Through "sucking the monkey" or "riding the pony," a London dock labourer met his death- :. .. Tt w^s stated at the inquiest on Joseph Hyanas that he had died from asphyxiation, -whilst' in a stalte of acute 'alcoholism. He had. been working in a brandy shed at the London Docks. Three 60-gallon caskis of brandy had been tampered with, and from each a pint of over-proof spirits had been *c*" tracted by one of the. above-named practices. A Porti of London! authtoriltiyi coinst&blfc explained, that "sticking the monkey" was sucking spirits out of the cask by means of a -jpiieto of paper, glass, or 'metal tubing after a while had been made in the bung.
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13952, 4 August 1919, Page 1
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13952, 4 August 1919, Page 1
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