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sEFARATION QtESUON. MINISTER AND PEOPLE. j YESTERDAYS PROCEEDINGS. Yesterday the llou. ti. W". Russell, Sloutet in charge or HaspUats, visited ' yniiKtate lor ih« purpose vt \ultt ctit> x>eopte wlio •ko.Tiro t> hiwe tHe.r~tioiiHtat District, rakeu irom cue- control ol tno soutU Canterbury itOrtTHCat Boar it. i'He -Minister at> v.'jtupamecl by >lr J- Anstev, M.l'., tor Yvaitatii. Mr Tiiibat, M.l'. for teruuka. v.ould also have 'veil present hue "as unexpectedly de-ay ed in Wellington. luo \fcrru>tt r - was met ut the railway stat- cjn by Mrs N- 31- Orhell. Dr Muyrs ♦ Deputy-Slayer', Messrs . Oeddet> *ehaimian *ii tfi;.- Hoa-wtul Comnitttoot, tfeo- Da.-h. R- Inksti-r. R. W. fluit, and the Town Clerk (Mr 'I. G. He was motored to the i'oyat Hotel and there . nterrJ'tie.i a: Itmeh, thi»e present hero mehtdmi: Mr Anstey. M.1"., the Dtoutv-Mayor (Or Mr Cochran.-. Conriry Clerk t representing the C'»mty C'ouiu iti. Mr tiedd- v s Mr >- T. Kir.i-lL "(hortVi<iii MilicVtor). and the Tourt t'lerk. Arter litm-ti the 3ltnister and th»> HflKptia! Trustees visited r!i«- luv-pital. where some time was spent itt making a «:!ov inspection, everything K-trijc seen in the best or sum! order. Tuis over, a return was made ti> town. THE DEPUTATION. At the Horrmch Council Chambers •Hie 3l ; nister received d.-p-niations. on the hospital ti o'cloek closing for hotels, and the completion ot the Watltao Downs railway. Each w.*s introdiKed hv 31 r An>tey. Those preseufc ""eluded Mrs N. M- Orhell. Dr Haves. \I-srs \V. Oedrltf*. 0 D.i-li. J. Ht-n----*Vr-»m. E. J. Atv. ill. R. W. ITnrr, and I*4'lock trepresf;tine the Hosjvral Tm.«tees). -Ir.riiv.-. M.--haii. 11. M>k Whatman. Rt-r>. >to»:kv.-,-'i and Morrison. fif'T a number ot othi-r eit z«--n.-. .Vfi- Ar'-,ri-v it* i» r " "lie Hr"-nf-r-d depntiikion. >.a : d »h».*y had b.-en t<->M thai nnthin;; .iu;!tr to Tie done iti tut*

tm : 11'»■ i" M- t:*.' '.'.ar i:tt : bill he ■Aould l:kc to po.m out that tile l'rustecs had not i>r.iaght the- matter on; ,l had been tnirvd ii[»»n them by the action ot tlie Central Beard in imposing humiliating restrictions on the Trustees no selt-res.p.' ting body could submit to. The Trustees liad exliaust»d their legal anel we're now apf>ealing to the Mini-.ier. Mr Geddes then asked Mr Dash to state their case-

