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To-n\'&-i> ' we i. J PTie om , ui--ua! Monthly Summary, fur transmission o.bvoi'A by tho B« in nmii. The »cw? of the mo'iv.h i? in n epecia , is al«-o oont.-nucd on paae 3. On fids latter pn<;e •.•-ill ioaml v- complete 'U'fc of tho invited to Eiilicp Uowie's recent -arJcn fiarLy.

At, the City Council Cγ. Cooper will jhovc (rnEn;indif);r un->u<in), "Tiint a eticcial-orrter be i.isirle reura'ni: cinusc 9S ot the binldinjr hybws, and re-6!iactinir tiie haine oiiuttio'.r tiie words -. ' And with the uiivioo of t-'ii-J )--u;Jdinjr i-yi-vi-yur,' " Cr. 'Cooper will also i>we iroenindi-.Hr :notion), i(l) •' Tinit >"3 nvjch 'if fho reHiiliition of the :2' : :uii lJootrnooi-, IL9I, as ilso fm.'ary of -,the rrtfce coii't'cto: , l>o re.-c'indfJ ; (3; That ftlio i-:tts £ft!iiry Uβ i'iQU per yi"utjui,"

The team of auatcnrs solc-0t0. ,, . to re.--ti;><; Auckljr.d at rho /iililct <c Cb;imp'on. ; hiu -■loetinji lefl by tho 12 o'clock train to-iOty. A Jnrjf,.' rrovvd was pre.'ont to vii/n.' , tt)o,n 0H vo'/tujr and wimcf-i their <:U TWroe hearty cheers ■wero gh -" " r - 1 ' re.«ciondt:rj to a«i tlio train mO\eJ lr»m too The fcoaia i& »-f J. C. and J. H. Uu"han<iii for the 100. 440 yards- W- i'firquhixi' fur the halt, land 3 mile run.? ; 1 , , .f. i{u.tke» for tho 120 and 440 j'arrfa JiurdluP, a;- as tho hijrli jump; t. JT. Upf«i» <«r high. Itdk pole jumps, ami , puii-Hiii' fno ; A. j_Burton sir 1 and' c> mile walks ; and J . Jl O Connor tor tIV io" j«»»P ft'-'d : the weijrbi;. ISwides the reprcaenta■tives, several oifier xnembers r.f tho! local Club Hccnmpariy tije team sc*«)e J with tho intention of fompetiri{r and j ■others with a view to lookinco". Amonffpt I those gone are B. S. B. J Bin, vioa- ; proHiuentof the A. A. A. Oiub, r A r , Haola-ifc, | €. Eesketli, find C. fciront , . Jessie ,7. A. ! Cooper and W. Al. Service, twrJ memburs at ■ th.o Gktnimifctuo of iho ioc.jl intend J lwißg-for Christdiurch by the Tu^P»« fl | on Tueettay next, for tho purpose of *'''''■' j nos3injr bi-3 annual contest?.

In continuation of yesterday's wool falos, Mnssrs Bin/icy nncl Sons sold about 270 billet, find .Mis New Zealand Loud ami Mercantile Company 239 bales, at prices it>.lly equal to Jbhose obtainod in Mio morning. In one ineiauae, ficr !b '.va.s given for crossbred v/00l 'rotn I.'acroa, fold by Jitttncy α-nd Son--. At> imporbant point ->vas Cnptain (,'olbeclc, one of ths bujrors, who contenri'ed tii.ib any porsou purchasing a 100 had the right to maka the first offer for the tioxfc lot ou the catalogue. •Some discussion took placo on the subject, but no ck'ciaion was u,iven upon the point. It in probable the question will be settled before further salas take place.

"Mr Tow Sullivan, wLo has been in Auckland for tho last four months, anxiously awaitinf; 'an acceptanca of in's challenge) to 10" v J. Stan bury for the ehuuipionship ot tbft- world, loft by the Union Company's e.g. Tβ Anau for Sydney last evening, whe re he considers his presence may save any further waste of time. Sullivan issuei Iris cliallonjco to vow for the championship on the 23th July last, and according to one of the laws under which the coveted title is held, ihe holder must ■accept .any chulleiijjo v/itl«n fix months of issue, .failing which hv forfeits tho 'Championship. Six months will ba duo to■Tnorrow, /md Sbanbury ha? failod to ■five a favourable reply, tho Accklandcr ■will be iriily entitled to cluim the proud "title as cliuinpion oarsman of the world.

