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Yesterday was the day fixed by the School Committee for the distribution of prizes to the pupils who had been successful in gaining them in tho annual examination of the Borough schools, which this year was kindly conducted by the Revs. W. E. Paige and A. M. Beattie, witli'thc’a'Cnrty that was expected to mark any examination conducted by two such scholars. These rev. gentlemen finished their three days’ work on Friday last, and their task was no light one, as their returns of the work done showed, from which they adjudicated tho prizes. The teachers and Mr. Ward had a not veryeasy task allotted to them yesterday in writing the inscriptions upon the large number of prizes given and filling up the certificates of merit, and when all was ready for tho work of distribution, it was far past three o’clock when about 400 young faces turned in the direction of Dv. Stewart’s platform, from the two rooms adjoining each other that were made use of to accommodate parents and scholars. Tho infant room was full as usual, ami under the charge of Miss Stewart, while Mr. Stott attended to the older children in the main room. On the platform with the Dr. was Mr. Ward, the Oommitte’s Secretary, and other teachers. The prizes were distributed by

Dr. Stewart, the Chairman of the Committee, who, in performing the duty said, —Ladies and gentlemen, this is the second time on which 1 have had a very pleasant duty to perform—that of distributing the prizes to the successful scholars at the Ashburton School. I may say that the examination has been a thorough one, and the result of it ought to be gratifying alike to parents, teachers, and pupils. The reports of the gentlemen upon whom the onus of fixing the recipients of the prizes devolved, will show that they had a difficult task, no less than 200 names having been given in as deserving of commendation ; but, owing to a want of support being given towards the prize fund by the parents of the children and others, it was found that the Committee were not able to carry out their intentions in that direction as liberally as they would have wished to. It was not fair to the examiners that the Committee, should ho placed in such a position, as they were only able to give 112 prizes, and the balance of those recommended would have to be satisfied with letters of commendation. He hoped at next annual meeting a more liberal spirit would be shown, and those parents who refused on this occasion, under the impression that their children would not receive a prize, would disabuse tlioir minds of any unfairness on the part of (lie examiners, as the pupils bad been put to a severe test throughout, and those who deserved the prizes best had been awarded them.

The Chairman's speech was received by the numerous pupils with vociferous cheering, which was continued all through the presentation of tho prizes. "The following prize* were then presented to tho successful pupils, ‘several prizes for special subjects wore kindly given by three or four old friends of the school. Poize List. Ist. glass. Reading, dictation and spelling, grammar and geography—lst division; .1, G. Quartennan ; 2, Ernest Febon ; 3, Annie Perumiu. 2nd division: I, Emma Bean; 2, Agnes Fowler ; 3, Weymouth Roberts. Arithmetic ami Euclid.—lst division ; i, Bertie Stewart and 11. Felice (equal) 2, Jus. Hepburn. 2tm division : 1, Richard Ryan and Bora Henderson (equal); 2, John Hurst.

