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N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Co^Lid^ CLIENTS are particularly rethe Ist October, 19*3. all Stock Accounts are due in fourteen days, and any amounts not paid within that time will be charged interest from date ef purchase. Clients requiring accommodation must make their financial arrangements with our Hamilton Office before purchasing. JANUARY. Hamilton, Tomorrow Otorohanga, Tomorrow Cambridge, Monday 19th Rangiriri, Tuesday 20th Kauroa, Wednesday 2tst Pio Pio, Thursday 22nd Ngaruawahia, Friday 23rd Ohaupo, Tuesday 27th OWNER wanted for 15-months Holstein Heifer running in our Cambridge Saleyards paddock.. Hamilton Stock Sale. TOMORROW. At 12.30 p.m. FAT S T E F - -' 40 Fat Cows 20 Cows, in fresh condition 60 Four-year Bullocks, in fresh and forward condition, number nearly beef 40 Three-year Steers 100 Weaner Calves 50 Fat Ewes 50 Fat Wethers 40 Pigs Also, to be sold under Bill of Sale, without reserve— I Roan Draught Gelding I Spring Tip Dray I Set Harness (complete) I S.F. Plough (8-inch) 1 Disc or Rotary Plough 2 Factory Cans, Buckets and Strainer 2 Pigs 9 Cows 9 Calves
Entries solicited. Otorobanga Stock Sale. TOMORROW. >SO lIEAD CATILE 10 Prime Fat Steers 100 Choice 15-months Shorthorn Steers and Heifers 70 Strong Calves 40 Strong Yearlings 30 Mixed Cattle 400 Good Hoggets 30 Sheep 20 Slips Entries solicited. Cambridge Slock Sale Monday, January 19. At 12 o'clock sharp. 30 Fat Steers 90 Fat Cows 120 Yearling to 18-months Steers and Heifers 100 Mixed Cattle 600 Choice Well-grown Calves 30 Fat Ewes 30 Fat Wethers 20 Fat Sheep
War.ted : 150 Fat Cows. Entries solicited. Raaglrlrl Stock Sale Tuesday, January 30. CQA HEAD CATTLE 150 Three to Steers, in fresh condition 100 18-month to Two-year Steers 40 Fat and Forward Cows 100 Mixed Cattle 50 Weaner Calves Wanted at this sale: Heavy Bulls and Fat Cows. Entries solicited. Kauroa Stock Sale. Wednesday, January 21. We will hold our Opening Sale in the Kauroa Yards on above date. Entries solicited. Pio PIo Stock Sale. Thursday, January 22. Oft TWO-TOOTH WETHERS viv 100 Two-tooth Ewes Entries solicited. Ngaruawabla Stock Sale. Friday, January 23. HEAD 100 2f'2-year Steers 80 18 months Steers 20 Cows in fresh condition 50 Yearling Steers and Heifers 200 Strong Weaner Calves 50 Mixed Cattle
Entries solicited. Clearing Sale at Roto-o-Rangl About last week in January, 1914. Favoured with instructions from Mr F. E. Siddall, who has sold his farm, we will sell the whole of his r HORSES, HARNESS, YOUNG CATTLE, FURNITURE, etc. Full particulars later. J-uncheon Provided. Opening Sale Taumarunui Yards t Tuesday, January 27. Entries solicited. Te Awamutu Horse Sale Friday, February 6.
150 HORSES OF ALL CLASSES. Entries solicited. Ohaupo Sheep Fair Wednesday, February 11. Entries solicited. WOOL SALES Dates of Auckland Wool Sale: 30th January, 1914. In order to be catalogued Wool must be in store by the previous Friday. New and Up-to-date Wool Warehouse, with every facility for displaying Wool to best advantage. Liberal advances made against clips.
SEED, GRAIN & PRODUCE DEPARTMENT. Turnip Seed! Turnip Seed! Now is the time to get your Seed in, and to obtain the best results the best seed must be sown. All our Seed are fresh and tree from impurities. HURST'S & SUTTON'S Turnip and Swede Seeds of the following varieties:— (Fire and Accident). EW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO.,|LTD. Chas. Hunter j A llctinnßflris Thos. Dillon i Auct,oneert »
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Waikato Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 5508, 14 January 1914, Page 4
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553Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Waikato Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 5508, 14 January 1914, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Waikato Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 5508, 14 January 1914, Page 4
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