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The ITayokaltt.— lt is understood that a requisition is being largely signed asking Mr Charles Louisson, who previously filled the office, to allow himself to be nominated for the position of Mayor of Christchurch. Masonic. — On Monday evening next the Worshipful Master and officers of the St Augustine Lodge, together with some of the brethren, intend to pay an official visit to the Lincoln Lodge, the occasion being the installation of the Worshipful Master elect and the investiture of his officers. Belief Fund. — A. meeting of the committe having the control of theM'Nellie relief fund was held at- ? the Council Chambers, Lyttelton, last evening. It was reported that the total receipts had amounted to .£lO4. His— Worship the Mayor and hon secretary (Mr Gr. E. Collins) •were appointed trustees, and were instructed as to the disposal of the fund. The committee then disbanded. Chbistchukch Salesmen's Association. — The monthly meeting of the above Association was held in Inglis's Buildings on Monday evening, the President in the chair. Several accounts were passed for payment and the treasurer gave in a satisfactory report. A draft of circular framed by the executive for distribution among the wholesale and retail salesmen of Christchurch was brought before the meeting, and unanimously adopted, and a sub-committee was appointed to arrange for its thorough distribution. Amongst the correspondence dealt with was a letter from the Progressive Liberal Association having reference to the extension of the franchise for all elections to local bodies. It was resolved that the secretary .direct a letter to each of the Christctarch members urging them to support the Municipal Franchise Extension Bill now before Parliament. The rules, ■which liad'been held over from last meeting, were again read, and after careful consideration, unanimously adopted, and the secretary was directed to forward them on tofkellegistrar, at Wellington, with a view to their registration. Ackkowledge3ients. — Mrs Herrick desires to acknowledge, with grateful thanks, the following, which have been distriWte'd during the past three weeks -.— Clothing, boots, hats, &c, Mesdames Wav, Thomson . (Opawa), W, Wardell, Atlison, Lake, C. H. Williams, Hyndman, Buddie, Pickles, Toneycliffe and Carey. Ashley Sewing Guild, James Street, New" Brighton, i Mrs Stevens and friends ; Dorcas garments ; and material from members and friends of i Dorcas Guild, No. 17, Springburn Dorcas ■ Society, Nos. 34. 31 ; perambulator, Mrs ; Way ; fish, Mr I. Allen and friend ; fowls, Mr Fountain, Hororata; vegetables, Mrs Marraand friend; potatoes, Mr Treleaven; hares, Mr Duncan Rutherford; bread, Ashley Sewing Guild, Church of Christ, Women's Christian Temperance Union and friends; milk, Mr Duncan Cameron and Bishopscouit ; coal 3, Messrs J. T. Brown and Son, W. H. Hargreaves; onions, Mr Unwin ; sheep, Belfast Frozen Meat Company, ChristcTiurch Frozen Meat Company ; meat, Messrs Forrester, Henderson and Son, Clarkson, Lane, H. Harris, Berry and friends - dripping, • Mesdame? Bowman, Andrews, O'Keover and friends; wood, Craniner Square friend ; periodicals, Mrs F. J. Bird and friends ; cask donations, Dorcas 2s, H.C. box 2s, little girl Is. — The Superintendent of the Lyttelton Sailors' Home acknowledges, with thanks, the receipt of the following donations: — Magazines for July from Mr W. G. Brittan, Lloyd's Weekly from Captain Clark, harbourmaster, and Home papers from Mr Ferrier, Lyttelton. Obangeism. — The monthly meeting of No. 2 Purple Star Lodge was held in the Orange Hail on Tuesday evening, when the W.M., Bro W. Bnltitude, presided. The W.M. reported that the officers-elect -rr.ould be installed at the next meeting. The Lodge w&s then raised to the Arch Purple Degree, and two brethren of the Lodge and one from the Star of Sydenham Lodge receivedthat degree. The members and -visitors then attended the refectory, where an hour was spent with refreshments and harmony. The Lodge closed at 11.30 p.m. Presentation. —At the Sydenham Chambers last evening Mr J. H. Stewart, late custodian of the Sydenhaiu and Addington Working Men's Club, was presented by Mr S. Day with a framed testimonial, in recognition of his services to the club, and with a irold medal, which bore the following inscription : — '• Presented to Mr James Stewart, by Ins friends of the Sydenham and Addington Working Men's Club, September, 1897." After the presentation a very pleasant evening -was spent, and songs and recitations were given.
