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TWO REP. VICTORIES. AU CKIiAND SUCCESSES. CLUB MATCHES CONTINUED. Auckland's A and B representative Rugby teams scored victories on Saturday. At Invercaigill the A team had a narrow win over Southland ill a bright and interesting match, while the B representatives galloped away to a spectacular win over Thames Valley in the. star attraction at Eden Park. Despite the fact that it turned out to be a one-sided game, the Auckland-Thames match provided much of the spectacular and the crowd was- kept applauding throughout. The second series of the special senior matches, in which points are awarded for clean play and good spirit. as well as for scoring ability, was played in good conditions. Wins on scores were recorded as follow: — Training College 12, beat Technical Old Boys 5. Grafton 25, beat College Rifles 12. Otahuhu 12, beat Manukau 3. Marist 11, beat North Shore 6. University won from • Grammar by default. RUNAWAY VICTORY. SPEEDY AUCKLAND BACKS. Pace among the backs and fine loose play by the forwards led Auckland's 1! representatives to a devastating Victory over Thames Valley in the main attraction of the Rugbv day at Eden Park on Saturday. On a perfect field, it was just the day for fast and spectacular play and throughout the match was played at glorious pace, with the Auckland backs Hashing from one delightful attack to another. A paralysed defence was helpless to stop this procession of Auckland backs to the Thames line. A striking testimony to the play of 11"' Auckland inside backs was the fact that 110 fewer than six tries were scored by tlie inside men. Strangely enough neither Flett nor Bell-Booth, the wings, crossed tlnline The fact that Ilook, the full-back, raced into the three-quarter line on one occasion to gallop away for an -easy try was another example of Auckland s ion tidence and demonstrated the weakness of the positional play of the Ttamc a W They showed little knowledge of when and where to cover up. „r.„„ n,« otnrt l than live minutes after the start the' Auckland backs started their procession to the Thames line, and with Hedge, Coonej and Logan in brilliant mood the Thames hacks were soon bewildered by the storm which raged on their line. Straight running by Hedge incisive dashes by Cooney, and glorious swerving runns by "J, deadly in their effect and prett> to watch. Bv half-time Auckland had rattled on 10 noints while Thames Valley had failed t score Unless Auckland eased up. it was plain that they would put up a big score, hut they were relentless until their scor totalled- an. Two last and spectacular raids in quick succession brought the Valley team tries. They were attacks that caught Auckland having a quiet nap. The Thames Yalleyi forwards, among whom Storey, Rowe anil Barbalich were a trio of tireless toilers, fought hard throughout, but they could not counter the sweeping movements of the Aucklanders. In set scrums Mcßeath won Auckland a generous supply of the ball, with the result that Thompson, playing soundly behind the pack, was able to give his backs a feast of the ball. The Thames Valley backs were completely overshadowed by the Auckland line They were outmanoeuvred and outplayed. Childs, a determined tackier, was brought from the wing to centre to try and stop the rot, but he was outwitted like the rest. Among tlie Auckland forwards MeGrory, McHugli and Armitage were responsible for some fine work, with Eraser flashing into the picture to pave the way for occasional attacks. All the backs were at the top of their form. Hook, the full-back, wearing the Auckland colours for the first time, played an excellent game. Chief credit for Auckland's tall score must go to Ihe inside men. Thompson was sound throughout, and scored with a beautiful (live round tlie blind side of the scrum. Hedge was tricky, and handled beautifully. Cooney and Logan were brilliant.

: SHORE'S IMPROVEMENT. I "" It may have been the skirl of a trio of bagpipes which played the tr.'ims on to the field at Devonport that accounted to some extent for the satisfying display of football staged by Marist and North Shore. It was a solid game, hard-fought practically all the way, and there were particularly tense moments near the end when Shore valiantly attempted to bring tlie score (11 —0) to more even proportions. On the day. Marist were the better team, and, weake'ned as they were by the. absence of rep. players, they deserved their win. They put on an exhibition of sparkling back play at times that delighted the spectators. In fact, at the. beginning the ball was getting away along the chain so smartly nnd so often that for some time Shore were rattled, and it was only by fierce tackling that scoring was prevented. Then Shore rallied, and the game evened up. All points in the first half came from penalty kicks. Waters succeeding with two for Shore and Hardy (Marist) one, leaving the local team with a 6—3 half-time lead. There were thrills in plenty in the second half, when Marist won two tries—both, incidentally, as a result of rebounds from kicks by Shore men. The scorers were Carrol and" Toye, with Hardy converting one. Near the end .Tessup crossed the visitors' line, but there had been an infringement. Marist three-quarters—Hardy, Toye and O'Brien —gave the game frequent spectacular flashes. The back line as a whole started off as'a fine combination, but there were slip-ups later when Shore, playing in much-improved style, got into stride. Marist forwards were a solid lot, with Carrol outstanding. Not in many weeks have Shore backs played so veil. Though such hitches as knock-ons were fairly frequent, they began to get the ball and throw it about in useful style. Waters, .Tessup and Finlayson were among tlie best, while the forwards were as hard-working as ever.

