .AshJey, and Mandevilie |!j.' Road Boards, Kowai Domain Board, SefCompany * the Northern Agrif.<T»Hnrßl Society, and Farmers' Union, and I 'Worth Canterbury Caledonian Society. The £■' ca»kefc was carried to the grave by Messrs ' . J. and W. McMillan, A. P. O'Callaghan, J"" 'H. Millar. A. Freeman, and H. Murray. *~ The Bey. D. Anderson officiated. Wreaths '' '*Ke rent by the Lttnd Valuation OQce. T Mr and Mrs'nnd Miss Robertson. Mr and • *Mm J. Roberteon, Robertson Bros.. Mr asd «Mr» C. J. Marshall, and many others.

ft Tne expenditure in connection with the i Charitable Aid Board for the month of was as fallows:—lnstitution res. Kef—Ashburton Home £139 18s lid, re- £•- lieved 65 persons. Female Refug* £27 '„* 10*, reliewd 10 intents end 13 women. *-~, 'Memorial Home £305 9s 9d, relieved 60 V persons. Orphanage Sb% 16s sd, relieved V 32 persons. Samaritan Home £35 6s Bd, -' relieved 53 persons. Armagh street Dtt "■ pot £16 6e lid, relieved 4 persons. Out- * s door "relief £474 6s 2d, number of cases f~ relieved 340, including ICOS persons. Maintenance of destitute children boarded out " £46 Is, number relieved 42. Maintenance <of children at Industrial Schools £66 10s. number of persons relieved 43. General

expenses, etc., £85 8s 6d. MiscelUnttous items £17 4s Id. Total o-rdinary expenditure £1267 18s sd. number of persons re- % lifred 1332. Special expenditure en septic ttnk at Ashburton Home £70. Grand ■ total of expenditure for the month £1537 , lB»5d.

Somewhat of a novel legal point croppwl up at the Magistrate's Court- yesterday, when' a man, for whom Mr Cassidy npp<wed, was charged with trespassing on the premises of an hotel. . The chargis was laid not as customary under the Licensing

Act, but under the Police Offences Act, for it was not alleged that the m.'tn luid

behaved in such a disorderly manner as to E Iring the case within the operation of tiio J Licensing Act. His Worship questioned J nhether a man could be excluded from - public licensed premises nnder such oir-

cumstances, adding that the point was> Pew in the colony, aiid had better be argted by counsel on botii sides. The matter was accordingly adjourned for a week, in order that the T>olic© mij'ut employ consel.

Applications for awards have been received by the secretary of the New Zealand Royal Humane Society, in respect to Thomas Parbold Twining and Charles Henry Lewis Johnston, who were' both iiistru- . • mental in paving life at Kartigi, on October ; 18th, 1903. Twining was out in a. boat with Saorael Thoiua* Benjamin aiid Henry Berrett, when it got swempc-d. Twining, ■who was folly dressed, took Benjamin on his back, and Sasiuel caught hold of Benjamin's feet. Johnston came to Twining'e assistance, and took Benjamin ashore, and afterwords threw an oar 'to Twining. Berrett was drowned, and at the inquest . tlie jury, in a rider to their verdict, specially eomraended the bravery and

presence of mind displayed by Twining, a lad of sixteen years of age, and by Mr Johnston. Whilst Twining had the two Jouiig men in hand, he got entangled with ..the fitting lines they had been using.

Dr. Clark, the founder of the Christian Endeavour movement, is expected to visit. Ashbartoa oa February 6th. "I won't speak again," threateningly; remarked the Magistrate's Court orderly yesterday morning, after several fufile cryings of "Silence in tlie Court." In connection with the New Zealand Contingents, it may be interesting to note that the. Queen's Cadets contributed directly iour members, and through the adults in the matter of the ex-members, at least forty. Thia is a really excellent record.

It ia surmised that the whale, washed up on tlie beach at New Brighton on Saturday night is one that has been, sighted in the vicinity several times during the past week or two. So close did the cetacean come, into the shore that enapshots were tat«n of it -while in ■the act of spouting.