Mr Dash read a statement which covered the ii>'.e-- y of the AYaimate Ho.p tal from its foundation *ll years ngo. including the several changes made by statute* in th«» or2anis:ition of the local body in charge of the hosa.tal; the re".-etit depute witli the Central Board; the result of an appeal to the- Supreme Court to settle the -juesiion at issue; the resolttt.ons passod at a public- meeting held a short time age, one o: which urged that stops be> taken to secure separation of the districts. (These matters were piiMVavd in tho report of the public nit-eting referred co.) The iloi'iiment that the northern boundary o: Maitik hi Riding would be :• stii-able bo'iiuinry on that side, making the AYaimate He-.;>ltal distri-"':- consist of the rest of tho County and tho Borough of A\:timate This would bo generous toward.-. Tlniaru. as the boundary sttggestwl v.inih! be L'i» rnilcs from Timaru and 10 mi'.-- from AYaimate. The Waimato d >"fct it so constituted, would fie tii:ani-!:-.lly strong enough to m:-.iut:t'ii tlie b'jspiral and furnish charitable aid, as the rates levied over that area for <j»'? year ended March 101-K were £'l-Vi J. whicii carried a suhs:dy ot equal amoimt: total £3lt>3: while the amount expended was £"23o> tor :he >;o-;>ital and £7OO lor charitable aid. The 'alter was onlv an est- mate and was believed to he a *gen-e-rotis one. The hospital had done gixxi work, in spite of many disadvantages, being hampered by Jack of appl'ances.' which the Board had been requisitioned tor. Mr Dash's statement eonchided "AAe- feel that if v.e can sever the coi>-ner-tton with the South Canterburv Hospital and C'hartable AM Board which h;is ever produced friction and iutinp* r*Mi i>t £■>;; wo f:tn «-o mnna»'A tlie Institution that it shall be more than ever efficient and mor-.- ilnn rver Wm to the district. . . . AAV t beret ore urge that you wi!!. i n consrderation of our h'"story, our position ritt. or.r o'ir to !mvo intiodiii' ed n- xr ses.-'oii as a n. : -ure a 81l eon-tiruiin.- Wat mate a s-'p.-iate ii,>.-plt:'.f .li.-trir-i."