WIN FOR TRAINING COLLEGE. In a good game played at the Three Kings. Training Colkge always had something in hand over Technical Old Boys, and emerged victors by 12 points to 5. Technical Old Boys did not field their best team, and their display was far from impressive. Training. College took full advantage of the opportunity, and their forwards took control for most of the game. The students' backs were not a strong combination, and despite territorial advantage they only crossed the greens' line once, the rest of the score being obtained by Hare, who kicked a penalty, converted the try and was successful with a potted goal. The try was secured by Hammond as a result of a really bright movement, in which Thornton, Shaw and Thomas also had a band. In the last ten minutes of plav Technical, forwards showed real dash, and the backs threw the ball about freely in an endeavour to turn the tables, but the effort came too late, and the students' defence was quite sound. The Technical score was a try secured and converted by Lash, who played a line game throughout.

GRAFTON ON TOF. The football provided by the Graftor and College Rifles teams on Saturday wa: of the holiday variety, with both side: endeavouring to throw the ball about witl: abandon, but lacking that little finesse thai thrills the public. Practically from tin commencement Grafton were on top nnii the early advantage they gained they belli to the end. It was not good football t< watch, the backs failing to handle the bal. with accuracy. The final score, 25 to 12. in favour of Grafton, was a fair criterion of the general run of play. 1 For the winners, Stewart gave a safe display at full-back, while Johnson opened up the game at every opportunity. Paton made his return to the Grafton side and played second live-eighth, but was a trifle slow, although his defence was splendid. Arkle showed solid form behind tlie scrum, while Bunting and Galloway were always ill the thick ot' tlie fray among the forwards. Griffiths. and Vear were a shade the best of the College Rifles backs ami it was not their fault that the rearguard failed to hold their own with the opposition. Tilly defended soundly, while among the vanguard J. Stewart and Duncan were prominent. DEFEAT OF MANUKAU. The standard of football in the game between Otahuhu and Manukau at Sturges Park was of the mediocre order, tlie local side having a fairly easy win with nine points to spare. Manukau fielded a muchweakened team, several juniors playing, and Otahuhu had two or three juniors to fill vacancies. The home side's first try was a spectacular one by Henry Brown, who just missed another try after brilliantly fielding the ball. Nice handling by Pearson gave O'Neill a chance to get over, and then , Y ■^ en f l< -tt made a good cut-in and gave 0 Neil his second try. Wilson, a junior, playing at live-eighth, put in a tine run and scored nicely, making Otahuhu's score 12 points. Manukau's sole try was "gained bv Littlejolui's heady play. He gathered the ball in nicely, took it well down field, and punted high for Godfrey to secure and stroll over. The tall goalposts defied all kicks, not one try being converted. For the winners Bennett, Wilson, Brown, Pearson and O'Neil were the pick, and LiiLtlejolin and Godfrey Aver*? Manukau's best. Mr. J. 11. Land was referee. SECONDARY SCHOOLS MEET. The annual match between Sfount Albert Grammar School and Whangarei High T''li pl ," y( ? 011 Xo ' 1 ground at Eden 1 ark as the first game on Saturday The game was chiefly remarkable for the splendid play of two men, one from Mount Albert and one from Whangarei. They were Oddv the Grammar breakaway, who played tirelessly throughout, and Allison, tlie Whangarei second five-ciglith and captain, who proved a constant thorn in the side of his opponents by strong running and a good eye for a gap. Oddy's try, when he took the hull from the end of a hack movement and ran from half-way, beating six Whangarei men, was an outstanding one. On the whole it was a bright game, contested chiefly between the Whangarei backs and the Mount Albert forwards. Prentice, fiveeighth, and Kingston, full-back, were the best of the Mount Albert backs, and Bertleson and Stacey showed up in the forwards. For Whangarei Millar and James were the best backs, but none of the forwards was particularly impressive. The final result was a win for Mount Albert by 19 points to 13. The winners' points came from tries by Prentice, Oddy and Stacey, Kingston goaling twice from penalties and converting two tries.- Kermode and .Millar (2) scored for Whangarei and Allison coilverted two of tlie tries.

