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Thbs Cable. —Up to an early hour this mom ing New Zealand still remained cut off from cable communication with the outside world. A batch of messages, however, arrived by steamer at the Bluff, and these are published in another column.

The San Fbanctsco .Mail.—The s.s. Wanaka, with the Southern portion of the San Francisco mail, left New Plymouth at 3 a.m. yesterday. She ought, therefore, to have Reached Wellington last; evening, and the mails may possibly be in Christr church this i^.. , s ;v . '..'■,! \ Chamehb of CoMi^^B t -r~T^e-annual general meeting of the members pf the Chamber will be held ati the rooms on Friday, the 30th mat, for the election of officers, &c. -' -Nominations for office-bearers will be received by the Secretary up to Friday, the 23rd"inst. : -

Death off a Watkbhoo Vetbraht. —Wβ] are informed that' Col. Borton Browns, brother of Captain W. P. K. Browne,' of > Ainberley, who fought on the field ,oi; Waterlo6,-Burrendered on June;l6fch,to thei conqueror Death. The late Col. Browne! was the" recip|ent of i6nprs.,\£roui the I Queen, anil was' noted as α-ewocdsmanl when cavalry regimenM« f Kkbftqn Mining Bstftiß'KS. '•*-•» The manager 4he - - Globe' and ; K&dp-lt- ■ Dark Gold Mining Companies telegraphy ; Mr Jamee Henderson, Hereford returns for the...past /reek as "i-f- , r Globe, I6IOZ of Jrom '190 ton?.;! Keap-it-Dark, 2400 a? of ainaiganx fxom 180 tons. • L-L ■■.■,>■.•'-■ r .V :■.* ,/-,i ■■•. ?-•. < "Eva." —A service of song, entitled "Eva," was successfully given, ■■ on Thttra- j day evening, in the Unifeed Methodist Frefe \ Church, Colombo road,, by tb[e Papanni; Jubilee Choir, to a crow3ed audience. The \ coonecting readings were by Mra De ', La Mare. The Key. Mr Badatone qcoapied I the chair. Mr Hocking and Mr, J. Milns seconded, a hedrty vote of thanks ; to the singers, the reader, and-the chairman. The minister pr#oufl<»2i!he; Bene- ■ diction, and I<hus ended a very profitablo evening. •; '* 'fS ; *~..-v,^•,;••; ./» .:•■.'-i .J. - : a moruing $be police at Kaiapoi were informed by Mr G. Mathers that a girl aboab, fifteen years of age, daughter of Mr Wm. Bell, of Saltwater Creek, on the North road, had died suddenly. From the brief particulars to hand it appears the girl was in her usual health, and was getting out of bed, when she was seized with a sndden illness, and died before medical aid could be sought. An inquest takes place at 1 p.m. to-day.

Principal jEaint.—As already stated Principal Bainy, who comes from the Fiee Church of Scotland as delegate to the jubilee services o&the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, has arrived in New Zealand, and is now in Duuedin. He also comes to pay a visit td the various Presbyterian churches of New Zealand to express the sympathyof the home churches with them in their work. Principal Bainy, ;it may be noted, ia Principal of the New College, Edinburgh, and also occupies the chair of Church History in connection with the same College. He will reach Christchurch during the present week, and ifc is intended to entertain the distinguished visitor at luncheon. Principal Bainy will preach at St. Andrew's next Sunday morning, and at St. Paul's in the evening. ANNAT.r-rPur? correspondent writes:— " Several weeks ago a petition praying for the establishment of a posfc-office and telegraphic facilities was sent to the authorities. Some officials of the Department visitifei the district and interviewed some of the applicants. Apparently they are of the opinion that the service ia not required, as a reply has been received that therpetitaori could not be granted. Cropping is steadily occupying attention, and shows a larger area under grain than for the past two years. The high price of grass seed is inducing manuring of weak land for grain, instead of laying down in grass.