'The trip to ZUngitoto mado by the I*ovonport Domain Boa.yd yesterday in the 'etcamer Tonyariro, placocl at the disposal ;of ' tlio Board for that purpo.-e by the 3)evonporb Ferry Company, was a most pleasant outintr. Tlie City-Enginoer, Mr i4«ricrgon, who accompanied' the party, «<jya that the track by which the party ascended the mountain in, for threefourtfc'M of the way at any rate, a splendid track /or the class of country, and it would not coii very much to make. The material Won isho ground, excepting what may bo Tequirc'f to make « pmooth &«rface. Ho eeisiinated Ihe coco afc about £250 at the enr/enfc rate of wngep, and less if prison l»J>oi/r is omployod... TTje proposed track would heftbout'fcwT milaa in longftb, and the wa/Ic to the top could be comfortably 'ioiie in #n hevr.

Two haystacks, the ra-opsrtv of Mr Me Laran, a farmer, of I'apat.oitoi, were, de stroyed by fire yesterday. Tfaov were uniu sured and valued afc £;;0.

A cricket match wan ~2«y ed on the Domain yesterday between teams reprerontmg H.M.B. Tauvan K a and the yacht U Into Heacher, anH after a very close and exciting ?»me resulted in a victory for the man-o'-war team by one run. 'For tl.o winners Lieut. Abdy was tho principal scorer with 60, while Eyre, 61, and H. tt k" s !^ s ?' , !' 26 - lrl^etheaiEijorporciouot: t1,9 White lieatiier's total.

In accordance with Mr Grant's resolution a rotaof school examinations! for the er>«uim' year was held before the Board on Friday by tho inspectors?, and was adopted. When circulated ie must prove a boon to teachers. Bγ mistake this resolution was reported in Irulay's -Star to have been ne^nUvou.

The remain of Islm Tetmthati, wife of Mr Robert Ternahtui, proprietor of tho liibernian Hotel, Oneliunga. were interred at an early hour this morning in the cemetery of the Arsylioan Church of Mb. I'eterV. Tnere was !* iimiibar of mourners, Mr* Tarnabau having been much rei.poeced in the neighbourhood.

To tho Editor: Sir,—Having or-cas-ioTto go to tho Catholic Cemetery, Bymondssfereot, the other day, with the intention of cleaning tho yrave of one cf my family, imugine my disgust when I theiro to Hud that it was utterly impossible to get near the grave on account of the forest of auvso buth which hn* grov/n all over the lower end of the cemetery. Something should be done fit once to luivo ib cub down and taken away, for wiih an easterly wind and v carelosp /natch, I wo-.ild nob give inuoii for tiie fenoes in the cemetery, Jefc alone our public school and other buildings close by, for if this uiiiightiy yorae ont?e caupriit tire it would be a very hani matter to put ii; out.—l irni, etc , A C.vriiOi.U!.

The reporfc of flio Westpoit(!oal Company nhows a profit fur the your .of' £16,555 17h ■id, making uiih a b.'.ilciiec of £8,392 (js ]lr( brought forrtiiril, ji lot.a! of £,M,9'!B 11s 7.1. An interim divklcnH of 2A pei cent, paid for tho lia!l-;ycar June ftbsorbod ±'n,l9u 9 J . Tiio director-? now proporo tn pay ,~> per uout. for the Ijuif-yeni- euriiti;r I'euetnber (making a total of 7 !, per c».-nfc. for the yoai-J üb-iovbing £10.392 IS=i. to appropriate £3,000 lor CiniLnity Cicek works, a'jd c.rry iorwaid for irext v'oav £f>,35S !7« 7(1.