TEAM TO PLAY PUKEKOHE. Intermediate representatives chosen to play Pukekohe junior representatives at Pukekohe next Saturday are: — Backs: Yarnton, Freakes (Grammar Old Boys), Bickerton, Peid, Cato (Eden), Co-ks (Grafton), Amos, Sutherland (Technical Old Boys), Hetberiujrton (Manukiju). Forwards: Warne, Koefoed (Parnell), Reader (Grammar Old Boys), Yates (Eden), Livingstone (Technical Old Boys), Sotherley (Training College), Doflin (Suburbs), McDuff (College Rifles), Gordon (Grafton), Doherty (Ponsonby), W. Atkins (Grammar Old Boys). The team will assemble next Wednesday evening at 7.45 p.m. sharp at the Eden training shed, opposite Gribble-Hirst Park, for practice. Any player not available must notify the union ortice not later than Wednesday morning.

PUBLIC SERVICES. REPRESENTATIVE TEAM CHOSEN. The following players have been selected to represent the Public Services in a midweek match to bo played at Eden Park on August 26 :— Full-back: Elliott (Police). Threequarters: Knox (Philomel), Hotham (Police), Waters (Philomel). Five-eighths: Lane (Police), Stewart (Police). Halfback: Vear (Air Force), captain. Front row: Roddick (Police), McDonald (Air Force), Galaway (Police). Second row: Lilley (Police), Altken (Philomel), Burgess (Army), Kelk (Police). Back row: McKean (Philomel). Emergencies: Backs, Gallie (Philomel), Griffiths (Air Force) ; forwards, Fowler (Police), Fletcher (Philomel).

AUCKLAND BEATS THAMES VALLEY. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) PAEROA, Saturday. Auckland junior representatives beat Thames Valley by 20 to 14 at Paeroa to-day in a fast, open and even game. Tries were scored by Saunders (3), Jones, Kniglit, Lee, and McVeigh converted one. For Thames Valley Price scored twice and Davie converted one and kicked two penalty goals.

SENIOR B. Marist S, drew with Parnell 8. Eden 10, beat Suburbs S. University 32, beat Takapuna 12. SECOND GRADE. Waitemata 6, beat Panmure 5. THIRD GRADE. Ponsonby 17, beat Otahuhu 3. College Rifles 1(1, beat University 6. Grammar 0.8. 15, beat Manukau A 3. Otahuhu 3S, beat Technical College 0. Technical 0.8. beat Takapuna 0. THIRD INTERMEDIATE. Ponsonby 17, beat Otahuhu 3. Grammar 0.8. 14, heat Parnell 3. Suburbs 14, beat Marist 9. Takapuna 6, beat Shore 0. FOURTH GRADE. Marist 10, beat Grammar 6. Manukau 8, beat Northcote 6. Ponsonby 8, beat Parnell 3. Takapuna 6, beat Shore 0. FIFTH GRADE. Takapuna 25, beat Northcote 0. Shore 15, beat St. George's 3. SIXTH GRADJ3. Suburbs 8, beat 9

