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IUOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership of Barristers, Solicitors, and Notaries heretofore subsisting between Messrs. John Rankin Reed, James Every Stephen Bailey and Roland Perceval Towle, under the style of Reed, Bailey, and Towle, Safe Deposit Buildings, High Street, has been dissolved as from the 31st December, 1919, by the retirement therefrom of the said Mr. J. E. S. Bailey. Messrs. John Ranken Reed and R-oiand Perceval Towle have, as irom such date, admitted into partnership Mr. Frederick Allan Hellaby ana Mr. Alfred Nowell Cooper (both on the staff of Reed, Bailey, and Towle), and the practice will in future be carried on by the said John Ranken Reed Roland Perceval Towle, Frederick Allan Hellaby and Alfred Nowell Cooper, under the style of Reed, Towle, Hellaby, and Cooper, Barristers and Solicitors, at the same address, Safe Deposit Buildings, High Street, Auckland. The new firm will collect all accounts, and will also discharge all liabilities of the former partnership. REED, TOWLE, HELLABY, AND COOPER.
STOREKEEPERS. NOTE.—We can offer you cut prices for GRASS AND CLOVER SEED. We must clear to make room for fresh shipment of seed due lyNOTE. — All Double-Machjned Seeds tested by Government Biologist. A few of the many we have in Stock. D.M. Canterbury Ryegrass. D.M. Poverty Bay Ryegrass. D.M. 16 Akaroa Cocksfoot. D.M. Western Wolths. Rye. D.M. Italian Rye. Timothy. Chewing Fescue. Colonial Cowgrass. Colonial Red Clover. Imported Red Clover. Imported Cowgrass. White Clover. Alsyke. Crimson Clover. Lotus Major. And other Seeds too numerous to mention. Also, Grass and Clover Seeds for Rough Burns, Etc., Sold on Sample. Rye and Clover. 2nds Cowgrass, Rough Cocksfoot. We have quite a number of Testimonials re Seed supplied by us. They can be seen at our Office. Write us now for Price List. GLOVER & CO., COMMERCE ST., AUCKLAND. "VTEW ZEALAND INSURANCE -N COMPANY, LIMITED. DIVIDEND WARRANTS for the Half-year ended 30th November, 1919, ARE NOW PROCURABLE at the Branch Office of the Company, Queen Street. H. P. KISSLING, General Manager.' Auckland, 11th February, 1920. JT AND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES Notice is hereby given that the several parcels of land hereinafter described will be brought under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same on or before 13th March, 1920. 6521.—Charles Augustus Cawkwell—Part Allot 19 Sec. 14, Suburbs of Auckland, containing 2 roods and 14.1 perches, fronting Seaview Road, Remuera, occupied by Applicant. Plan 13250 Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 9th day of February, 1920, at the Land Registry Office, Auckland. THOS. HALL. District Land Registrar.
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Observer, Volume XL, Issue 25, 21 February 1920, Page 8
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427Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Observer, Volume XL, Issue 25, 21 February 1920, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Observer, Volume XL, Issue 25, 21 February 1920, Page 8
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