A parcel was recently received by the librarian of the Dunedin Athenaeum bearing the following inscription :— "Oahspe. From the trustee of the children of Shalam. Dona Ana, New Mexico, U.S.A." The parcel when opened was found to contain a book of considerable size, which purported to be a new Bible. This was accompanied by a number of booklets giving selections from the " Bible," and a leaflet describing how and under what circumstances the book was written. The book is certainly a remarkable one, and some idea of its scope may be gathered from the title page, upon which the following appears : — ' ' Oahspe. A new Bible, m the words of Jehovih and his angel ambassadors. A sacred history of the dominion of the higher and lower heavens on the earth for the past 24,000 years, being from the submersion of the continent of Pan m the Pacific Ocean, commonly called the flood or deluge, to the Kosmon era. Also a brief history of the preceding 55,000 years, together with a synopsis of the cosmogony of the universe, the creation of planets, the creation of man, the unseen worlds, the labour and glory of gods and goddesses m the etherean heavens, with the new commands of Jehovih to man m the present day," &c., &c. The preface states that " Oahspe marks the beginning of the new era, the Kosmon era, the Kosmon church, without any creeds or worshipful gods, lords, saviours, priests, or preachers, but m which all people shall worship the great I AM, Jehovih." The book also indulges m prophecy, and from the preface the lvader'.' learns that a new people are to inherit the earth. "These new people are to be Jehovians, worshipping the Creator only, and they shall be known by the name Faithista. They shall be anti-warriors, nonflesh eaters, and shall practice religion instead of preaching It, working for others and not for themselves. Through them is to be founded a new Government, wholly unlike anything yet m existence as a government. Through them is the old competitive system of living to be superseded ; armies and soldiers are to be dispensed with ; nor shall there be any more poor people on earth who have not food and clothing sufficient." The world, we nre told, is indebted to Mr J. B. Newburgh, a dentist, of New York, for this remarkable book ; and m the leaflet accompanying the copy of the book sent to the Athenseum.Mr Newburgh explains that the original work was written by him with a typewriter, he being unconscious all the time of what he was writing. He was "told" not to read what he was writing until it was finished and he religiously obeyed.— (Otago Daily Times.")
Timaru Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 1819, 30 July 1895, Page 3
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