The Minister asked loi' :i map showing the boundaries of tli-- proposed .fistrict and the boundaries were |>i inted out to him. nTIIKII SPF.AK Kits. Mr Median said it was the iv.-og-nivd tiling for patients Hum '.lie j northern part of the county i«» go to ; Waimato Hospital. There was a : straight- run down to Waiiiiate ll<v.pital. while it was a rough, liilly n\id t-i Tiirar'.i Those as tar north as Makikihi always wont to AVaimate. The Hoard v. a> always at variance with the Trustees and put tho latier mi a !M>st unenviable an<l humiliating position. '1 hr Hoarn did not seem to know the needs of AYaimate and did not sit iii to recognise' tlu- importance o! tile Waii'K'to Hospital. For the welfare of the institution and the district it was desirable thai ANainiate .should be given control of its Hospital. Iho people of AYaimate district, had huilb their hospit'il ami 'hey uvro quit» willing and ab'e to mainUiin it. Thero no n-ore important- part of Now Zealand than AYaimate County and tli,- people 'lid net- want any favours | but in■.j>!y to be allowed to control their own* institution. (Hear, hoar.) j The Minister- Art. any number of j patients froi:' Wa'iiutto district com- j pel led to go to Ti-naru Hospital for treatment ? Air Dash and Mr Geddes replied thai ihev never had to s t .nd patients to 'l'mium. They were able to treat ih«"in ail :it Wainiaio. Mr AtwiM said they had to send ini-.rtieus eases to Timaru. .Mr fie ld • s s.i:•! that u'as so because they had no room for them at \\ aiI::; t-v Mi .1. Murray (Studholme': said it was humiliating io h.ave to go hai-in-haud to Tiiiiaru for everything they wanted. They only wanted fair play and control of their own hospital. (Hoar. hear.l Mr Henderson added it could bo take': as a fart that the bulk of the peoj wanted what was now bring i for—separation from Timaru. Mi Paul, representing the Friendly S.-. :■ u> > of the district also asked tor reparation from Timaru. He related >'■: -e of the troubles with which they had to contend ill the past, awl said that ;lie Central Board seemed to bo a!uavs out for creating friction. Tim; Tt'.Mtv; could not pet justice under | • .'istlng conditions, and it was justice and the right to goven. their own 1.0-; it il they wanted. v ir Atwill said that he had been one of ihi> I rusteos tor -0 vars. and he was quite'prepared for separation provided it woul l not mean itv.-reased rates. Ho was just afraid that- linder the proposed boundaries they would al-o loso Hakataramea —(cries of No. No) —as the jK-oplc there would go to Oamani Hospitai with which they had direct coni'iiuuicati jn. He was very sorry t'soil no representative of the County Council present as they paid tho bulk of ;ltt> rates to the Hospital Board, in Tih.aru they had gone to -jrreat i xpense to bui!«l an Old People's Homo and infectious disease.? hospital and "tliev liad also secured bc>U in an outside consumption s;iiiatorium. In AVairnate. if they had separation, 'hey would require a.'.l these things, and he would on'v bts favourable to separaton on the understanding that tho ra'es wouid not b« increased. Mr Darf: said there need be no increased rate and the question of Hakaiaraniea leaving them had never beet- raise*!. THE MINISTER'S .REPLY. 7vFr Russell thanked them for the full and succinct manner in whi-h tho proiK>s:i!s had been ]>'.aoed before him. On *he previou- dny he had received a telejram froir. the >outh Canterbury Hospital Board asking hi:n not T » coine to any definite decision on this matter until he ti.ul heard tiK-'r side of it. ai'd he liad replied by asking tlie 1m aid to be represented at the meeting that day. (Hear, hear.') He had seen the chairman of the Board at the Timaru vai'way station that n.orn".iL' and had fully expected that hi v.-;ss coming down to AYp.iniate. but such waj not- the case. It vas therefere not Ills 'the speaker's) fault th;v.t tlie Central Beard wa.> not represontod tl ere that dav. | They would that in a largo and important matter of thnt kind he would not be able to give, a definite reply straight olf. The l ' matter had already been brought under his notice by Mr Anstoy and it was in aecordanv© with a promise* made to him last session that he was in \Yniir.ate that day. Matt err; of thi> kind ctuld not- Ik! settled solely oil the local issue: and ho con'd not- undertake to cut off a part of tho South Canterbury Hospital District merely because the I'oard and the Trustees were not getting along amicably together. He had t> take a broad view and give a decision which would stand as a precedent Cassibly for other parts ot New Ze" lud. His decision must, be based on such clear aiui broad lines as to m.'ik> it i?"»ipois:ble for it>rty e»r tilty other districts where friction tnight arise to m to him ami claim that which had bc« :t ttivet- to Waiinate —supposing it, were po'.icv oi the Health Department to have" lame hospital districts with well- < quipped and * scientilically managed has,- hospitals. That was the basis of hospital work in the largo Auckland and \Ye linirwm districts, as well as in other pints of New Zealand. He <lesired to V miw whether the conditions were -it'll h.-re that the of AYaimate and distr'i t were compelled to go to Tiutarn Hosp tal tor betitor treatment than thev could at AYaima-.e Hospital. and the :u»s;v.>r they had given him was no. 'I lie AA'aim.ite Hospital they cinsidere-u sutfirient for all thetr reqiiireinent*. though it. might be de-.-irab'e to equip it better and bring iti more up to date. He wosld go eareMillv iiro the whole .natter and they ".ere not to get "no'" trom liiiu thill day. (Appl.ius.' i He wan'ed uatiies urrd addres-Os of the patients treated in AYa-ir.ate Hospital during tho past •-even veal's, and he would ask the Smith Canterbury Ho-p : tal Board to give hini the name-, and addresses ot "iie paiients tn-atcd :ii Timiru Hospital troia the district wh ch AYaimate propose<l to eon-tiui;". during the same jh-riod. The deputation had t<i:fj him that the rai<-.-. on the County would he L'l and i/U the Borough There •aas an iuur.e-n-v di-parry between fvo s\ini>. ami lie would require proe-i that the les.dentN tile County were willing to agree ;iie pr«::xvvils now made, and the latter were nut. merely tho outcome an agitation of people living in the Bovoug.ii. He •.vanted to be Mite that ih-.-v represented tho • !.-liberate opinion »f ooth Hoiough and County. lb- would a-k that petitions If circuhmd over the new di.~

rri.-t on-- ;<>r lnu-p.tyvr< :mil th> v ;r v. iui'l too mho! i<<v iK>n-r,ior>. in- >it*u;i!.x to .-salt- th-ir live j>yi>l>oriy valuation--. su that li.■ .. .ti!<l luiw iar i!:»•:r r.-ijin>.-«i uai inn of l hi- or trio-..- who o i•»»}• 1 liavo tn <--.iry tin- iiuiu: -ai Imr--1.-11. 11l- V.Olll'l tlifH ")■■ a'l'o to 'j:l ill.- of who wi-iv i><-huii tiif !>rt>po-nl.