Writing and drawing—lst division : 1, Ik, riodder ; 2, A. Innis; 3, B. Stewart. 2nd division : 1, Emma Bean ; 2, Dora j H -nderson ; 3, A mic Felton and Joan St wart (oqu -I). 2 cn pl \ss IlisMoy, ge 'giap iy, •_ .am a r, re ; dug, spelling, and reritati n —l, L. Worrier ; |2, A. iTo: : A. Form m. i l.Law'ug and w. iting— I, E’iza Potto • | and AT.a. Onset, (equal) ; 2, Soyhi. : Shiny. j Ar, t., in ji:o—l, Ldly Worrier ;2, Emma j Perryman ; 3, William Berry. I 3rd class. j Reading, spelling, dictation, grammar, geography, and i-ecitation : 1, Benjaman Ede ; 2, Harry Preston. —2nd division : 1, Sophia Permain, highest marks in all subjects ; 2, Henry Burfoot : 3, Percy Hurrell. Writing—lst division : 1, Jas. Hancox; 2, Nelly Barrett.—2nd division: 1, Joseph Ivess ; 2, Isabella Wilkie ; 3, Sophia Permain. Drawing—l, Alice Watkins ;2, Edward Parkin. Aiidnnetic— Ist division : 1, Tilly Williams ; 2, I>. Ede ; 3, F. (laukrodger.— 2nd division : 1, Joseph Ivess; 2, Win, Ryan ; 3, Alt. .lamieson. ■Jtii CLASS. English—l, Stella Henderson ; 2, IT. Fooks : 3, R. I.eggiut. Writing and Drawing—l, Amy Ede ; 2, Flora Williams ; 3, Herb. Fooks. "'Arithmetic—], \V. Williamson ; 2, Aug. Wo riser ; 3, Mar. Pearson. ;i:h class. Rending, spelling, lecitation, and geography—l, Annie 'Watkins ; 2, Oh. Clark; 3, Ada Pearson, Janet Smith, and Annie Caul (equal). Writing —.l, Annie Gaul; 2, Alice Hughes ; 3, Walter Mills and Annie Bean (equal). Arithmetic—l, William Potter; 2, Jane Foreman ; 3, Ethel Andrews. <;t.u glum. Reuling and Spelling ; 1, Jas. Gaukrodger ; 2, Ang. Slntry ; 3, El. Women Writing: Jas. Gaukrodger; 2, Harry Mills. Arithmetic; I, Jas. Gaukrodger ; 2, Alice Grind o. 7tk class. English—lst division; 1, R.. 1 Lancaster; 2, Henry Byrne ; 3, Ad, Empson. 2nd division ; 1, Geo. Gaukrodger; 2, Fanny Byrne. Writing—lst division : I, Kewrich Meynell ; 2, Ada Simnmmls ; 3, Annie Gridin. 2nd division: Emily Colton and Aland Williams equal. Arithmetic— lit division; 2, Edith Hughes. 2nd division : Mary Crumb and Geo, Gaukrodger. firn class. Reading and spelling: 1, Win. Millerand Sissy Ryan equal ; 2, Ethel Gates and May Williams equal. Arithmetic : John Ryan. girls’ work. Sewing : 1, Constance Andrews ; ?, Dora Henderson : 3, Agnes Fowler. Second class—l, Mary Hurst ;2, Alary Rolens ;3, Sophy Permain. Third class Florence Williams. Fourth class Aland Wil.iams (a complete tea service.); Fancy Work; 1, Annie Permain; 2, Dora Henderson ; 3, Winnie Cookson. Knitting ; 1, Annie Gatos ; 2, Matilda Williams ; 3, Edith Pilkington. Special Prizes. Mapping : Henry Felton (box of water colors.) Drawing : Bora Henderson. General Progress; Felton, Quarterman, Innis, and Constance Andrews. Bible History ; J. Henderson. History ; Felton, Quarterman, and Innis. Recital ion : Nelly Barratt. Good Conduct : George Pearce, Isabella Williamson, Edith Pilkington, Bessy Si ninons, Percy Cookson. Diligence ; Triphina Butler. Gymnastics ; 1, R. IT odder ; 2, IT. Burfoot ; 3, Bertie Stewart. Tim following are the reports of the examiners “ The Alan sc, Dee. 20, 1370. “ Aly dear sir, —The enclosed lists are the results of my share of the exam in ifion of your school at the request of the Board. As it may he impossible for mo to attend at the distribution of prizes on Monday, I may say here, hi a word, that in my opinion, in present circumstances, your school in every department is all that could be desired or expected. A remarkably healthy tone prevails the whole : the discipline is good, and it is particularly pleasing to observe the kindly feeling evidently existing between t lie teachers and the scholars in all classes. I found it very difficult to to decide the order of merit ‘as it is put in those lists, because the merits of very many were so nearly equal, and therefore 1 hope that none of those whose names do not appear will bo discouraged on this account. In one class only (third class history) I judged it best not to give lists of names at all. Wishing you every success in your arduous, interesting, and most important work, I am, v ith best regards, yours very indy —A. At. Beattie. Mr. Stott." “ Ashburton, Deo, Rth, 1370. “ 1 he Chairman, “ Ashburton School Committee.

“ S'r, ■ln compliance with the request of the Gminuittoe, I assisted at tlie examination of the school on llio IGtli ;uul litli inut. ; and I have much pleasure in report ini' that the result- is most creditable to tho masters and pupils, and satisfactory to the parents ami Committee, Tim discipline of tlie school is good, and tlie interest shown by the jmpils in the examination is an, evidence of previous careful training and application. A very satisfactory percentage of marts has 'T r . n . Stained throughout. Nos. I and 11 divisions, Class j, with a, fenexceptions. In those cases I have no doubt but that the failure is to be attributed to infrequency of attendance. The papers of If- Felton. (Juiirtunmiin, and limes, in l-iistoi-y, C all for special notice, having obtained respectively 14(1, 1-10, 130 maiks. out of total of 150 given for that supjoct. Stewart also is to bo commended for his Fuel id. The arithmetic of the Ist, division, -class 1, slightly disappointing, but- that, of the second division was very good. Many of tho pupils read with good inflexion of voice, and appreciation of the subject', evidc-iving careful . instruction. .1 n!ao 'examined 'Miss Stewart’s reading class, and was much pleased with the result. 1 subjoin the prize list. Congratulating the master and teachers on tho elliciciicy of (he school, and tho pupils mi (heir industry and pro-, ress, lam. sir, yours faithfully'— W. E. Paiue..”