Voicm Production.-—Advertisements an" nouncing the dates of Mr North's singine classes and other particulars will be found in another column. Haoley Pakk Bides.—As will be seen by a notice appearing elsewhere, the rides in Hagley Park will be closed until October 15th. Municipal.—The ordinary meetings of the City Council and the Sydenham Borough Council will be held thie evening at the usual hour. New Zbaland Exhibition.—A meet, ing of the local ■ Committee of the above will be held this afternoon, when the Secretary will give a report of his recent visit to Dunedin and inspection of the buildings. Kaiapoi Kifles.—At an inspection of this Corps, in the Kaiapoi Drill Hall, O a Friday evening, there were eighty rank and nle present. The officers in attendance were Captain Whitefoord, Lieutenants Wilson and Millar, and Dr. Compton Parsons. -, Supreme Court. —The case of Smith + Ogdon was continued on Saturday, when further witnesses for the defence werA examined. The case now stands adjourned till the 27th instant. ■] i Intbbpbovinciai. Chess Match.—As wili be seen from a report in another column, the Canterbury Chess Club won their match with the Otago Club by 6 gamfct to 2. » Kanqioka Kifles. —At the inspection parade of this company, under Captain J. Fulton, Lieutenants Helmore and Torlesae] on Wednesday, thirty-four were present. The corps opened its Morris-tube range on Saturday evening, in a building granted for its use by Mr E. E. Good. It is expected that the tenders for the drilk shed of the company will shortly fee invited. ~

Land Sale. —Messrs J. Bowman and Son offered on Saturday by auction, at their salerooms, Hereford street, a number of sections of land, the property of Mr Eden George. A section in Gloucester street, between the Criterion Hotel and the Theatre Koyal, on -which is erected two shops, -waa passed in at £775. A quarter-acre section at Foxton, on the New Brighton tram line, was sold for £26.

Exhibition Organ.—The organ belonging to Messrs A. J. White and Co., which was in the Wellington Exhibition, will be fixed in the concert hall at the forthcoming Exhibition at Dunedin. The tender of Messrs Parson and Sandford for its erection has been accepted, and they purpose putting in several new stops. 5 LyTTELTON LiTKBARY AND BIBLICA& Association. —The usual weekly meeting of thia Society was held on Thursday evening. There was a fair attendance, the Key. G. Bond occupied the chair* The meeting was devoted to readings by the junior] members. Readings were given by Mrs Mugford, Messrs James Webb, Ivory and Bain, and papers by Messrs Hay and Eyre. All the items were well rendered and favorably received. Some lively criticism resulted from the papers read. A vote of thanks, to those Who had contributed to the evening's entertainment