Tlie bankruptcies in tile Canterbury dißtrict last year numbered 23, in 1902 there were 20: discharges, 10 as compared with 14; assets, oa per etatenwnta, £4608 as compared with £4500 in 1S02; liabilities, £15.526 as compared with £8321; and debtw proved, £8677 as compared with £6674.

Tlie New Brighton Gala Commiitee has decided to offer a prize of two guinea* for a. guessing competition in regard to tho weight of the whule which was cast up oii the beach on Sunday. The entries for tiie canoe race and life-*aving competition will close on Thursday.

During last year 23,586 eggs were *mpplied from the four Government poultry farms for hatching purposes. These eggs were all from purebred stock. In addition a iiivo lot of Htovk has been hatched at the farms and will be offered about March. Since theae farms were started the demand for eggs for hatching has risen from 5000 to the number given übovo.

As a. mark of respect to the memory of the late Hon. W. C. Walker, Captain Baldwin, officer commanding Sydenham School Cadets camp «t Governor's Bay, called a speciai parade on Friday afternoon, wlwti the Company stood to salute. Prayera were offered by the chaplain on. behalf of Mrs Walker and her family.

Two cases of scarlet fever were reported to the Ashburton Hospital Committee.' am its meeting yesterday, as having been admitted to tlie fever ward of the hospital. The one case came from Lauriston, and the other from the Hawke'e Bay district, the latter being a Maori child, who was travelling down to stay with friends in the district, and developed the disease en route. Speaking to a "Press" reporter last night Mr H. D. Bedford, (M.H.R., eaid that, during his etay in England he proposed to study closely the fiscal question, and he expected to mst't the most prominent men identified with the movement. Mr Bedford was not sure whether he would visit, the Continent, but if lie did he intended only to inspect the technictl schools in Germany. On his return to New Zealand Mr Bedford ■will, when passing through America, visit the St. Louis exhibition.

Mr D. D. Hyde, Government poultry expert, who is at present in this city, may ba eeen at the office of the Agricultural Department. Mr Hyde, intends visiting Buniham to-day and on Thursday leaves for the South to commence a series of addressee. He" will speak first, at Waikouaiti, and will be in this city again about the end of the present mouth. Afterwards he will deliver lectures in the North Canterbury district.

A man who was fined AOs yesterday for committing a brrach of a prohibition order by being oa iitensed premises, asked that he might be allowed until the end of the month wherein to pay the fine. The Magistrate seemed reluctant to grant the. application, until the etrgeant conducting the. police cases assured him that the accused was employed as cook at the Police Station, and there would be no difficulty in securing the. money. After this explanation his Worship decided io give tlw credit asked for/

T[he Engineers' Band will play the following programme on the Rotunda, Sydenham Park, this evening:—March, "The Scottish Emigrant" (OrlHume); waltz, "Wiud and Wave" (Round); selection. "Sydney by Night" (Bulch); schottische, , "Chatterbox" (Ul« rico); selection, "Austral" (Bulch); march, "'Manhattan Beach" (Sousa); quadrille, "Fascination" (Rayner); contest march, "Champion of the North" (Kearsby).

Caterpillars are playing sad havoc with ths crops in the Hustings district, states a correspondent of the "Hawke's Bay Herald." In a 60-acre paddock of oats, fifte-n acres liave been completely stripped, and tin? estimated yield from the whole fix Id lias dwindled from 80 bushels to about £0. .AgricuKuris-ts in parts of this Island have been troubled by the same pest. In the neighbourhood of Spotswood, according to a correspondent of the " Cheviot Newß," the prospects of a heavy yield of hay are somewhat discounted by the ravages of caterpillar. , ?.