The Auckland L'olletro and Oramnmr Bcliool snil L'uiitinuoß its poi>ul.-trity. The new term on Tuesday, Fobiunry Oil:. The heacim;i.-lcr, (.'. I ! '. flnunio, E.-'q., will bo in cm Monday, February Blh, to receive pupils. Tiio pto.--pectus appears in nnnther column. An extra attraction is- adiltd tv the lU'oyrannuo luv lertiis. x./.., that. I'lofea.-'or C'rt.rroi:o id iip;iMintt":(! j;\ iiii)abu.ic inhtruolor. M>.\ry Mt-DonaiJ \v.\sr«.urrest.;d to-day by Constable >\'ard tor.i Wisu!l;iiig woi'Cls with inUitib to provoke a br-uach of (.ho fifiaco, and wich ]iichard H:irHi!).l!, Ijutchci , ., by .striitiiu! , iiiui iv tiro fa'jo with an miiUrelia aim throwing a lib weight at him. On Friday moniin'x at about 11 o'clock l!'.« turza oti Mr Abratiatu's nllobu> crib tho (Jlnii'ch grounds, Drury, took fit c. The tl:iin<_.< sipretid rapidly, reaching t scrub around J t'MO cljiirch and piir.-oiiaj:>i. and lusd it nob '■ been fur the piOiupl, actendunco of ti.o | neighbours both buildi'ntr.* --s <=1a I■ 1 luivo been ! (!oet,i\)yed. 1 (>vrius our j corrdspoiific!)') fi.'ol ib ~: duty (tj i oarncetly tliuziJc uli wJkj .asa - iyb-j<l in j living t-ho biii^!hiL r f. It is tn b'j hoped i tlsat tho (jovemmciib wiil aiuuud the Aci at \ tlie Dicetinij of n f :xt- J'.u'liuncnt in j.iaopic lv ci:t tl)u fui/.i!, uli:ca ( iiiiit-f |~eLi(>!c'3 property, jn-! iuraoce. Ono of the cntort.iincr.'? of the dny, i Mr jjiiai'-eilo, has b< eiiyisi/cl by Mr! Abbol.b for v toi'.r of tha colonies, com- 1 lnsi.-olfjtf in March at. Livercvw-xill. Tiii-«J gentleman is not only ono ot tho rir*t! oporriiiu arti-ts yf tho day, bub a uiort adii!ir;ible actor, h wil.fy rncoittnu; und a iiah'o tjOQ'i fellow to l< ■;;. .For winy yoarM hi was the uiait} s"t;:f ut tiie 1.-ttfi Hum 1 (-iraiid Ojici'i Company, ac.ii <.'i''Jat waj ■ the jjcashi':;; c.t toetii wl.oti ho, ; Jii.o (<t/i.-.'-i!ii!;ii and othoiv, tf'ivo np tho; ntaifo finding he could jnalio tnoro by a | nju.-i.-nl eniertainiuenb of the j • '•[■'!'■'• in<;-r!)om ]ii this latter! Mr Sviuzalle certainly fucilv princeps. j Tlia Syrlnny " Bulletin " loves not to ; pr.'iiso, but it pives Kiria/.ello a very liberal j amount, f ortiii'_* itctU fov thi.i by re-' id i\r kin,? ;, lliatykinazeile (irawt- full; h'lii^o.- , , ti'hjio Iho ot!) tho-'itre vviih full' compaviies aro r>lityi!:<; to ompty benches. !

The animal gnrdon piaty whioh &}rs YV, H. Smith wives lo the workers and o>oi<ibora of tho Jlelpinu Hand Mission coins.-;? oft' to-morrow aftenicxu, «t her residence, " The Grange," di ! 'tuii KoaJ, Poniouby. It l< expected tluit a Liip- j< w=ll asncinblc. Tho hours are irmn two i:i the iiittirnoO!!. J.':vi!aM'(iHP flonl.i linvo boi'n t-ent ps.-r.-ou/iIJ3 , , only -Mr and Mrs havo beon away ilovvh (iie Coast) tuid only arrived vestcrdav.

The Eoontlily meeting of the I'itt-stroot VTe.sleyan Band of Hope was liblil in the pch.ooi fO'.ff) (jn Tocduy evening. Air Anjhury, vlcc-jM'e.'-idoiit, c-pcDid the p;o----cee'JirikPi and Xii intsiiainii!^ , prouiiinunt} was "one Ihioucli, j tit;<j of v pjuno ilueb. Taylor arid Julccniai) ; recitatiop, jVJiA. Rosed , ; rocitation, Alws Lillie JProbtro . sour; and chorus, the t'ousler famiiy : addrosP, Mr D. Gulnic ; piano soio, Mis.3 Taylor ; recifi'-tuc), Mis.s f>. Sonster ; vcjdirjy. iii'l 5 s"""2. i!r A - Kosscr. y,.* ftteoir.palii-t iva" iViij-s'f'aylo; - .