Hubbard, Halli and Co. are selling beautif nl fresh factory butter at lOd.
Sale op Fruit.; — Messrs Ayers, Beauchamp and Co. announce an auction sale of -fruit for 2.30 p.m. to-morrow. Personal. — His Honor Mr Justice Denniston will arrive in Christchucch by tonight's express from Timaru. Mr Inspector Broham left for Oamaru by express this morning. The Clock Towhr.— The Works Committee of the City Council met on- the ground .opposite Messrs Hubbard, Hall and Co. J s this afternoon, and decided that the site previously chosen was unsuitable, as the clock would only be seen from Manchester Street south. They eventually decided to recommend that the tower should be ■ placed in the centre of High, Lichfield and Manchester Streets, and that the architect should be requested to alter the design to suit the locality. Christchubch Ctclino Club. — The strong jiorth-wester spoiled the attendance of riders .at the opening run of the Christchurch Cycling Club this afternoon. At two o'clock about sixty riders left Hobbs's corner for New Brighton. Mr J. .T. Kinsey, consul of the Cyclists' Touring Club, led I the procession. Mr and Mrs Preece rode ! their tandem, but owing to the boisterous weather only one other lady turned up. The procession was started by Mr E. O. Bishop, president of the club, and a good number of spectators were present. Citt Kiples. — The Christchurch City Rifles intend holding a ball early next month.
Saltation Army. — To aid the Salvation Army's Self-denial Fund, the Durham Street Wesleyan Choir, under the leadership of Mr Johnston, gave a concert last evening in the Victoria Street Barracks. A very good programme, of solos and choruses was gone through. Shorthand "Writers' Association. — The second ball in connection with the Christchurch Shorthand Writers' Association was held in Hobbs's Assembly Rooms last evening, and was a most enjoyable gathering. The room was comfortably filled, and dancing was kept up ivith spirit, to excellent music supplied by Mr C. H. Fox. Mr C. H. Gilby was M.C. Mr W. Edwards, of Sydenham, was caterer, and the committee of ladies and gentlemen, with Mr F. A. Pyne as secretary, carried out the arrangements in an efficient manner. Ob<?an Recital. — The programme chosen ' f or "t Ki '< fiygflJPg's organ recital in the Cathedral in aicTof *Ue Triranell Memorial Fund contains masterpieces such #s Bach's Fusue in a minor— perhaps his gte&test and most difficult fugnb<-Haildel's Concerto in B fiat, Meyerbeer's "Coronation March," and slow movements by Spohr and Schumann, Mr Tendril will also play, as a tribute to the memory of his friend, Thomas Tallis Trimnell, Beethoven's " March Funebrc." The late Mr Trimnell, in addition to other acts of kindness, came specially from Wellington, to give two recitals in the Cathedral in aid of the organ fund. Cutting Still Going On. — The great success that has attended the Smithfield Market has enabled them to further reduce price of bacon ; 500 sides at s£d per lb. Special cure, mild and tasty grain-fed Morepork. A specialty, bloater, ham and chicken paste 6d per bottle. Tea reduced 2d per lb. New department in cakes aad confectionery at half usual rates. Visit and pass your judgment. Telephone 349. Goods delivered daily. 1912 Fresh Factory Butter reduced to lOd at Hubbard, Hall and Cos.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5989, 30 September 1897, Page 3
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1,239LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 5989, 30 September 1897, Page 3
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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 5989, 30 September 1897, Page 3
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