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Latest Locals.
c Druids' Gala. — A meeting of the delegates of the Druids Gal* will be held tonight, at the Druids' Hall, at eight o'clock. A Warning. — The city authorities are preparing a batch of summonses against a number of citizens who have not paid their rates for the present year. Fire. — About fire a.m. yesterday a gor*e fence opposite Mr Isaac Wilson's house at Kaiapoi was found to be on fire ; both engines turned out and speedily subdued the flames. _ Probate. — Mr Justice Denniston, sitting in Chambers this morning, granted probate in the .estate of Moore Morgan, deceased, to John Porter, the sole executor named in the will, upon the application of Mr Slater. Case Settled. — The case of Cresswell v. the Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Company, Limited, haa been settled, and in consequence the Special Jurors summoned to attend at the Supreme Court need not do so. More Flower Stealing. — In this issue will be found an advertisement from Mr William Compton, of Sandridge terrace, King street, Sydenham, calling- attention to another of those mean and annoying cases of flower-stealing which are becoming so numerous. The Grocers' Trouble.— We understand that Messrs Edwards, Bennett aud Co. have entered into an agreement, and have taken the premises lately occupied by Messrs D. Caro and Co., at 174, Cashel 3treet, for the sale o£ groceries at wholesale prices. Cade* Inspection. — The Christ's Colleg and Boys' High School Cadetß will parade for their quarterly inspection at the drillshed, at 4.30 p.m. oa Tuesday next. The Queen's Cadets will parade for inspection at 7.30 p.m. on the same day, at their drill hall. Public Slaughter Yards. — At the meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to-day, Mr J. H. Parker gave notice of a motion to the effect that the Society use its best endeavours to have public slaughter yards for the city and suburbs established. Selwyn County Council.— The nominations for the extraordinary vacancy in the Selwyn County Council, caused by the death of the late M rF. Jones, member for the Heathcote riding, closed at noon to-day, at the Council's office. Two candidates were nominated, Messrs James Purvis Jameson and Walter Kitson. A poll will be held on Friday, Oct. 3. Fat and Lazy. — One of the City Council's horseß, which are good-conditioned animals, with not too much to do, fell down between the shafts of a water cart in Gloucester street this morning. The harness was loosened, but the collar remained round the horse's neck and the cart tipping up it looked at one time as if the animal was in a fair way to be strangled. However, he was extricated from this uncomfortable position, and put back between the shafts again, having at least been thoroughly awakened by the shaking up he experienced. Druids.— The Oak of Sydenham Lodge held their quarterly meeting last night. There was a good attendance of members, also several visitors were present. An appeal was received from the Ashburton Lodge of Druids in aid of the widow and orphans of a late member of that Lodge. The sum of .£3 was granted from the Benevolent Fund. The sum. of £3 was also sent as a donation by the members to the Trades and Labour Council, to aid in present trouble. One other case brought forward as deserving assistance was left over till next meeting, so that enquiries could be made into the case. One candidate having been proposed, and quarterly accounts passed for payment, the Lodge was closed. Receipts for the evening, £81 10s. Oddfellows. — A social in connection with the Washington Lodge, No. 28, 1.0.0. F., A.C., was held on Thursday last, when there was a large attendance of members and tbeir friends, the hall being packed to overflowing. Bro A. Townsend, D.D.G.M., occupied the chair. Songs were given by Bros Burk, Stokes, White, Fox, Hardingham, and Miss Piltcher, a recitation by Bro A. Townsend, sen., sailor'B hornpipe by Bro Eaves, and a bone solo by Bro Carpenter, all of which were well rendered and as well received. The room waß then cleared, when the young folks remained for dancing, which was kept up with great spirit till the small hours of the morning. Bro Donaldson officiated as M.C., and Bro Fox was accompanyist. During the evening refreshments were handed round, and the social was brought to a close by the singing of " God Save the Queen." East Chbistchtjrch School Bath. — A number o£ improvements have been effected at the above bath, which will render it more suitable for the use of the Swimming Club recently formed at that end of the city. The platform at the East end of the bath has been extended eight feet so as to provide additional accommodation for visitors at any of the swimming exhibitions which the Club may hold,< as well as being a convenience to the bathers themselves. Additional dressing rooms have been provided, and the bath itself has been thoroughly cleaned and relimed. It is also intended to erect a shower bath close to the deep well within the bath enclosure, the water in which rises to a height of eighteen feet, and should answer admirably for the purpose. Over a hundred members have joined the new Club, and the Secretary, Mr Taylor, has the tickets ready for issue. The bath will be ready for uee again on Monday, and i the Club opens on Wednesday next.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6970, 26 September 1890, Page 3
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911Latest Locals. Star (Christchurch), Issue 6970, 26 September 1890, Page 3
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Latest Locals. Star (Christchurch), Issue 6970, 26 September 1890, Page 3
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