Death of Mr A. J. Parsons.
After a long and painful illness Mr A. J. Parsons, one of Wanganui's best known public men, passed away at his residence, St Leonard's, last evening.. During his long residence in Wanganui Mr Parsons has taken a keen and active interest in all matters affecting the municipality_ and the district. He .was for years a member of -tho Borough Council, and during part of that time he filled with credit the highest office Within the gift of the burgesses, that of Mayor of the Borough. The late Mr Parsons was" also identified with various other local . bodies and institutions, notably tho Harbour Board, the Chamber of Commerce, arid especially (the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards, of- -which bodies he held the" Chairmanship' for severall .years consecutivjely, only {relinquishing tho reins* of office a few months ago when h-'s increasing -infirmity precluded him from attending to the business of the Beards. The late Mr Parsons was a Director of the Wanganui Meat Freezing Company, and it will be remembered, it was while attending a meeting of the Directorate at the Company's office, that he suffered his^first serious seizure. A keen sportsman, Mr Parsons was a prominent member s of the W.J.C., and so long as health permitted he was a. conspicious figure at the big gatherings of the metropolitan club. Socially, Mr Parsons made many friends, all of whom will learn with regret of his death, even though after much suffering it came in the guise of a happy release. The deceased was born in Brompton, London, and had attained his 69th year. To the sorrowing widow and members of the bereaved family we 'tender our sincere sympathy.
Death of Mr A. J. Parsons.
Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 15000, 16 July 1900, Page 2
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