News has been somewhat scarce here of late. The chief topic of conversation jnst now is the proposed slaughtering and butchering company. The settlers, as far as I can judge, view the move in a favourable light. Should the company be floated, ample accommodation, in the shape of land, either public or private, can be had close to the railway on both sides of the river. I believe, putting all local prejudice aside, that it will be difficult to get a more suitable place than Ngaruawahia. However, I prefer allowing others to decide this most important question. The buildings on the Fellmongery Company's estate arc being pushed ahead. I understand a new manager will shortly be appointed, Mr James Brown having resigned. School examinations were held here on Friday under the supervision of Mr Goodwin, with groat credit, I believe, to both teachers and pupils. One cannot help wondering at the rapidity with which such a large number of children were put through their faeiugs. This may have been owing, income measure, to the faot that the inspector had not provided himself with a, change, of linen. Arrangements have been, made for a new school site. .This will, I dare -say, lead to a sufficiently" large school. vAn infant school-room is much required, as our present school partakes much of the -character- of ' a nursery."- - 'Parents'" find Tthis kind.of economical, and '•the amiable, young-ladies who preside over "We'infantile class learn th^& l (useful^leison v lof> baoyxf arming,-- The -j present? «cfiodl t
• The old hospital, at present used as a courthouse and police-station, is a disgrace to our little town, and as. porous as a siove. Mr Clow's tender for the lease of the racocours>e reserve has been accepted, and the work of clearing and ploughing will be commenced at once. A dastardly trick was lately played at our local brewery. Rome evil-disposed person put a quantity of dirty grease into the boiler used for cask washing, but fortunately one of tho firm discovered the thing in time to prevent serious trouble | and loss. This lsthc&eeond'attemptof the kind. The numbers of Father Luck's congregation are much pleased that the brother of this sincerely and deservedly esteemed pastor hab been appointed bishop of this diocese. The'friends of Mr T. W. Davies, of the firm of Friar aud Davies, ■ will regret to t learn that he is lying seriously ill at Auckland, congestion of the liver, being the malady. The want of a few local J.P.s is much felt here. I have reason to believe that this defect will shortly be remedied. Sergt. Foster aud six of the A.C. Force arrived here from Whatawhata on the 19th ult., for the purpose of removing the ashes of those who were buried in the Octagon during the Avar. The credit of this most desirable undertaking is, I believe, clue to Colonel Lyon. Sergt. Foster aud his well-oidered little band have had much to contend with in the shape ot bad weather. There were thirteen graves. Some of the head-boards are to the good, but all trace of the occupants of many of the graves is completely lost. There is one head-stone erected to the memory of Lance-Sergeant Jameson, Army Hospital Corps. This has been carefully removed and placed at the head of a new grave in the public cemetery, alongside aie the bones of the twehe othcis, who will have a stone erected by tho Government, which will afford all the information available. The whole is enclosed by a neatly painted fence, 20 x 20, and reflects great credit on all who were engaged in this sacred work. The cemetery trustees expie&s themselves highly pleased. Sergt. Foster aud party are now engaged renovating the little graveyaul on the road.side, some short distance from the railway bridge. — [Own Correspondent.]
Waikato Times, Volume XIX, Issue 1575, 8 August 1882, Page 2
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