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' txiavrve. Jan. 24-Ocoan Bird, kotoh, 83 tons, from Nolson. Jan. 25— Margaret, kotoh, 28 tons, Noilson, from 'jjf^ciyde, b.b„ 88 tons, M'ConviUo, from . Saltwater Creek. Jan. 25— Glympso, kotoh. Jan. 25-Bingarooma, s.s.. «S tons, M'Lean, for Melbourne, via" Dunodin and Btaft. „„ ~-v. Jan. 25— Clyde, s.s., 83 tons, M'Convillo, for Saltwator Creek, _____ The immigrant ship Conflict, from Liverpool, via Belfast, waa i reported outsido the Heads this momjig, Sho ia 84 days oufc

SHIP SOUKAB, FBOM LONDON. Mossrs Bhaw. flftvill and Co.'b "WP fI^»V»?E manded by Captain Adams, was signalled yostorday morning, at 11.80. Tho vessel, which brings a numfcer o£ immigrants, not only for this porfc, but for Timara. has for somo days boon expected; ana whett nor number was run up, shortly after 1 p.m., all anxiety on her acoiunt was at an end. Tno snip, favoured by a spanking North-east breozo, ran up tbe harbour at a rapid rato, and came to an anchorage ofl Rhodes' Bay at 2 p.m. At aM rsm., tho Heilth Offioers, Commit. tktmarn and agents proceeded to tho ship S tS' fl«. tfoaelle, and arrived olongs do at 2.85 p.m. Shortly beforo this, tho health aooount was handed on board the steamer, from tho Slot boat/on ita ww to shore. Tho inspeotion and! after lying alongside! oh I»m/the reporters were allowod on board. ■ This lam moobA time that the.Soukar has visited Cay.Srbtfry, and she ia still in oommand of, Captain •AdE The ship embarked at Gravesend 244 taSrats, 128 being for Timaru, and 121 for CantStoSyToSl arriving in good health, saving tho four deaths Of ohildren from diarrhcoa, and one from heart disease, During tho voyagp two births took ulace. During the detention amplo time was glyon for viewing tho exterior of tho vessel, and from her appoaranco she had during tlio voyage mot with »ew heavy woather. Her forotopgallant mast was ■one, ob well ac ber flying jibboom and port whisker, and portion of tho topgallant bulwarks. A icferenoe to tbia is ; mode in the captain's report. Proceeding on board, a cordial wolcoino was tendered by Captain Adams, and tho Commisßionerß having made their inspection, the reporters wero allowed to go thrpugh the ship. Tho singlo girls' compartment looked vory clean and tidy | there wero 86 girlar 14 being for Timara, and they aro mostly English domestio servants. Mrs Evans who oame out as matron, givos them exoellont characters. T*.e married people's compartment was in good ordor. Tho occupants oro mostly of tho labouring olass and appear well fitted for the requirements of tho Provinoe. They spoke well of tho treatment they had reoeived, and also of the oxooHanoy of tho Btores and wator. supplied. Tho single men's com. - partment was clean, roomy, and well lighted, and fthe men, who are for the most part artizons, with a good sprinkling of labourers, appear to be a very Intelligent lot of mem. A visit was paid to tho galley and condenser, both of which had acted well during tho Voyage. Ab tumftl, at this close ef a voyage, everything was in somo confusion, and the word being given that all •ingle girls should get ready to go ashore, produced a scene that was worth seoing. The girls hurriod their bundles and bedsupthehatohway with alacrity. In the married couples aompartm'est tho scono wns sot less lively, fathers and mothorfl boing busily employed in packing up their cooking utensil*, fceda, Ao. Tho singlo mon also showed their anxiety to get ashore at once, and wero muoh disappointed when they found thoy could not do so. At four o'olook, the b.b. Gazelle, with tho single girls on board steamed from the ship, amid tho vociforous cheers of those on board. Captain Adams and his ofiicers have gained the highest ostoom of all on board, and Dr Lloyd, who has oomo out as surgeon superintendent, was highly spoken of for his oaro and attontion, Tho remainder of the immigrant^ willbe landed to-day. The ship brings o largo cargo, and is consigned to Messrs Dalgety and Co. The following is tho captain's report of tho voyage, whtchoccupied 105 days from the Start :— lief fc the docks on Sept. 29 ; embarked passengers on the SOthj left Gravesend on Oot. 6 , was detained in the Downs till tho ,7th by an accident to the condenser} towed from the Downs on the evening , of the 7th with afresh breeze from West-south- west) made sail at Dungeness, and beat down channel against strong Westerly winds , landed pilot on tho M>th off tho Start., On Oot. 12, had a heavy West-south-west gale for about twenty- four hours, tho wind joet veering enough to the West to onablo ub to stretch across the Bay of Biscay, passing within a few miles of Usliant and Finfsterro. Wind still holding in tho West, passed insido tho Madeiras, and was pushed down in sight of Tonoriffe ; passed insido tho Capo do Verde Islands. Got tho Northeast trades in 20deg N., which wore lost again in 14 deg N. Strong Southerly winds to Bdeg 80min H., whoro wo struok tho South-oast trades. Grossed tho Equator on Nov. 11 in long 22deg 35mln W. Had only four days' trades, tho wind boing light from tho Northward, making only a hundred miles daily, whon we usually expeot to make good progress. Wind continued light, andthe woather remarkably flno until abreast of tho Oavto, wiucb was passed on Deo. 12 in lat 48deg 27min 8. -, thence strnokthoparallolof 48deg, having a fair average of West winds to tho longitude of 90deg E, whon wo experienced a heavy gale from tho North on Dec, 28, vooringtotho Westward, and blowing a perfect hurricane} towards tho morning of Jan. 2A lost the fore topsail in trying to take in in j tho maintopsail also wow clean out of tho boltropo. About 2 a.m., a heavy sea broke clean over the ship, whioh washed overything moveable off tho poop, oarried away the starboard life-boat out of tho davttfl, and flooded the deck houses and saloon with wator. The captain and ohief oflloer wero knocked down, and narrowly escaped boing washod overboard ; the latter was also severely injured in tho side, Found the jibboom carried away, and tho forotopgallant mast badly sprung. Two of tho channol plates in the foro rigging and topmast backstays wore also carriod away, and tho bobstay oarried away from tho stem. During tho height of the galo tho barometer dropped suddenly from 29*00 to 28-20. Settled down into a hard Woatorly galo for tho next two days, aftor whioh wo again experienced a series of flno weather until tho Hnaros wero sighted on Saturday, Jan. 18, whon tho wind eet ln from the North-east, and continuod till tho Peninsula waa sighted on Monday, Jan, 23.

