Says a contemporary':n-The renowned; " Pelorus, Jack," which; for ; . up wards , of,. ! fifteeh years lias accompanied every, steamer; i , for some miles after leaving the .French JPass, is still very much in evidence,, and .is, in ; fact, quite 'the idol of the , seafaring men engaged in this particular run. "Jack," however, was rather too daring one evening some months ago in his diving tricks, and the steamer he came into collision with was the Penguin, which struck him on the side, leaving a mark that has been discernible ever since. It would appear scarcely creditable, but it is a fact that can be vouched for, that he would not again follow •the Penguin, and has not done so since! How he can discern one steamer from another is a problem hard to solve, but it seems this, remarkable denizen of the deep is endowed with this faculty. ' The steamer Penguin did him an injury, and .for so he pays her no further •ettention, but accompanies others as usual in his accustomed amusing manner. •
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Bibliographic details
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 8299, 15 November 1905, Page 5
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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 8299, 15 November 1905, Page 5