SOUTH AUCKLAND. TEAM TO PLAY AUCKLAND. The following players have been chosen o train for South Auckland for the match gainst Auckland at Pukekohe next Saturlav: —Backs: A. Hewitt, N. Parris, F. '/Oughrln (Pukekohe), H. Passau. W. Bar•abv, G. Hewitt, A. Catheart, L. Wright Franklin), A. Mcßobbie (Mangatawhiri). 'orwards: A. Moffitt, L. Adams, (Puke:ohe), S. Parker, A. Chapman, Mcßobbie (Mangatawhiri), Sherrard (Waiuku), Reid OVaikere), R. Skilton (Frar.klin). Two players are yet to be added to the list. Players will assemble for training at the show sheds, l'ukekohe, on Thursday evening. SECONDARY SCHOOLS. SENIORS. Mount Albert Grammar 19, beat Whangarcl High School 13. King's College -0, beat Takapuna Grammar G. THIRD GRADE. Takapuna B 15, beat Sarced Heart 3. FOURTH GRADE. Takapuna 24, beat Mount Albert 3. JUNIOR BOYS. SENIORS. Parnell 32, beat Newton 3. Suburbs C, drew with Eden <i. INTERMEDIATE. Marist 30. beat Newton 0. Manukau 5, beat Eden ,'i. Shore I>, beat Manukau 3. Takapuna 17, beat Suburbs 0. JUNIORS. Northcote 21, beat Parnell (>. Suburbs 3, beat Manukau 11. Shore 3. drew, with Monte Cec'lb: Takapuna 0, drew with Newton u. GAMES IN THE PROVINCE. I'UKEKOHK. Pukekohe 14. beat Mangatawhiri (1. Challenge Match.—Bombay (Imperial Shield holders) 18, heat Hi. Juniors.-—Pukekohe 22. beat Waiuku 0. Third Grade.—White Star 25, beat I'atuinahoe 0. Secondary Schools. —Sacred Heart S, heat Franklin Combined Secondary Schools 3. THAMES. Senior.—Possibles 13, drew with Probables 13. Physical Training 12, beat High School 10. PAEROA. Auckland Junior Reps. 20, beat Thames Valley 14. HAMILTON. Marist 30, beat Taupiri West 13. T. 0.8. 35, beat Frankton 3. Rovers 14, bent 01(1 Boys 11. Te Awamutu 28, beat Taupiri East S. CAMBRIDGE. Hautapu 14. heat Leamington 10. Fleming Shield Final.—Juniors : Northern 3, beat United U; Leamington defaulted to Karapiro.

Third Grade.—United 0, drew with Northern 0; Hautapu 20, beat Leamington MORRINSVILLE. Finlay Cup final:— Morrinsville (holders) 22. beat Taupiri 3 kiwitahi 0, drew with Matangi (i. Thirds. —Old Boys 8, heaz Terriers 0: Easturn 17, beat United 3. TE AWAMUTU. Rovers 14, beat Hamilton Old Bovs 11. Juniors—Walkeria A 25, beat Te Awanuitu 3; Ngutangl 25. heat Walkeria B 6; Tokanui 12. beat O'd Boys 12. Third Reps., CiicAsey Cup Challenge.— Walpa 17, beat Taupiri (i. MATAMATA. Championship Final. — Hiuuera 14, beat Mataniata 3. Boyee Junior Representative Cup.—Mataniata 13, beat Morrinsville !). Third Grade.—Wardville 18. heat Mataniata 8; Walton 3, beat High School 0. WAIHI. Athenree Maoris 0, beat Waihi B 0 ; High School A 41, beat Convent 3; High Sciiool B 1), beat Matalira 6. TAURANGA. Tauranga 17, beat Mataniata 3. Juniors.—Old Boys 10, beat High School 0. HELENS VILLE. CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL. Kaukapaknpa 14, beat Parakai 0. •Tuniors.^ —Technical Old Boys 12, beat Kaipara 11. PAEROA. Auckland Junior Reps. 20, beat Thames Valley 14. NEW PLYMOUTH. North Tukapa 27. beat Inglewood 7. Clifton 27. beat Star 3. South Hawera 17, beat Eltham 5. Athletic 23, beat Opunake 8. Waimate 21, beat Okaiawa 3. Kaponga 10, beat Patea 0. WANGANUI. Old Boys 3. beat Kaierau 0. Technical Old Boys 14, beat Marist 5. MASTERTON. Old Boys won by default from Gladstone. Greytown 27, beat Carterton 11. Red Star 20, beat Martinborough 17. Red Star have practically won the championship. MANUREWA. In the play-off of the senior championship Drury beat Manurewa by 23 points to 3. Drury win the Ryan Cup. Juniors.—Karaka beat Manukau Junior representatives by G points to 5. DARGA VILLE. Wairoa.—Rodney 14, beat WhangareiOtamatea 11. Knockout competition results to-day were:—Puhoi (cup holders) 11, beat Wellsford 5; Matakana 17, beat Warkworth 6: Port Albert defaulted to Kaitoa; Paklri, a bye. OPOTIKI. Parata Cup.—Opotiki 12, beat Apanui 5. Juniors (Bay of Plenty Shalfoon Shield). —Opotiki 9, beat Tauranga 0. GAMES IN THE SOUTH. WELLINGTON. First Division.—Athletic 11, beat Poneke 7; Wellington College 0.8. 27, beat Eastbourne 13: Marift 18, beat Petone 12 : Wellington 12, beat St. Patrick's College Old Boys 6; Hutt 12, beat Johnsonville 8. Second Division.—Athletic 29, beat Wellington College Old Boys 17; University 35, beat Oriental 13: Wellington 1(1, beat Pirates 6; Miramar beat United by default. NAPIER. Hastings H. 5.0.8. 12, beat M.8.0.8. 11. Technical 16. beat Pirates 0. CHRISTCHURCH. Merivale 5. beat Linwood 3. Cliristchurcli 24, beat University 18. Sunnyside 0. drew with Albion 0. Old Boys 44. beat Athletic 9. Sunnyside win the championship. TIMARU. Star 14. bent Zingari 0. Old Boys 5. drew with Temuka 5. Waihi 11. beat Celtic 9. Geraldine a bye. O AMARU. Manawatu 17, beat North Otago 11. BLENHEIM. Seddon Shield. —Marlborough 36, beat Golden Bay 8.