Tho B.M. s,s. Mikado arrived In harbour yostorday morning, at, seven o'oloek, from Sydney, Captain Mooro reports that ho "loffc Sydnoy at 7 a.m. on Thursday last, fully antioipatlnpr, with his usual good fortune, to arrivo hero on Monday evoning, so as to have loffc with tho malls within a fow hours of contract time ; bufc the old adago of " fcho moro hasto tho loss speed " has beon fully verified In tho prosont instanco, for almost immodiatoly affcor olearing Qydnoy Heads tho wind carao in from duo oast, norn whioh quarter ithas continuod with tho greatest persistency over since, mostly blowing frosh, and at times increasing to a galo. But it is not so muoh tho wind which has retarded tho vessel's progress as tho high soa, which caused hor to plungo heavily and ship largo quantities of wator. Altogether tho weather has been deoidodly bad and unfavourable, and In making Capo Brett yesterday It was vory thiok, and has continued so from this until arrival horo." Sho sailed last night about 8 o'olook, and Captain Mooro trusts to pull up for lost timo, to nrrlvo at San Francisco on duo dato. viz., Fob. 10. The run to Sydnoy occupiod exactly four days twolvo hours, and tho City of San Franoisoo boat tho Mikado by a littlo ovor two hours.—SonOiera Gtom, Jan. 10.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2446, 25 January 1876, Page 2

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LYTTELTON. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2446, 25 January 1876, Page 2

LYTTELTON. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2446, 25 January 1876, Page 2