The nT' v V J den Min-'fcrel* porformod ab t.'o Opr.rn last oven in jc before a ia-rJy -o-xl ' W*. The various »ones. quip., and iokea were well recoived. n.o»fc ot tho item? boinc encored Jhero wil by a {rood new proircarijnio bbi* creniujr, w\ien the company wi:J a«uin appear.

From the lica'icjiiarfcerji of the Solvation Avtny we have received a vary yay and iJiijrhly ormamentnl almanac. It pont-ninn I portrait? of C*pr,uin and Mrs Baile}', and a capital likeness of fche Dow nil himself. [There are liUvwhe seven)l other picturen, and a mimber of L«xt«. The flnjze of the Army are artistically draped, and above In a sun of glory Hew Zealand is depicted peauefully roposiuyr rather incongruously, the only dark ?pot on tiio eiimo. Tlic following extract from one of Arch-<Joa.-;on Earrar's sermon?, in which he spok.) of the Army, is also given. lc is worth-re-production :—"Xfc/iasolovatcil rhousnnds of deprudtd lives. Ifc has given hope and help to myriads of hopeloss.and helplesa outcast-. It has proposed a sehe.'ne which, in spite of /-quare miles of damp blanket and oceans of. cold water, has received fche sympathy of s=ome of the best and highest tneu both in Church and State. I think that even the bitterest, the moot unjust, the most cynical, and the inout finical of the iaypion and cleric? who have written to fcraiJnee-and execrate it micht wish to God, that in the lifo work of any ono of them they had .done fche one-thousandth fraction or "wd cornparablu, in any »»e visible directioVi, to that which bus been wrought oy General Booth."

The annual meeting of the Auckland Working Men's Club was held last evening. Thare wus a Inrpe attendance of member?, and Mv P. I'ijjnan occupied the chair. The report .infi balance-sheet, which were r-ad »'nd adopted, were regarded as -atisfactory, show in v tuatthe Club had made steady preprroM .jluriner the year. The following oilicers were pleclod for Uo ensuing year :-J'resident, Hi-V, Uit-nan ; vice-prcaident, Mr W. Marshall; treasurer, Mr T. C. Owen : committee, Messrs J. JP, King, U. Priestley, J. T. Hardfo, H. J. Seai-le, T. McEwin and W. V. Walker.

From a private letter wo learn th.ib there was more outward appearance of mourning in Sydney for the late Duko of; Clareiico and Avop.dalo than was shown in Auckland. Tbo writer nayn : " T!;e principal drapers' shops were in complete mourning, whilst in some of i.hetn (Tones, Farmer) lovely wreaths vein displayed on tho day of the funeral, hi one shop a large photograph of tho Duke was exhibited, draped

heavily in crape At the principal hotels, all the ladies appeared ia black tie dinner. The churches were t-enrly nil dmped in mourning." The writer adds: " rain ever know hero h.'is fallen this month. ITiower* are terribly source, and can only be obtained by paying v very stifi price. The steam trains are much nicer tliiin the horse ones in At.ekiand."

A concert and assault-at-nrins was yiven in the D-jv-iujwt Kail eveiiint; by the crew of 11. M.f. Tfiuraiiga, ;isaisto.d by several friend-, in ai'.l of the new building of tho Davenport Wesleyaii Wohuol. Tlioro was a large at-'cndanoo, and v very good progriimtne was provided. Amongst the best-itorna wore a recitation, "Tiie Lifeboat," by Mr J. Matthew?, in. u tnimen!;il trio by Mi.-:s and Masters Uleeson, an assault-ut-tums by the Company, song,

