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Tho fiagatafE of Timaru 13 situated inl7ldofr 17.20 mm. E^st lourjitudo ; aud -tt deg 23 mm South latitude. absivbd Nil. SAILED. Dec. 15— Waipa, ship, 1017 tons, Forsdick, for London. EXPORTS. In tho Waipa, N.Z.S. Co., agonts : 3822 bales wool, 30S casks tallow, 100 casks pelts, 060 sks oats, 20b' hides, 15 sks do. SXPKCTED AKBIVALS. Kassa, barque, from Hobart, early. Ganymede, barque, from Newcastle, daily. Oban Bay, 1108 tons, early. ■Higland Glen, 1032 tons, oarly. Brussels, barquo, 991 tons, early. Main Bhan, 13S<5 tona, early. Fifeshire, s.s., 8720 tons, Millar, oarly. vessels homeward hoond. Vessel. Days out. West Australian (Captain Thomas) ... 103 Ashmoro (Captain Dolbell) 92 Jessie Readman (Captaiu Gibson) ... 33 Waipa (Captain Forsdick) 1 ■ The ss. Hauroto ia expected hore to-day to load for Sydney. The barque Lanjstono was worked at late last night to complete hor loading, so that sho will be able to get away for London this morning. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's clipper ship Waipa got undor weigh yesterday uiorninpr for London, tho Titan m charge of tag-master Waldron going ahead of hor about (5 o'clock. Harbourmaster Clarkson was on boardthe ship, and thero waa a sprinkling of tho fair sex on tho main wharf who waved a handkerchief farewell as the Waipa moved out of the harbour. Tho wind being light and baffling tho ship was given a good offing, but the breeze freshening m tho afternoon sho was soon hull down. After tho tow-line had beon cost off from the tug threo hearty oheora were given by tho ofHcars and crew " for Timaru," and responded to right loyally by those on board the Titan. Wo join numerous friends iv wishing Captain Forsdick aud his courteous officers and men a good ran Home. As tho Langstono is to sail to-day, tho arrival of both vessels will be looked forward to with infcoresfc, and we anticipate that " cracking ou" will bo tho tactics of both captains.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume LI, Issue 5020, 16 December 1890, Page 2

Word Count

PORT OF TIMARU. Timaru Herald, Volume LI, Issue 5020, 16 December 1890, Page 2

PORT OF TIMARU. Timaru Herald, Volume LI, Issue 5020, 16 December 1890, Page 2