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. | Results of the Polling. Liberal Victories. CHRISTCHURCH. Last evening witnessed the closing scene of an election contest which has dragged wearily along for an unusually lengthened period. The result wa3 a signal victory for the Liberal candidates. In spite of all that influence and misrepresentation could do, the Liberal party remained ■ true to their colours and placed their representatives at the head of the poll by a crushing majority. In the evening, the streets were thronged, and large crowds assembled round the various polling places. These points were, however, speedily deserted, the crowd gathering in front of the Lyttelton Times offise, where the various results, as they came in, were displayed. Several thousand people assembled to see the results, and as the figures showing a Liberal victory went up loud cheers were given. Although there was such a large crowd in the streets the proceedings throughout the day and evening were of the most orderly nature. There was none of the horseplay which characterised previous election nights, when flour and eggs of uncertain age were freely thrown about, but each individual evinced an interest, borderiug almost on excitement, in the result. The bootmakers' band, which played through the streets during the day, brought up the news of Mr Tanner's success at Heathcote— news which was received with loud cheers. But it was in the results of the Christchurch election that the chief interest centred. As the numbers from the outlying polling I places came in, affording an indication of what the result would be, they were received with hearty cheers, and when the full numbers were declared, showing that the Liberal candidates had secured a magnificent victory the cheering was truly deafening, and, in response to loud calls MeEsiß Reeves, Perceval and Tanner addressed the great throng which had gathered in front of the Lyttelton Times office. Mr W. P. Reeves said : lam not going to make a speech for at least four months (laughter and applause) — but how can I thank you for the brilliant victory you have given us P (Cheers). Gentlemen, there is only one way in which we can thank you, and that is by the work we shall do for you during the next three years. (Cheers). Gentlemen, there is only one reason why I am not sorry that my friend Mr Perceval doen not head the poll, and that is that the man who is most hated by the Conservatives of Canterbury has been placed by you in that honourable position. (Cheers). Mr Perceval said : Gentlemen, the thing that has pleased me most in this election is that it proves that the working men of Canterbury can stand together. (Cheers.) The Liberal vote has been a solid vote — (cheers)— and I am only delighted that Mr Beeves heads the poll, because he has been made the butt by the other side for all the shafts that they have aimed at him. (Cheers.) Let us learn a lesson from this, and stick together in the future. (Cheers.) And now three cheers for the Liberal party of Canterbury. (Ringing cheers.). Loud cries were raised for Mr Taylor, and they were continued till Mr Perceval assured the crowd that Mr Taylor was not present, but that Mr Tanner was. Mr Tanner, who was loudly cheered, said : i Men of Canterbury, the thing that pleases me moßt, is the victory of the Unionists. (Cheers.) The Unionists are doing now what they ought to have done long ago. They are exerting their influence in the proper channel, through the ballot-box to the House of Representatives — (cheers)— and that is the truest way to victories in the future. (Applause.) Gentlemen, I thank every man, from the bottom of my heart, for what has been done by them for me, and I only hope in the future that I may be found worthy of the confidence they have placed in me. (Cheers.) I shall never be able to know personally all those who have served me on this occasion, but I most heartily thank them now for their support, which has carried me on to victory. (Loud cheers.) .RESULT OF THE POLL.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7029, 6 December 1890, Page 4
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756GENERAL ELECTIONS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 7029, 6 December 1890, Page 4
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GENERAL ELECTIONS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 7029, 6 December 1890, Page 4
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