'l’n k Concert, At 8 p. m. the room was crowded to ex- • cess, and the number of adults present sVu.ed 'be interest taken in the coming : genera m >n. 'IT e programme was a lengthy •oil'. ,• ~ " ’■risen one, and a well pevf r vi i i ; far butt, r and mor" el.j iyabl * ii tn ••>any ur>re ambitions perfonn- ■ am- .. wo h •>witnes-ed, by both amateurs an > > r --nurds here ; and it sneaks well ‘ ■ b" ; taken the onus of t ... >. ig ‘be .a that ho hibb.-en so successful in so short a time, and well for the pupils that they have appreciated the reaching. The following programme was submitted to the audience and duly appreciated : Pianoforte solo—Miss A. Permain ; song —“Whip poor Will,” Miss W. Butler; recitation— “ Victoria Colonna,” Master Bertie Stewart ; pianoforte solo—Master Bertie Fooks ; chorus “ Our volunteers ” by about 20 vaices, followed by a volley from several fowling pieces, which extinguished all the candles in the school ; song—“ The gipsy maid’s refusal,” Miss A Fowler; duet—Misses Shury and Fowler. Mr. Wake, assistant teacher, then gave the “ Charge of the Light Brigade,” in uniform. A trio followed by Miss A. Permain (piano), Master H. Permain (violin), and Master (1. Savage (cornet), which elicited deserved applause. The next performer was a very juvenile one, Miss Emily Cotton, aged we should say five years, but with plenty of self confidence, she sang “ The little brown jug,” in such a talcing way that, the audience demanded an encore, and she gave them “Please give me a penny,” in equally good stylo. Miss Henderson then treated the an Hence to one of Mrs. Candle’s curtain lectures, choosing the one on the vexed question of shirt buttons to dilate upon, and her delivery was worthy of a matron with twenty years’ experience. This concluded the first portion of the programme, which, by the way, included the acting of two charades. The second part, commenced with a pianoforte duet by the Misses Shiny, followed by a scene from “ Dr. Pangloss,” in which Messrs. Mayo, Wake, and Stewart showed some histrionic talent ; then the choir again gave only too little of “ Tra la la,” followed by Miss T. Butler with the “Dear little shamrock,” sung charmingly. A piano solo by Miss Barrett was warmly applauded, and a song by Miss A. Fowler, “ Our great old land,” met with the hearty applause of the audience. The duett by Misses Cotton aiid Williams delighted the audience, as such an effort from the tiny aspirants should. Next came a recitation by Master IT. Preston, “ The wind in a frolic,” followed by the favourite duet, “The gipsy counters,” by Misses Savage and ’Bean. A cornet solo by Master (100. Savage, and the usual screaming nigger farce, brought the programme to a close. The Chairman, Dr. Stewart, made some appropriate remarks, and the National Anthem brought a pleasant evening’s entertainment, both for young and old, to an end.

MR. D. DAVIDSON’S PRIVATE SEMINARY. Yesterday the boys attending the private seminary taught by Mr. D. Davidson, on the East Town Bolt, were examined by the Rev. Mr. Beattie iu the various subjects they have had under study since the school opened in April. The lads allowed that they had a clear and intelligent conception of the work they were examined in, and boro unmistakable evidence of having been taught with a view to the lessons Vicing understood, and not simply committed to memory with parrot-lixe rote. The rev. gentleman who conducted the examination was very searching in the work lie set the lads, and at the close ho expressed his satisfaction with the proficiency displayed by both of the classes in the school, and complimented the teacher on the result of his labors. He then presented the hoys, as per subjoined list, with l ory handsome prizes, kindly given by his Worship the Mayor, Mr. Bullock. Having only a limited number of scholars, Mr. Davidson is able to devote much attention to eacli individual pupil, and the result is very satisfactory. First Class—Subjects ; Reading, spelling and composition—l, P. O’Reilly ;2, G. Kidd. Second Class— Same subjects—l, Armor Orv; 2, J. Cawsey. Grammar— Senior division, P. O’.Reiily ; junior, J. Cawsey. Geography and History—Senior dr. ision, P. O’Reilly; junior, Armor Orr. Arkhnietic - Senior division, 0. Kidd ; junior, Armor Orr. Wilting—Seuiordivision, G. Kidd; junior, Hubert Gookson. General Progress— Malumra O’Reilly. Home Exorcise— Tom Hood, .John Clark, Latin—P. O’Reilly anil Armor Orr equal.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume I, Issue 38, 23 December 1879, Page 3

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PRIZE DAY AT THE SCHOOLS. Ashburton Guardian, Volume I, Issue 38, 23 December 1879, Page 3

PRIZE DAY AT THE SCHOOLS. Ashburton Guardian, Volume I, Issue 38, 23 December 1879, Page 3