Tiif Alini-ti-r tan; ho woulii :i« t :i-U f>.r 111010 than a t!:r>-.--liiilis majori■ y ; if thi )«' w. io t hivo-li'l h> of :i majority in niiml-rr ami ratcahli- valuo, that uoiih! l«o siiiii.-out. !?ut- ii tliore 'ii'ic itiilv ;i li:i:o inai'.rity, it -niolu- rei.uiro "wry •'arc-nil ro:is : .iW;mnn." i Mr Aimi-v lia.l rol.-rrocl to tin- i>o>ii!>ility of Parliament wfus:n«r to tindortako :iny ioc'slation mxt st\— sion out>iilo r.f war :n:ii!«-r.<. li this [.ro;»i-al nor.' to 'h- niwn otTVot to. it

havo to lio l-v 10-iislVion. It was iu>t |o>-.ili|o that Calvini'i e o :(lo tit wa> iiwt >!• Mr«l>!e to tako such in .var 'into, but liU own |-. t>iinl f.trii-oii was; -flat i?u» Gowrn-in.-m of ;ii<- e n'U.-.v .--iionld on, war >_■: iio v vt'j ili-ry ■.•ouitl not i'op tlie

wheels oi" progress simply heeaii-" the<;.1111.111 r.niper.u- had n>>t vi' 1 1., .Mi banished inSi. Helena. i .l.angiii.t. ' .Mi IJiis-ell here a u:n,n <>mplinieiit to tlii' ;n< ■-1 i : im.'ii'i. of Waimaie Hospital I,an for lln' grand work lie »as doin-i v. iili :he Korees, anil sanl tint. the '!<> tins who were carrying mi the hu>pit,:l wiili Midi zeal and .stuve.vs in the :i Dr Hatclay. won 1 entitled to c!i«■ be.-t thanks to the com'.inm.ty. (Hear. heat.) 11,- also complimented 11 io Matron (Mi>s Maunders) on the excellent work she was doing at. Waini.ito Ho;pit;d, ami went- oil to say thai although M annate Hospital was nut quite tio lo .late, it, could be nia<lc a. model instituT on at- a comparatively small cost. Hi' hoped. in the event oi" Waiwue haviie; a separate Hospital District. that- they would erect, .in Olil People's Home, and also a Maternity Hospital, vllear. hoar). In the event oi' st parai-on. he would lie prepared io consult very favourably. sppoial assistants for the puriHise of making provision for 'iiai"rnity nursing. In conclusion the Minister sad he would give the whole matter his most careful consideration, and would do Hie best- h > could for the d strict- If ho was mti.~fied -that, instice would lie done to the w. r'mate district- and that, no iiyiintir . would I).- done to any other disfVt. he would lie prepared to assist them in cvorv way possih'e. (Applause.) Mr fJeddes i.tos' sinirorelv thanked' "tlie Minister. II " -=ni>l that there were -i great nianv wealthy n in 'he "Wnimaie d'sis : et who would be r>repnred io help ihe Wamiaie Hospital fin.meia'lv when o;ire they were Mire that- their n-onev would not- he "swallowed no hv T-'marn." If tbev pot «•-:*,oration. ihev would crer .my .nr.onnt-oi" ::ion \v in run ?1>" hos r "t*>'.

Mr A twill slid < T "t{. h,-> » i-ye.-ntor for * man u'>."Hl left ; --H l, : s nionev to Wa-nil to Tlostv'al. Trnt the •.nan was not dead ye'. (Laughter)

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Timaru Herald, Volume CIV, Issue 15939, 15 April 1916, Page 7

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WAIMATE HOSPITAL. Timaru Herald, Volume CIV, Issue 15939, 15 April 1916, Page 7

WAIMATE HOSPITAL. Timaru Herald, Volume CIV, Issue 15939, 15 April 1916, Page 7