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Miss Eosina Yokes state has been extremely critical ; indeed, at one time it was thought that she was dying. She rallied, however, on November 2, and according to moat recent reports from America, there is hope that she may ultimately recover.
Miss Bella Howard, late of the London Gaiety Theatre, a promising young actress, who, during the absence of Miss Kate Vaughan and Miss E. Farren, not unfrequently sustained parts in which those artists were wont to appear, has just died.
With a view to the enlargement of the Adelphi Theatre, one of the most prosperous in London, the proprietors (Messrs A. and S. Gatti) have purchased, at a cost of ovsr £30,000, the sites of three adjoining houses— and a jeweller's shop, the other two old hostelries, known respectively aB " The Nell Gwynne " and " The Hampshire Hog." Sophia has been brought out upon the American stage with a success emphatically affirmative of the favorable judgment passed on the play by the patrons of the Vaudeville Theatre, London. The New York papers are of accord in pronouncing it the moat attractive piece that has been seen at Wallack's since the produotion of The Silver King. Madame Marie TCoze was making triumphant progress through Scotland when the mail left. At the Grand Theatre, Glasgow, as Elsa in Wagner's opera Lohengrin, she met with a remarkable reception. One thousand students marcheddown in a body from the University, and took possesaionof the gallery. They came to offer Mdme. Marie Roze a diamond locket and ohain, which three delegates from the University presented to her on the stage. The excitement in the theatre was intense. Mdme. Marie Roze acknowledged the g ft in a few words.
The Secretary of the Temple Young Men's Society, St Mary Cray, Kent, having written to Mr Henry Irving with reBpect to a debate to be held by the society upon the subject, " Is it consistent for Christians to attend theatres?" has received the following :—" In answer to your letter, I can only say that I hold the theatre to be a place of recreation for Bober-nainded and intelligent people. I am not aware that there is any divorce between Christianity and honest recreation, or that it behoves a Christian to forswear the theatre because there may be some playß that seem to him to be open to objection. The best commentary on this point is furnished by Martin Luther, who says :— ' Christians should not entirely flee from comedies because now and then there are coarse matters in them ; for the same reason we might cease to read the Bible.' No intelligent man I have heard of ever contended that it is wrong to read novels because some fiction is reprehensible. A proper appreciation of the stage, as of character, is acquired by the experience which teaches us to discriminate."
The New York correspondent of a London paper writes :— At the Lyceum • Misa Fortescue still reigns over fashionable society. She has become the pet of Murray Hill. Nobody claims that she is a powerful actress, but all admit that she is pleasing. During her appearances in Gretchen the pretty little theatre was crowded to- the doors every night. Now as Frou-Frou still more people are turned away every night. She appeared in the latter character on Monday evening, and it is safe to say that she will not need to change her bill again during her stay in thiß city. She makes a young Frou-Frou a novelty in America, and a pretty one also. The character suits her individuality, well, much better than did Gretchen. If she would only refrain from that constant blinking of the eyes and a seeming tendency to fall over backwards, she would be more than satisfactory. Some hardhearted people poke a good deal of fun at the way in which she does the avowal scene with her Bister, and assert her high pitched tones are in very bad taste, and that, instead of giving emphasis, they only remind one of a fishmonger in the street. Miss Fortescue is awfully good and very careful of her reputation ; so much so that she refused to appear at a benefit if Miss Violet Cameron was on the bill.
Mr W. S. Gilbert (says the Era of November 27) read the new opera to the tfavoy Company assembled on the stage last Monday afternoon. Mr Gilbert is one of the few authors who read aloud well ; and his delivery of his numerous and satirical librettos Invariably evokes laughter and applause, even from the members of the Company who are about to perform his piece. I'he costume, which, will, of course, be supplied " regardless o£ expense," will belong to the •' short waist and close-fitting pantaloon " period. Ifc was at the introduction of thia fashion, that a celebrated beauty declared that Bhe felt "like a pair of scissors wrapped in a pocket-handkerchief." We hope the Savoy chorus ladies will not be quite as uncomfovtable. The plot is, of course, kept a profound secret ; and we hear that one of the young ladies of the Company who has a habit of talking in her Bleep, gets her sister to ait up all night by hep bedside, ready to literally "stifle" indiscreet statements. , We may Blate, however, on excellent authority, that Mp Temple is to appear as a ghoat, Miss Braham as a village girl, and Miss Bond as a gipßy who baa gone crazy from being crossed in love. As there is only one baritone part in the new opera, Me Frederick Bovill, whose fine voice has been ao valuable in the part of Pish-Tush in The Mikado, will be Bet at liberty. Mb Durward Lely has a capital role, that of a man-of-war's man ; and Messrs Gro'ssmith and Barrington have two strongly contrasted parts with which they are de« lighted, and in which they expect to make " palpable hits." Both the scenes are_ laid near the sea coast. In order to anticipate piracy by prompt produotion in America, the new opera will be in Mr John Stetson's hands at a very early date.
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West Coast Times, Issue 6416, 14 February 1887, Page 2
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1,015DRAMATIC GOSSIP. West Coast Times, Issue 6416, 14 February 1887, Page 2
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DRAMATIC GOSSIP. West Coast Times, Issue 6416, 14 February 1887, Page 2
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