"Just at Twilight," Mr E. Humphries, a negro sous and dance by Mr J. Partitt, who was encored. Other items were contributed as fo'.lowH : — Chorus, "They all Love Jack ;" comic soiijr, " Norali Mugoe," Mr O'Brien; song, "The Gallunt 24th," Mr \V. Dotld ; frtump speech, Mr U. Quinn ; .sailor's licrnj/ipu, Mr J. I'arfibc ; stump speech, Air .1. Rotuti; recitation, Mr S. I'ortbury; comic sunir, "There's Always a Row About That, , ' Air Rouriu. Thu accompaniments were played by Miss-G-leenon. j

Madame Bnhn'son, who is batter known outside Auckland by her professional name of Madame Bteinhnuer, arrived from the South by tho 'ia Aiiati, and hah buen warmly welcomed by her horfc of friend* in this city. fcjtie im on a holiday tour of tiie colony, and after having given one or two concerts here, will return to Melbourne, where she is now wettlud, mid in which ciiy her admirtiblo vocal talents have found ready recognition. She has eiuin-ued tho City Kail for Thursday ncxl, I''c!>iuat v 4th, on which occasion her first concert will be jjiven. The " New Zealand Timess," writing of a conceit in Wellington says : •-" At the Theatre Itoyal wo had a beautiful concert la«t artistic bej'ond compare, brilliaur, in every respect; finished. Mad-une horse'f was us usual the 'star' with her phenomenal voice, her oxbraort'inary command ovor it—t!ie vioaft dirttinctivo fenturo of her Hiuirinu' this—and lior tiriished btylo. No otic want? to hear the 'Jewel eoujx' better; iui one for many years oxpeats' 'Ca«l)a Diva' to bis sunji us well ; no oiio remembers hcarinp the ' Cabuletta' funpf half γ-o well in the whole history of New Zealand mueic. Wα were much gratified to hear, in response to the unanimous recall, the latlo bolero, of Madamo'a own composition --dainty, vigorous, delio iifci'ui."

The Auckland Trade ami Labour Coii»ni! with v view to re.iUhiutalin;; the cause of the i.oilinjf ma.-ye?, havu arranged to hold n special L'oueir'il meeting 0:1 Thursday nnxt in the Liberal Assoei/itioii's Hull (ihc old Tity Council's Chamber*), above the Charit.'.blo Aid Hoard.-i otticos, This liit.i h to bo open daily from 9 a.m. till ]i), as a froo reading room, and local unci foreign press mo U> be piovided, ;il.-o tilths liiiiJ for ll:e us-u ot tiio - uiM'.s of liio Liuui'ul pur'y. A library i.snl.-oi;i cuiilompl.itivin. Tin R<«v. J. He: ry has oxpies-ud ma willinjjiK-.*-* to be pie.-i.-nt at tho meeting next Tlitir-«d:iy, v. li!:n iiiii.-iviiytsH wi'l bo yiven by various (.'eiivloii'On. A paper is ninn to bu read by MrF. 11. Button " Tho Labour lion."

Tlio following will represent the South Franklin 1.-ifunOy at thi» competition for the Gordon nhield wbirh t.'.l:t:is phtue ivt ihe Moimt'i Edoti Hiilo on Saturday naxt: —S£i't:ennlt< McDonald and liurri", C' Adiuiis, and V'olunteora J. and W. Adaaiß.

I.ypiighb's "Orb" brand of rj,ilv;uii. c od ; corrui:a.U'd iron h n \v a oi\st. clao.* New ; Zealand inilu.-tiy. It is very t-uporiur it) ' linisli, and can beur a vast, uniouiit of ox- j (jOiiiio to :dl poj-U of ftti)ioep)i(;ii,j in j iliiuiicur-. Tl'C (iioprietnrs ui.viin tlutt tlic , "Ov'o" bran:! in thy only iiun I fold in Isaw Zc'uhiiui ; it in the best iron ii!:iue, it is tlio uiio.'ipcsb iron, and has threo timos tlic s?alo of «i>y otiiur. It is sold by! ail ironmonger,-: ami inorchants. : H. Gilimro, Newmarket, has just pin , - 1 ch.a»cfl a warelioufo job line of Ladies' j I'.lnek iSiik liantlcs and Visiloa (howc..-6; sfylo?), uljich lie Imu nmiki*] ;il, le.-.-s than ] Kitif price. iSixiy to select from. Tram | faroa paid.—lAlvt,) i

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1892, Page 9

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1892, Page 9

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1892, Page 9