was carried by acclamation, and brought a pleasant evening to a close. Kaiapoi Band ov Hops.—The members of the Band of Hope at Kaiapoi created somewhat of a sensation on Friday evening by parading the town about 150 strong with a feast of lanterns. The cavalcade wag headed by the fife and drum band of Mr Fergusson's boys from the North Bo&d School. The gorgeous and brilliant d* play of illuminated lanterns produced .a very beautiful effect. The members of the Band of Hope were marshalled by the Bey. P. W. Fairolough, who was most aucoes!» ful in his arrangements connected with the affair. In the Wesleyan Sohoolroom an entertainment was given by Mr'Fergus3on and his pupils, including songs, recitations, and selections by the band, r A very amusing dialogue, " The Errors ; (tf Medical Practitioners," created great ftwL The prices of admission were, adults 84, children Id, and JE3 6s was taken at the doors. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded to the performers. ~ t , ~, Theatbb Eotal. —This evening "th* officers and members of the City Guards, assisted by several ladies, will give the first of the two dramatic performance! projected by them in aid of the uniform fund, at the Theatre Eoyol. The piece selected is appropriately a military one, part of the j>lot upon incidggji occurring in Bussia during the Crimean war. The rehearsals were given excellently throughout, and there is every pro* liability of a good interpretation of the various characters of the 9 cast/ )TBe 4§u* liaries will be on a scale notyet attempted in Christchurch in connection. ; with amateur performances. ;Ma Sullivan's Misbion.— morning Mr G-. T. Sullivan, the reformed athlete, was introduced to-the congregation of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, by the Bey. J. Ehnali©. In the afteDvotfOdS&r Sullivan addressed a meeting of young men. The large church was the evening, and a , number of persons YeW unable to gain admittance. Mr Sullivan sang several solos in excellent voices The EffT. J. Elmslie gave a short pointed addreasiton the sabject of 'fUnhelief," :and.Mr.SJ»llivan then followed. He 1 spoke earnestly •for-nearly an hour, and fca^iiefcenedto with close attention. The; gave assistance in singing the cnoruse> to' jane Bolos, &«. The mission will becontinued in the church throughout the week, \ ' r Wtfasme .MsiN'e Aeaoai*v won.—On Friday evenmg^laSJj--the moters of tJx&ChJcStcKwrch Working McVi Co-operative Uihl r Temperance Hall; <>Jouc<wfcer street.', ;M* J. Hislop was voted to the rjmit; aa<s gfve an addjfeefl..on'tha principles of cooperation, quoting from the balance-slyee&rof some.' societies:, in England and Scotland, showing that great euccess had attended their work, soihe je5,b00,000 of moiiey being spent in co-operative atored in Stjotland alone. About; 1,80 shares were , taken up; aiid r the>' following were elected the Cozointtteeof Management:—MrJ. Hielpp, President; Hook, ■Vioe-Pr6sidenfi Mr J. Alford^,Secretaryj Mr.G, Roggi Treasurer; and Messrs Handisidea,,ji)k*nson, Campbell, MarshalT, Eagst€d, Chaplin, Sylvester and Committee BJfcn. Eulee were passed, and the meeting Adjourned for a week to consider rules md take ; . ; -.- ; - i; ■•■'■ •' ' '■■* ;; '4 . Spsbtdon Cbicket <Jll;b.—The wrd annual meeting c>f 'mo Spreydon "CridcetClub was lasti,Mt.J. Curtain occupying the chair. The JjJeqre* tary read the balance-sheet, whicUphewed showed a email sum to the credit of >W» Club. , It,waa reported that during p»e. t elaven marches hadJieen which ihe Club won five. ' pifflW, resolved t» change the. name of the Gleo to that of the " Beserve Cricket Clab," and to 'purchase obcoanut ffirfttitigf for ' the ensuing season. The following officers were elected for the ensuing season :— President, Mr W. Johnston (re-elected); Vice-President Mr J. Clark j Captam*.M/ J. Young; Deputy Captain, Mr C. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr C. H. Grammer; Committee, Messrs H. «**3» T. Cox, J. Curtain. J. McNamata, anttj-B. Goodman; Custodian, Mr IL Gatefti«e« elected). The Bey. L. M. Isitt and JfiMW. Burby were elected ar honorary memberj. Eighteen new membere were elected, ana the meeting closed witbi a Vote of thanks to the Chairman. ')«*

Qkbaidinb School CoMMiTMra.-f-The monthly meeting of this Committee wa» held in the schoolroom on Wednesday evening. Present—Messrs VT. S.'Maehn (Chairman), J. Eiordan, J. W. Pye, C.;B. Sherratt, #. SWers and W. H/V™h Correspondence, was read from the" 3qu.tfl Canterbury Board of Education, giving.* summary of the attendance -.of ttfi» Greraldine school for the quarter ending June 30th, 1889, which amounted to 10*, ■, with a weekly average ot 261; The master's report showed the average weekly attendance for the month to have been 202.2jthe highest attendance hairing been 215. The Chairman stated that --«*<»■ received a copy of the amended Enabling BUI. Under tbia.BiU the Board was compelled to erect a new school on the ***&£* on the Cemetery road, takiwt p out of power of the householders onhfa . a site to be chosen by themselves. After considerable; discussion, it «ae. ??*?*' mously resolved to communicate with the Board of Education, urging thaj the Enabling Bill be. presented; before the Hotlae in i*» original fonit.' "Aceeunte amounting to M l7e. were paeaed for paymenVSad the Committee «d3W«Mte& li

