Asw:the^liour for the declaration .drew at the Heathcotes Tlxfaa- Board-office became a little impatient, cand a-groan-or two was indulged in. The •.rstwrnsfrom Woolston were rather late in coming in, and the spectators had to while away the time listening to the strains of the Woolflton Brass Band, or firing Chinese ■crackers. At last, at about 8.20 p.m., Mr W. T. C. Mills made the following un-official-declaration of the poll. © fi 8 § ? ,3 £ S 1I I I E. Jones 430 10S 218 756 JV-H.Eopkins ... 123 106 80 309 Majority for Jones ... 447 Informal votea: Ashbourne, 11 j Woolston, 2$ Waltham, 6. The declaration was received with enthusiastic chcera. Mr Jones, on the declaration of the poll, was hoisted shoulder high., and with great difficulty, owing to interruption and | cheering, said he was in the almost unique position of having been twice elected to a New Zealand constituency within the Bhort period of seven months, and that by an overwhelming majority. (Loud applause.) He did not think that any one in the Colony was in such a proud position as he was that night. He had working for him a splendid Committee, of whose exertions' on his behalf he was justly prond. And also that the Committee had ' justly gauged the opinion of the constitu- ! ency which had re-elected him. He would [ say no more that night, but would again take the opportunity of thanking them at the official declaration of the poll to-mor-row. Mr Jones's remarks were followed by loud '. and prolonged cheering, and cries for " Hopkins, Polly Hopkins." Mr Hopkins did not appear, and was loudly groaned ; and the band struck up " See the Conquering Hero Comes." ThefollowingfiguresofthelasttwoHeathcoteelections will be read with interest: — The numbers polled in 1884 were — Coster, 445; Wynn- Williams, 245; Fisher, 15; total, 705. On .Feb. 8 last, when Mr. Joneß was first elected, the numbers were — Jones, •527 ; Avers, 336; informal, 18; total, 871.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 6043, 27 September 1887, Page 4
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