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The Wanganui Herald. (PUBLISHED DAILY) WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887
A meeting of Mr Balance's committee and thoio favourable to his candidature will he held in Harding'a rooms, Ridgway fctreet, at 7.30 o'clock this evening, when a full attendance is requested.
With thia iaaue we present our readora with a correct photo-lithographio map of the altered Wanganui electoral boundaries, which will, no doubt, bo found very useful during'the coming election. The map was photoed by Mr Barding and lithographed at the establishment of Mr A. D. Willis, and is an accurate and reliable reproduction of the official map, Mr Bugo.'giYes another of his enjoyable leoturea in the Academy of Music to-night, the BUbjeot being " rtoses " on which Mr Hugo will deliver s most amusing and iv ttruotive discourse.
Mr BilUnce's meeting at Arimoho Uit night \v»a well attended, considering the atate of the weather. He was listened to throughout with close atteution and loudly applauded at different pointe of the speech The motion of confidence waa carried unanimously;
The Domain Board met last night after
the close of the Borough Counoil meeting. The committee leoommended that the blockhouse should be sold as it atanda iv one lot. The tender of Downer and Jones (£22) for it waa then acoepted, and in a week or bo tbe historical Rutland Blockhouse will be a thing of tho past, notwithstanding tho gallant eff jrta Meserß C. Burnett, G. F. Allen, H. C. Field and other old settlors have made to save it from destruction.
The fortnightly meeting of the Borough Council was held in the council chambers last night, The leate» committee presonted their report on tho leases of Meaara J. vV. Jackson, 3. S. Smiley, and David Murray. In the oaee of Jackson's lease tho committee recommended an extension of 14 years They did not think any concession or alteration in Smiley's case advitable, as they B aid the lease still but four years to ruo. The committee sfcited that they had applied to Mr Murray for a statement of expenditure in terms of his lease, but had not got a leply . After some discussion the repjrt w»s adopted. Later on Mr Smilojattended and stated his caie, but waa unable to persuade the Council to alter its decision as given above A letter was received from the Hospital Board enquiring on what conditions and at what price tho Council would sell or loose two sections between the cemetery and the town boundary as k site for the proposed new hoipital. The matter was held over for a fortnight. 1 Messrß Notman and Filmer, (Borough Auditors), wrote aeking that they should be paid at the old rato for this year.instead of at the reduced fee, as they had had to do a lot of extra clerical work in consequenco of a new clause in the M.C. Act. On tho motion of Cr Hatriok they were awarded an extra foe of 5 guineas, Some transfers of leases were granted. The tender of Messrs Lookett and Mann for scrub was •coepted. As only one tender, that of J. S. Smiley had beon sent in for the right of grazing over the Recreation ReserVo, Mr Hfttrick moved and it was carried, that the tender benotaocepted.and that Mr Smiley be called upon to replace tho fenoing he had taken down. Cr Hatriok also gave notice of motion that at next meeting he would move to have that part of the leaseholders committee's report which referred to Mr Smiley's application rescinded. Our Patea correspondent writes: — Mr Morgan addressed the electors of Patea last night. Thero was a fair audionco considering tho inclemency of tho weather. His Worship tho Mayor was voted to the chair, and in introducing llio speaker stated that
the Wuitotara electorate was greatly honored in having tho only two politicians in the colony who hnd earned the honorablo prefix to thoir mvnio of "honest" desiring the honor o£ representing us. Mr Morgan's spoech was similar to that which he delivered at Waverlcy. Ho Blated Unit tho prcatnt Government had £500,000 in Treasury Bills afloat, with every probability of it being a million before tho yevr was over. Tho cure Sir Julius Yogel wanted to give us wna oxtra taxation; "and who do you think," he asked, "ho ti ants to pay this tax ? Why, men with £2500 and upwards!" (Applause.) He draw a lino picture of tho ideal Taranaki settler with a largo family who woro honienmdo clothes and boots, &c., and whose store bill was for tho year £11, and whoso balance in tho bank was £200; that is tho class of sottler ho said ho would preference to tho class Die Minister of Lands wanted to peoplo tho country with. In speaking of tho deficit, ho stated "that Yogel told tho Houbc that a siirUar doficit would havo to be mot next year. Somo of you sconi to to dispute my etalomonl, but I can toll yon that I know what I am speaking about." In speaking of llio future Govornment, he elated that somo peoplo think that, thero ia only two parties in Now Zealand capablo of forming a Government ; it in all nonsoiißo ; what was wanted was new blood in tho Houso.and they would find lots of men moro capablo of extricating the country from the blunders of past Governments. Ho did not blamo the present Government moro than tho past Government; tho pa3t Government woro just as much to blamo for tho mess we wero in, and ho was surprised to find the loadors of tho Opposition speaking about retrenchment, knowing his antecedents. "I como beforo you as a frco and independent man, plodged to no party's tail-end, nnd I Bhould bo a fool to believo in his sincerity in the matter of retrenchment." Ho con denmed Mr Ballanco's villogo settlement and land acquisition schomes, and asked thorn to return practical men to tho House. The House at present consisted of lawyors, auctioneers, commission agonts, and that aort. What was wanted in tho Houso was farmers, who woro good practical nion, and not theorists. In speaking of retrenchment, ho said ho would rcduco tho dofenco oxpena'turo to almost nothing ; ho would sack or • oiij General •without a pension, as ho cocsiderod him neither uso nor ornament. In conclusion, he made a touching appeal to tho electors not to go for repudiation, telling thorn that ho would favour soiling tho railways before that Wo must ,ho said, keep tho 'honor of our adopted country intact at all cost. In answer to questions, ho said ho would bo in favour of pensioning Sir JuHub Yogel, conditional on his leaiing the colony. Ho would plcdgo himself to go this time to the poll. Ho thought that the natives wero entitled to their rentj but the difficulty that ho saw was lo get it from tho lessees. He would mak* tho unemployed go t3 work liko honost mon. Ho did not consider it tho duty of tho Government to omploy thorn on roliof work. When asked if a country who spent 2b millions on drink could not afford £500,000 spent on education 1)0 »tatcd Sir Julhis Vogol was ooinplaining that tho pooplo did not spend enough on whiskey. Ho would not bo in favour of furthor borrowing, oxcopt for eomo definite purpose. Ho said ho would bo quito willing to undortako tho task of forming a Ministry if nuked to do so. He always hfld tho eourago of his opinions. After somo furthor quostions a vote of thanks and confidence wag earned unanimously. Every ono seomed satisfied, and I must say it waa tho most unanimous political meeting over hold in Palea. Thb Bbazkn sjERpyNT.-Like the brazen aerpent that tho great Jovush leader lifted high iv the tight of tbe perishing followere. whereby they weie saved from death, the dfccoverW American Hop Bitt.r l.avo placed beforo suffering, ailing mankind, a remedy which enables them to fight d.scaos with conquering advantage,
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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6273, 20 July 1887, Page 2
Word Count
1,326The Wanganui Herald. (PUBLISHED DAILY) WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6273, 20 July 1887, Page 2
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The Wanganui Herald. (PUBLISHED DAILY) WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6273, 20 July 1887, Page 2
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