The Lyttelton Marine Band will give the following programme at the corner of Lcndon' and Canterbury streets, Lyttelton, on Thursday evening, at 8 p.m., this being the fifth of the Lytteltcn municipal concerts:—March, "Silver Myrtles" (Carl Ball); gavotto, "Hermione" (Lewis Ham); waltz, " Neapolitans " (Karl Kaps); selection, "Star of the Sea" (M. Bkger); lancers, "Up West" (.Warwick Williams); grand selection, " Seaiiramide" (Rojwini); waltz, " Ur,e Folie de Pesth" (Linka Camillo); march, " Avec Aptomb" (R. Vollstedt).

The House Surgeon of the Auckland Hospital (Dr. Collins) in reporting to his Beard his impressions of a visit of inspection to the Wellington and Christchurch Hospitals, summed up as follows:—Wellington has a good theatre, an X-ray apparatus, a laundry, a. nice little infectious dii<?ases hospital, and it has a good house for its superintendent. So also has the Christchureh superintendent; the hospital has an excellent X-ray apparatus, a good theatre, and a fine laundry. Auckland, he said, has the Uu-gest hospital of all, and yet it has not got an X-ray apparatus, it has no laundry, no sterilising apparatus for blankets, bedding,* etc., an obsolete theatre, and, Lβ added, "I haven't got a house!"

The statistics of the Magistrate's Court nt Lyttdton for the quarter ending on December 31sfc, show that there were five sittings on civil cases, and sixty-one on criminal caws'. The aggregate amount sued for was £439 18s 6d, and the aggregate amount recovered was £55 14s Id. Five mules were charged with, offences against public order, and four were summarily convicted; seventeen males were charged with offences against person or reputation, and thirteen were summarily convicted; sixteen males weire charged with offences against th« rights of property, and of these four were discharged, two were dismissed, one was committed for trial, and nine were summarily convicted; sixty-one males and. six females were charged with other offences, end fifty-five males and five females were summarily convicted. The fees in the criminal cases amounted to £12 Bs, and the fines to £35 10s, the total being £45 18s.

As the ootcome of the" Missionary Conference held ia Christchurch last May, biscuits of the University Colleges of the colony, and addressed by Mr John B. Mott, some m«mbers of the University Students , Christian Union in New Zealand have arranged, with the approval of she Bishops, and by the courtesy of the Vicars concerned to make a- tour of all the parishes in the North Island, and many ia the South Island, during the present vacation. According to the Auckland "Star," the students go in pairs to each parish, and it ie proposed to hold meetings at which, by the aid of cliarts and diagrams specially prepared for this tour, endeavour wiil be made to bring home to all who are interested the sad state of the heathen world at the present day. It will be the aim of the students also to point out various easy ways by which much aid can be rendered to missionary and church work by those who yet cannot themselves undertake to make euch work the business of their live*.

Madame Antoinette Sterling, whose death was reported yesterday by cable, commenced a concert eeaeon hero at the Tnam street Hall (now the Opera Hoe*e) on July Bth, 1893. She was asuurted by Mitts Isabel Webster, soprano; Miss May Habgood, pianist*; MessTß H. R. Holden, basso; and J. Wood, tenor. Madame-'s items at her first concert comprised: — "The Gift," "The Master of the Sheepfold," " Three Fishers," " A Life Lesson," and "We're a , Noddin'." The season which was under the management °f Messrs T. P. Hudson and L. J. Lohr, came to an abrupt conclusion after tliree- cut of tlx> six concerts had been given, owing to the death of Madame Sterlings husband at Adelaide.

Amongst the industries which have shown marked activity during the year just passed, is that of frozen meat- This ie particularly co as regards the Canterbury factorke, as will be eeen by the figures given below. The result of the export of the colony is a good one during the year, but as we* perhaps are more immediately concerned with pur local output, the figufea concerning this will be read with interest. They are as follows! : —Chrislehurch M«at Company (Christchurch and Timaru), 1,300,753 head of sheep, lambs, cattle, and pi?s; Canterbury Frozen Meat. Company (Belfast and Fairtield), sheep 387.959, lambs 548,922, cattle 3444, pigs 1647, calves 490.

