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.Properties for Sale. LAND FOR 8 ALE~IN~ BOLTON STREET ASIX-ROOMED HOUSE with Ono Aok of land. Also, Two or three Building Sites. And Several Sections at Ohariu. Apply to H. F. LOGAN. July 18, 1867. im o r s a l iT 80 ACRES OF LAND in the Lowry Baj District, being tho Section No. 19 on the plan thereof, and adjoining the Government Domain. A&SO, All that PIECE OF LAND, containing 16 perches, more or loss, being part of Section No. 250 on the plan of the City of Wellington, having a frontage of 33 feet to Buckle Street with a depth of 132 feet. For terras, apply to HART & BUCKLEY, Solicitors, Lambton Quay. January 22, 1867. SMALL FARMS FOR SALE. SEVERAL SECTIONS, containing 100 acres each of superior agricuitural land in the Wharekaka Plain, Wairarapa. A map of the sections may be seen, and further particulars obtained at the office of Messrs IZARD & PHARAZYN, Wellington. 14th November, 1867. FOR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. rf\EAT well-known and first-class HOTEL at X the PAX URATAHI, known as the GOLDEN FLEECE, At present in the possession of Mr Walteb Hodder. With the Hotel will be sold the stables, outbuildings, and all conveniences for carrying on a first-class business. The stock and furniture aro to be taken at a valuation. Attached to the Hotel are fifty acres of land and the purchaser will have the option of taking the lot or whateror less quantity he may think lit. Tho land is laid out in two well fenced paddocks, containing twenty acres, one acre of garden, the remainder is standing bush. The Golden Fleeco is a newly and substantially built hotel, doing v first-class business, with accommodation for twenty travellers and the same number of horses. Cobb & Co change horses here, and the passengers by their couches dine duily at this hotel. For further particulars, apply to Mr WALTER HODDER, Pakuratahi, Or to Mr FRANCIS SIDEY, Wellington. 7th January, 1868. FOR SALK ONE ACRE and a quarter situate in the town of ifoxton, Munawatu, with four roomed cottage. ONE ACRE situate in the town of Foxton Munuwatu, nifcli two roomed cottage; The GOOD-WlLLand interest in the FERRY HOTEL, at the mouth of the MANAWATU RIVER, and the Btock-in-trade, furniture, &c. The house has undergone a complete repair, and additional rooms have been added, and now consists of thirteen bedrooms, kitchen, stororoom, taproom, dining room ana private sitting room. Tho line of coaches to Wanganui stop ut the Ferry Hotel twice a week. There is an allowance made by the Government to the Ferry Master of £100 per annum, und he is entitled to all ferries for crossing the river. There are well-fenced paddocks containing 40 acres. A twelve-stalled t table and outhouses. The business hitherto done by the present proprietor has been satisfactory, and the reusons for retiring are thut he is about to visit England. Also, 80 acres, situated near the Government Domuin Lowry Buy. A email piece of land situate near Mount Cook, To Aro. Apply to WILLIAM. L ANGLE Y, Mauawatu. Or HART & BUCKLEY, Wellington. Wellington, January 24, 1868. FOR SALE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSlOiN. SECTION No. 31, Lower Hutt, the whole laid down in grass und fenced. LEVIN & CO. January 10, 1868. T7IREEHOLD and Leasehold Property in Wel- ■ * lingtoH for sale. House Rents and Debts collected. Apply to LEVI TANDY, Courtenay Place. TO WORKING MtiN AND SMALL CAfIIALISTS. ]7\OR sale, upon deferred payments, valuable _ Farms of 100 acres each, within 25 miles of Wellington. Apply to Messrs lzard and Pharazyn, Barristers ftt Law, Wellington, or to J. H. WALLACE, Estate Agent. Wellington, January 20, 1868. FOR SALE. ~Y7' HRAND ALAH ; situated on the old Porirua ■V Koad, about lour miles from Wellington, ' with about 450 acres of land. There is a good residence BUitublo for a small family on the premises, but the house can readily be enlarged ut v small expense, 'lhere is an excellent gut don and orohuid. The property is well watered und fenced, and there are suituble scabies und outbuildings. The greater part of the purchase nionoy may remain on mortgage for a term of years. Apply to JiJD. BATTERSBEE, Or to MESSRS IZABD AND PHARAZYN. FOR SALE. A SMALL LEASEHOLD FARM at Karori, of about 20 ucrea, well fenced, with dwelling house and outbuildings; leuso 10 yeura to run j ground rent, £t> per yeur. Fur uarticulura, upply to E. EAGLE, On the premises. FOR SALE. TPHAT valuable piece of land, consisting of 500 JL acres in tuu Tirohungu Block, Musterton, fucing the Ruamuhungu river. It is well supplied with timber and wutur, ana is within five miles of Music rton. For terms, &c, apply to Mr DONALD M'LACHLAN, Masterton. Or to .*; JOHNSTON & 00. January 2d, 1868.
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Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue 2630, 1 February 1868, Page 8
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792Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue 2630, 1 February 1868, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue 2630, 1 February 1868, Page 8
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