(By Telegraph. —Press Association.)

INVERCARGILL, Saturday. Rugby Park had made a sood reeovery after rain when Auckland and Southland played at Invercargill to-day. The won the toss and were favoured with till, sun and a light breeze. With vigorous forward play Southland held an early »d\an luge, and had their inside hacks moitd faster thev would have scored more points. Mitchell opened the scoring with a solo effort Of seventy yards straight down the line. Wesney goaled. Southland o, Auck land 0. Hadley began to get more of the hall, and the fast running ol the Auckhuid rear guard made them more dangerous than the home *et. Fr«n a passing rush Bus sliort-punted, and Byerley was la\ourtd with the bounce, to score near the posts. Bush converted. Southland o, Auckland o. Shortlv afterwards Curtayne potted a smart field goal. Auckland 9, , So » tl,1 "" ( * °,- Auckland were seldom out ot Southla d territory for the remainder of the spell, hut over-used the short punt on attack. For a time Southland played greenlj, and the forwards were not playing on to their men Wesney and Hamilton did much work mi defence. but the Southland backs fumbled many attacking kicks. 1 roin a "round kick Hamilton was caught m possession, and August picked up to score. lSush converted. Half-time score: — Auckland Southland " Southland had the belter of the second h.iif. The Auckland forwards tired while • lie home pack packed well and played with more devil. The defence of Auckland was verv sound, and they were the more resourceful team at all stages of the game Auckland added five points in this spell when Bverlev, on the wing, sent an inpass lo'Buhli, who scored and converted. W'esnev scored for Southland, after a good run by Sharp, and Mattingly cou- \ erted. Mattingly also kicked two penalty goals, and the final score was Auckland 19 Southland I*3 Mitchell retired hurt in the first spell, and t lie Southland attack thus lost its

spearhead. ROLLER MILLS SHIELD. SOUTH AUCKLAND TEAM. Team chosen to represent tlie South Auckland primary schools in the annual competition for the Koller Mill* Shield during the August holidays :— Carter, W. Young (Waerenga), K. Otto (Pokeno), G. Blackledge, K. Wise, W. King, L. McClenu (Pukckohe), S. Wilson (Pukekohe Convent). li. ICeat. K. Dreadon (Papakura), A. Cruickshnnk (Tuakau), D. Lynch, D. Howard, F. Foote (Oliinewait. XI. Lewis, A. Littlewood (Harrisville), A. Jolianson (Manurewa), K, Arkle (WalUKu), A. Smith (Wuiuku).

MANUKAU V. TE AROHA. Pla.vcrs picked by Mr. E. Dawe to represent the Manukau Sub-Union against Te Aroha, at Te Aroha, next Saturday :— Sutton (Arnrimu), Pickard (Hunua), E. Cossey, Dillon, Morgan, D. Hoult (Drury), Fogarty, Munro, Waterhouse (CI nvedon), S. Wright, J. Wright, Kidd (Karaka), Norman (Papakura), Gibbs (Manurewa). Emergencies: Fulton (Karaka), G. Basham (Manurewa), Osborne (Papakura). Bus leaves Papakura Post Office at 10 a.m. for Te Aroha.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 188, 10 August 1936, Page 12

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RUGBY. Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 188, 10 August 1936, Page 12

RUGBY. Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 188, 10 August 1936, Page 12