As native flax (phormium tenax) is getting very scarce in New Zealand, this will probibly be tlie last season that farmers can procure their binding twine at 4£d per lb cash. Morrow, Bassett and Co. 6

Black, Beattie and Coy. are making a large display of real Panama hats, and owing to late arrival are clearing them at very low reduced prices. Men-'e 15s, ladies' 10s 6d each. Inspection invited. 7867

Country Teaders and others should note that Beath's great clearance Nile of nil their stock of drapery and clothing is now in full swing. Stylish robes, silk and wool mixtures, 35e 6d for 12s lid; job blouse Milks, worth 3s 6d to 4s lid, all at Is 6d and Is lid yard; model millinery 65s for 17s 6d; children's millinery 10s 6d' for 5s lid; fancy straws, 3s 6d to 7s 6d, all at, 6d; galateas 3s 6d for Is lid ; crash jackets I6s 6d for 9s lid; 100 samples blouses, to be cleared at Is lid, 2s lid and 3s lid; silk blouses 21s for 14s lid; washing tunics and dresses 5s lid for 2s lid, at Beath's genuine sale. See bargain tables and windows. Great sacrifice. 24

Shopping by Mail—lt is unnecessary that you come to the counters. Stewart, Dawson and Co.'a system for buying jewellery, etc., is, co orga.ius?d that you can buy lyour wants quickly and satisfactorily. You need not fear getting old styles or things in any way inferior to those shown to the most critical shoppers. It. is our aim to please those who have confidence in us, and to forwa.rd to them Wie choicest styles and best values from our stocks. Write for Stewart, Dawson's free catalogue of gifts and present ations-. 8547 The D.I.C. have just opened some very fine examples of old English solid oak and walnut furniture from British makers of high repute. The goode are now on view in the company's first floor chow rooms, and are well worth a visit of inspection. 29

Black, Beattie and Co. are now showing a very choice variety of summer sunshades in all the latest styles. Floral designs, stripes, etc., being the balance of their summer stock, which they are clearing at special prices to suit everyone. 8282

"DentoV may be fpurehiased from any of the Uhristchureh chemists fur 2b per bottle. As a cleanser and beaut ifier of the teeth it is unsurpassed, besides being exceedingly pleasant and refreshing. Try it. 6829

Mr Edward Hope, turgeon dentist, has commenced practice at 45 Hereford street East. Telephone No. 1361. 1481

Mesers Turnbull and Jonea, Ltd., are prepared to indent and buy motor cycles and cars to order.- Having an efficient staff, and well equipped works, they are prepared to undertake all kinds of repairs. Mr R. T. Turnbull ie leaving shortly for the purpose of obtaining the latest in English, American, and Continental motor practice. 32

For New Zealand and world-wide patents consult Henry Hughes, Patent Agents, 133 Hereford street. P. M. Newton, manager (16 years' experience). Free pamphlet, "Advice to Inventors," on application. 7549

Highest clas* modern dentistry. Dr. Black, B.Sc., N.Z. University, D.D.S., UniUd States., Gold and other fillings a specialty. 186 Colombo street (corner Hereford). ' 51

Pianos can be purchased on the one, two, or three-year biro system from 30 guineas; organs from 17 guineas. Lowest prices. Easiest terms. R. Francis, The Musical Exchange, 159 Manchester strat, Onristchurch. *i 2

Herb beer, 8 gallons for 7d, made from one bottle of Fletcher's extract of herbs. Corks Is per gross, by bale 9id, green ginger Is per lb, hops 9d per lb, brown eugar 2Jd, string 3d and 6d ball. Fletcher Bros., direct importers, lower Highfe street. 2368

Harris's Imperial Boot Depot are now displaying their spring shipments. The goods have been carefully selected from the most reliable American, English, and Continental makers, some of which they are exclusive agents for. It may be confidently asserted that footwear in such til- , public at such moderate prices. 207 variety and quality has never been offered Cashel street, next Ballantyne's. 69

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11790, 13 January 1904, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11790, 13 January 1904, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11790, 13 January 1904, Page 6