NOTES.. {By VOLLEY.) A brief cable message from Hombuig, in the London papers of September 2, announced that Mr A. F. Wilding, the New Zealand and Cambridge University tennis crack, placed the Singleß Championship of Europe to his credit by beating, in the final round, Mr G-. W. Hillyard. The pair appear to have put up a Very fine fight, Hillyard winning the first set . at 7-5, Wil cfingr the next at the same scores, Hillyard the third at 6-2, and Wilding the fourth and ilfth at 6-3 and 7-5 respectively. The New Zealander thus claimed three sets t3 "two and 27 games to 26. The final of the Canterbury Club's Singles Championship was played on Friday last b&tween R. D. Harman and G. Aitken, and resulted in a win for the latter— 6-3, 14-12, 8-6, 6-4. Harman has had a good innings for this event, and the . outlook for lawn tennis in Canterbury . is far more hopeful when a young player like Aitken can beat the veteran. in a fair and square game. T!h.e second sot was a tough struggle, in which some fino play was shown. Harman played the only game _that had any prospect of success against his opponent by coming in to the net, and was very successful, but Aitken played a strong all-round game, showing that ho is a vastly improved player. His servioe has been hardened up, though he made a number of double faults: his ground strokes are certain and well-placed, his overhead work has always been a. strong point, and his underhand volleying is sharp and effective. If Parker does not arrive in time for the New Zealand championship meeting in December, Aitkeij will have a good chance of winning the Singles. The final of the Linwood Club's Championship was won easily by A. Borrows beating W. Goss 6-1, 6-2, 6-2. Borrows played a fine open game, never hesitating to force the game and take a, good sporting risk; in fact, he was playing bo well that there was little risk to be considered. As usual, he was deadly accurate, but his forehand driving was the distinctive feature of a very fine exhibition. Goss was erratic, but had the misfortune to meet Borrows at his best, and in that case anyone's game does not show to advantageThe death of My J. Nicholson on Saturday last makes tho Lmwood Club the poorer by one of its most valuable members. He was one of the k&enest enthusiasts over lawn tennis that I have ever met, and until a year or two ago could hold his own in any company. When nearly sixty yeara of ago he continued to represent his club in its first team, and many a young player, on meeting the venerable-looking old gentleman as an opponent, found to his sorrow that grey hairs and three-score years needed no handicap. At his own residence he had a very fine court, and friend or stranger bearing a racquet was always certain of a hearty •welcome. Players in and around ' Chriatchuroh, as well as others in various parts) of the colony, will feel the deepest sympathy with the family, and with' Miss Nicholson, one of the holders of the Ladies' Doubles Championship of New Zealand, in particular, in their sad bereavement. The name of Mr F. Wilding has been familiar to followers of lawn tennis in New Zealand for the last twenty years, consequently widespread sympathy will be extended to . him and his family on account of the sudden death of his daughter while pursuing her studies in England. Miss Wilding never competed in open tournaments, but the generous hospitality shown by Mr and Mts Wilding to all visiting players made her known to a wide circle in New Zealand and Australia.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 8455, 25 October 1905, Page 1