Hmrrrwe. —The Brackenfleld nouada ViZi meet at Teviotdale on Thnraday, 22nd inst. Ot>DFELtK>wsHrp. —A special summoned meeting of the members of the Loyal City of Cbrietehurch Lodge, 4802, 1.0.0. F., fcLU., will be held this evening, for im portant business. Miutabt Concert.—A concert in aid of the funds of the Sydenham Bines will take place on the 30th inst. at the Oddfellows' Hall, Sydenham. A very excellent programme has been arranged for the occasion. Theatrical.—Mr George Butler, the want courier of Mr Maccabe, the wellJmown entertainer, arrived in Christohurch Da Saturday night. Mr Maccabe will fcppear at the Theatre Eoyal on the 7th of September, for a short season. Hampstbad School.—The Hampstead 0 School Committee have unanimously resolved to recommend for the position of head master Mr W. Malcolm, F.E.1.5., Formerly- Principal of the Normal Training School, Chrietchurch. PoPTTLAE Concerts.—The popular concert at the Temperance Best was very fairly attended on {Saturday evening. Miss Parkee, with her hand bells, greatly contributed to the enjoyment of the evening. Songs and duets were, eung, and recitations given by several ladies and gentlemen. Mr E.'Long occupied the chair. Next week Mr Bradford gives some legerdemain tricks. Industrial Association. —A general meeting of the members of the Industrial Association was held at the Corn Exchange ©n Saturday evening, when it was decided to carry on the Association, and the Committee was authorised to secure a suitable room. A report of the meeting appears elsewhere.' . Conckbt at New Brighton.—On Friday night ft.concert was given at "The Pines," under the auspices of the newly formed Lodge of Foresters, about -two hundred being present. The programme w&s well arranged and enthusiastically received. After the concert a dance took place. Pigeon Shooting.—As will be seen by %n advertisement in another column a handicap sweepstake is to be shot on the Heathcote Baeecourse on Friday next. This match is in lieu of the one mentioned Ja our columns of Friday laet to be shot >t Biccarton to-day. Judging from the «nocess of last week's match a large entry - Is anticipated, and as plenty of pigeons are ilready on hand a good day's sport will io doubt be the result. ~ Largs Boot Salb.—Some considerable excitement was caused on Saturday in Colombo street when Messrs Tonks, Norton and Co. submitted the stock in trade of boots in the estate of Clara Goodman. There was a tremendous crowd of the trade present, the spacious auction rooms of the firm being filled to overflowing. The sale will be continued morning. '■■■ Caledonian Society.—The members of the Canterbury Caledonian Society have arranged to hold what promises to be a fvery, enjoyable social gathering at the - Oddfellows' Hall to-morrow evening. The tSociety have held two or three what may vbe termed " at homes" in. their own rooms, -but the one now projected will be on a 'somewhat' larger scale. A capital programme of vocal music, and of course pipe iinuaic, has been arranged, to be followed lay dancing. i *Etf&eßMi'e Flat.—An entertainment in connection with the Band of Hope was ■ held in the schoolroom on Tuesday evenvLttgl There was a very fair attendance of members and others, and the Rev. J. :J2apley presided. The entertainment consisted .of songs, solos; readings, recitations, ; » dialogue, and an address, the following Hairing part in it:—Misses Philpott, Rap-: *fey,'Yates, Eutledge, Eobertson (2), and * J. fraighead, Messrs T. Bar, M. Naismith, 6 J.W illiams, S. Williams, H. Eobertson, r and the Chairman. " ! *' CHBiSTCHURCH DRAUGHTS CLUB. — A Committee meeting of the above Club was ' Keld on Thursday evening, when arrangewere made for a match with Uhe Lyttelton Young Men's Club, . and a challenge from the Wellington Working Men's Draughts Club was also dealt with. The following were chosen for. the restricted *knat&rea to be played this month:—"Laird f»a La«tf, w " The Ayrshire Lassie/ * The f Wni-b'-the-Wißp," and " The Maid of the , MxfirOAii Improvembnt Association. — iThe+East Belt Association held its weekly ineeting on Thursday evening, Mr L: W.fleoh ' m the chair. Mr JWroat read an interesting and inBfariotive essay on "Female Character, ,, bringing into prominence the exeeltlttkfc •qualities naturally poaseased by the lair sex. In the oisoussion which ensued the fo^owine took part:—Mrs Clark, Eev. W. J. Williams, Messrs Eitchie, Brown, fAJnnitage, Newman, Bacon, Booth, and r^Bmith. ' J INSPECTOR OF NtJISANCBS AT KaiAPOI.