Nothing can be more depressing than the present appearance of this structure. Erected by the military nuthoiities during the time of the war, t.ome lo or 16 years si go, it fell yradualiy to decay during the .succeeding decide when the amp <h grace was given to it by the ilood Atthe ea-neM^olioilatioa of the settlors the then Government vet about repairing tho damage c'oue by the water; but th<; work was done in a very supernal manner. So much so indeed that to-day the bridge is wor«e than useless ; it is positively dangerous. The who'obtrmturj is shaking, and like Oliver Wendell Holmes, "one huraeshaj' 1 ' it stand-, apparently for the sole purpose of taking all its part with it when it falls. From enqiuries made on spot we learn that the lea -»>n of its standing 1 is tint the rimu logs out of which the stiin<™rs were sawn, contained a largo proportion of heart, which naturally ran tins reasonably sound, while the soppy portions of the timber have rotted away, and fall into powder on dislodgemcnt. So derived are they, tint the finger c<in without diilioulty be forced iuto them. Tlie decking is loose the nails having long vehiKed their liold upon the .stringers, and what is worse, it is full of holes, largo enough for a hors"s foot to slip through. Toe h aid rails on either .sides are utterly usjole>-, as th >v almost shako in the wind ; certainly thclci-t touch makes them quiver from end to end. *low they would stand the shook of any heavy body coming into violent contact with them we may conjecture. A moie melancholy spectacle has seldom dawned upon the aigli*; than that presented by this crumbling: decayed bridge. Within the past few' weeks the Government h ive accepted a tender for the further repair of this bridge, and the job may be expected to be commenced at once. It will be none too soon, as Avhen it is considered that the settlers derive their supply of firewood, timber, &c, from the we«>t side of the river, the probability of an accident, (and it must be a serious one), opnuring ia very great. The contract is not for re-constrtction, but only for repairs but we doubt very much that the affair will fttand much more patching. If Alexandra is to have a bridge, it would be more economical to, at once erect a new one, than to continue the system of mending and patching, which has been pursued in regard to the present woeful structure.
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Bibliographic details
Waikato Times, Volume XV, Issue 1284, 21 September 1880, Page 2
Word Count
Waikato Times, Volume XV, Issue 1284, 21 September 1880, Page 2
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