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King Country Roads.
A largely-attended indignation meeting was held at Te Kuiti to protest against the Government’s action in connection with the Te KuitiAwakino Road. Mr Boddie, who was voted to the chair, gave the history of matters in connection with the agitation to have the work of metalling started early this season. Two deputations had been sent to Wellington to advocate the early start and vigorous prosecution of the work, and the Minister had assured them that a substantial sum would be available for the road, and no lime would be lost in pushing it ahead. The County Council in view of the importance of the work, had offered to start and carry on the metalling until the usual Government appropriations were available for expenditure, providing the Government would then indemnify the Council for the amount expended. No action had been taken by the Government to carry out the Minister’s promise, and after persistent agitation a letter had been received from the Public Works Department offering the remainder of the vote as a .£ for £ subsidy. The question of subsidy was ridiculous, and had never been mentioned prior to the receipt of the letter.
Major Lusk, who had been a member of the deputations to Wellington concerning the road, made a similar speech, and exhorted the people of the district to make their votes tell what they thought of such treat ment. The following resolution, which was proposed by Major Lusk, and seconded by Mr F. H. Sims, was carried unanimously:—“ That this meeting of residents of Te Kuiti and district, having heard a full statement of the position in regard to the work of metalling the Te Kuiti-Awakiuo Road, and the correspondence relating thereto, is of opinion that the letter of January 10, from the Under-Secre-tary of Public Works to the Waitomo County Council, is either a blunder on the part of some official, or a gross insult to the district on the part of the Government. The great importance of. and the urgent necessity for, the rapid prosecution of the work in question has been so frequently admitted by the Prime Minister and various Ministers that the meeting can only regard the action of the Government, as embodied in their present proposals, as an absolute breach of faith with the settlers, and a gross injustice to the whole district, and hereby protests in the strongest possible manner against such treatment.’’
The greatest indignation prevails against the Government throughout the whole district, and it is believed that if a con tret for the electorate was to take place in the near future, an Opposition candidate would be returned. The whole question of Government responsibility for roads is opened up by the unexpected altitude of the Minister, and the action of blocking such an important work is deeply resented. A copy of the resolution has been telegraphed to Mr W. T. Jennings, M.P., and unless satisfaction is obtained from the Government, it is expected by many that that member will sever his connection with the Govenrrnent party. Mr Jennings has, of course, been intimately connected with the agitation concerning the road, and throughout the negotiations he received no hint that the vote would be offered as a subsidy.
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Waikato Argus, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4302, 18 January 1910, Page 4
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538King Country Roads. Waikato Argus, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4302, 18 January 1910, Page 4
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King Country Roads. Waikato Argus, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4302, 18 January 1910, Page 4
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