Cheistchurch, November 11,
Tbe weather was showery, and in consequence of the week's rain here the racecourse was extremely heavy. For the first day of the Canterbury Metropolitan Meeting ths following are the results of the races run. Hurdle Race Handicap once round and a distance. D. u'Brien's Borderman ... 1 D. Rutherford's The Lad ... 2 R. Henry's Faust 3 Time— 3mins. 3secs. Free Handicap, one mile. J. Pi I brook's Mata 1 D. Martin's Pearl 2 G G. Stead'rtSirßeilevere ... 3 Time — lmip. 51xecs. New Zealand Cup Handicap, two miles. Robinson's Vanguard ... 1 Russell'H Leonora 2 Stead s Pisuator ... ... 3 'Jiim — 3 ruin 49^ ecs. Welcome Stikes, bweeps'akes, fur fur'ong-, Cl fiord's Sun'ybu st ... 1 Cotton'- Herrn t -gc 2 Robinson's Wizard ... ... 3 Time— 5 nun 3 sec*. Kiccur on Welter Handicap, sis furlongs Pilbmok's Mara ... ... i Goodmi'i's Btily 2 Brown 1 - Rally ... ... 3 I imt — 1 miii 2 J s> cs. A scratch selling race, 6 fu*ODg3, was won by Goodman's Pl'iuga oy.
Wanganpi, Vuv,m l erl3. Trial Stakes, J mile — Liaiie, 1; La3t
Chance 2. Hand'cap Hurdles— Wide-awake, 1; Chevalier, 2 ; Scrutineer, 3. Wanganui Stakes, If miles — Bayard 1 ; Armourer, 2.
November 11.
Albert White, champion bcu ler of Auckland, vrbo rowed against Fleam and Messenger, was easily beaten at the Wbau Regatta by G h\ Baily, a promising local sculler, aged 19, son of the well known ship builder. White started favorite at 3 to 1 on him.
Hendry beat Stevenson in a walking match (or 12 hours, and the championship ( f Auckland. Hendry covered 59 miles 1 lap, Stevenson 58 rniks 31 laps.
The Mayor has suggested a subject to the approval of the City Counc 1 that tbe engineer shou d measure up certain eutb cuttings and that these should be let out to the unemployed who could not get more suitable work, at raiiiig rates. At its lust -itting the Council authorised the public works to the extent of £10,000, so that they have shown every disposition consistent with their duty to tbe ratepayers to consider tbe position of tbe unemployed.
At a meeting of the Harbor Board tbe tender of Mr Fierce Laiog, £77,836, waa accepted for tbe construction of the Calliope Dock. The engineer's estimate was £98,675. The vn c ucc< B*ful tenderers are Hart and White, £90 361 17s 4d ; "W. Cameron, £95.690 163 2d ; Taylor and Brit tan, £103,134 13s 4s ; Hector Reid, £111,706 154 10J; Filloon, £129,964 The tender of Fleming and S'ephen&on, of London, for a dredge, £18,350, was accepted.
At tbe annual meeting of the tbe New Zealand Frozen Meat and Storage Company held to-day it was sated that the company hoped tbe freezing operations would commence at Auckland in February next, and in April the first shipment would be made Home.
Gisbobne, November II
A Mairi whare was burnt down at Toba Bay, and an old Maori woman was burnt to death. Two Mtori women tried to rescue her an I got nearly suffocated.
A London correspondent writes to (he Town and Country Journal :— " There is a scheme afoot in London — I have seen the prospectus — to erect in Sydney a grand hotel, at a oo>t of £ 150,0 0. The building is to be seven storys above the basement."
"Kough on Rats-"— Clears out rats, mieo, roaches, flies, ants, bed bugs, beetl<*«, iiaects, ■kuuks, jack rabbits, gophers. Diiugistß, Kemptborue, Prosier and Co., Agente, Coiistchurch.
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, &c, are quickly cured by using Baxter's " Lung Preserver." This old-established medicine is pleasant to the palate, and highly extolled by members of the medical, legal, and clerical profession Read advertisement. — Advt.
Decline of Man. — Ner? oua Weakness, Dyspepia, Impotence, Sexual Debility, uurpti by "Wells' Health Benewer." Druggists. Kempthorne,ProMer and Co., Agents, Chnei* church.