— Poring the past week a general visitation of all the tenements of the borough has been begun by Mr B. W. Smith, the lately Appointed Inspector of Nuisances for the Town of Kaiapoi. Hitherto the health of this borough has been very good, and the appointment of an Inspector seems to have been made in consequence of the recent adoption of certain bylaws which affect matters relating to drainage, the removal of rubbish and nightaoiL The borough authorities purpose, no doubt, to have a, BjAriftgsdeaning, and there may be some places where a littlef attention to sanitary matters is required. The Inspector's duties extend to looting up unregistered dogs, ac well as a number of license fees Khich»have been recently Introduced. •■ 3Taldhtjrst Libbaby. — The annua* trablio meeting in connection with the laldhurst Library was held on Thursday' evening. The Chairman, Mr Johnston, tea/? the report and balance-sheet, which showed that there were 400-bocks in the Library, a good number of subscribers, and % credit balance of about .£lO 103. This was considered very satisfactory. The BchoQi Committee wprere-elected a Library Committee for the ensuing twelve months. Voteajef thanks were passed, including one to Mr J"reeman for his kindness in assisting to compile a catalogue. At a meeting held-immediately after the public meeting it was resolved to expend £6 in new books. Lbtthfibld.—A very successful concert in aid of the harmonium f uud in connecSt. Paul's Church was held in "tWPublic Hall, Leithfield, on Wednesday Miss Woodhouse sang several wnge with much success, Messrs Norman fcna Purchas sang a duet, and Mr Norman also played several violin solos. Songs were also contributed by Miss Claridge wad Messrs Norman. Purchas, King, Wil.Turner and Shorland. After the ? otaoart a social dance was held for about two hours, the Leithfield Band being in attendance.. odd»m, Cttst. —The member 8 of the Loyal Cost Lodge of Oddfellows and theitfrieads held their annual social reunion on Tuesday evening in their Lodgerown aMight o'clock. About 130 members and their friends sat down to an excellent tea, presided over by Mesdames Searles, Haasall, and Cooper. After tea the chair was taken by Bro. Crbthers, N.G., and a Programme was gone through, in which tee folbwing took part, the accompaniments being played by Mr Searell .—Songs by Misses Garland, O'FarreU, Wayland, Messrs Gilbert, James, Euddenklau, and Wayland, solo on the violin by Mr O'Sail. Bro. E. W. Hassall, in the course of some , remarks, stated that the Cust Lodge was in a very flourishing condition, having a membership of about sixty and an acjamulated fund of jgoOO. A dancf was aew afterwards, which was carried on antil an early hour. n SP^° KTSO^-C ' H. Manning Ir now producing very be&atifnl aud magnificent results in photography by the most recent , *hejmcalprocesa.~{Ai)VT.] English Chair at Otago University. ~-Irom the number and qualifications of the applicants for the Chair of English language and Literature in the University (says the Otago Da% Kmee),it is evident that the Church Board of Property nave an unusually delicate teak before them, io the selection of a candidate for recommendation to the University Council. There are orer fifty applicants, many of *bom are said to poasesa very high toilttiog j

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7392, 19 August 1889, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7392, 19 August 1889, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7392, 19 August 1889, Page 4