B\?TI -T AND CO GREOATIONAL CHURCHES, M'RYStbeot, :i Th« cn.Vomaiy Mtndiy Serviced will b> . he'd TO MOiiKOW (SunitayJ, 24th Jauuary i as f< lows: 3 Morning at 11: Rev, W. II Woollry I Efe ing at 7 : Rev. W. R. Wouli.uy PRIMITIVE MErHODM CHURCH. f Mack ay Mni'Kt, i ' The 'usualsorvices wi Ibo lisld on SUN-1 ; DAY, January 2-tth. ai fo''owa: ' 11 a.m. Mis H. Kenner oy ' 7 p.m. ... .. Rev. D. McNiooll '"THAMES WE? LEY AN CIIUUCH, * Foiii.UK Srm:ur Divine Bor»ices will beheld TOsMOIIHOW (Sunday), January 27th, as follows : Morning at 11 : Mr R IJhi ky, Kvtnincr at 7 : Mr E, Bumtv. r ■ : 0 0 N T It A 0 T. " ALL ACCOONTS OWING for Seivicea Rendered up to tho 31st D'ormbtr, 1891, mu-t be raid ot orco, or further Services WILL BESiOPPED. JOHN BURK, L'orouch Counoil Chambers. 21rt January, 151)2. SAXON GOLD MINING COMPANY (LlJltlKO). i| Ths Ordinarv -\r.rual Meatin' of Shne« , I holders wi I bo held at the Company'* ('flitv, ; Now Zealand Irsuiani'o Buil iinue. Auckla> d, ■ THU SD\Y, ilio2«thd»y of January, t lS92,at tho Ii iurof 11 i,.ni, D G. AIauDOMNRLL, Seorotary, Auckland, January IG, 1592, APRIZECOI'PON IN EVERY PACKET OF TUBF CLUb CIGARETTES, On return of 25 Certificates a haiv'somoly mnunteit Photograph (Imperial s za) will bo forwarded Free (('e'ebratoil Horse,and a great many of 100 >1 amateurs and pro* tesaionals to from). HARRY ELLISON, gporting Ccmmission Agent and Manu» fioturing lobiconni-t, Auckland, N.8.-Ag'iit. for Centaur's Index to tho Cmifield and Melbourne Cup; also Mdicr'a •por ing Pamphlet. TH M s una« I 'ldb. of tho Bllt "il of ' 1 ROBKRi BlikNS (the So tish Bard) will be co obrnted by a CONCERT, SUPPER, A OUNCE, Os MONDAY EVISNING, Jamiary 25.h » . IN ST. GEORGE'S HALL. —Concert to cunin nco at 8 p.m.— Memhsrs Tickets- s in. lo Is Gil, Doublo 2s ] Gd ; jNon-Membo.e, 2s each. The numbnr of tii ko's is strio ly limitod 1 to 120. soa r:y api ltLattnii shard bo uiwfc I y thoso de iriiii: to bo present, Tickets to bo had from aoy member of Committee, V HAGGIS and BAGPIPES." JOHN GIBB, Hon. Sec. , HAURAKI S.S. Co. ~ i NOTICE TO THAMES RESIDENTS, A s . 11,0 FARES ii between PAIiROA ■ AI'CKLAM; have boon reduced to 5i roturn, and less, the proprietors of tho HAURAKI S.S, Co., wishing to place tho regents of the Thames on tho , samo footing as their neighbours, will carry passnngera between KOPU and AUCK LAND for ■ I RETURN j[ - RETURN I J, M. ffYMS, Manajsr. "caTTTon; MENZIES & CO., CRATED WAIER MANUFACTURERS j KOTIFY THAT J THEIR TRAFtE MARK 18 NOW REGISTERED and GAZETTED, ANY infrincemonfc of their Righti or Trado Mark will bo rigorously I'rosei cntfd ; <nd bottle gath'ra and o'her* arc Cautioned not to deal with the firm's bottles. < Waverley Hotel. 1 J. A, ALLAN, Proprietor, -)UEEN St.. AUCKLAND. , TRAVELLERS wi'l find Evpi-v Modern Convenience, combined with Civility and Prompt At entirn. First C! «e> Billiard Ronma. Wines and Spirits of tho Best Brands. II AN BOOK'S PRIZE XXXX ALE ■ Always on Dnught. The Intomal Arrangements of tho Hotel ire under the petsonal supervision of ftiRS ALLAN, Tho situatfon of the Waver'ey i<" fpec'ollv cnnvr.i'nt for iU ], r " p*" u Country by 'frtior steaui'-r PMVVTh, "BOARDUG" MOUSE. i MR'i T. his much" pleanire in | Tnforn ill" hnr v r.niorn;i- Tltamc I'Momls 1 j t c IIOUPr is n o >v replete :v; t evoi'i ( O'H'dK'i'ar.d Ci.'NV- 'E,\CE | \iit..is to An Ma'ii 1 , i natii.n Uu- 1 | ■ al od. lisniCar tim Jtovs, I Note the Addrtfs— Mi.'s T. Jamfs. (Lati> i, Roi.lkks'x) HOBSON f'TRKUr, And-V'i.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7130, 23 January 1892, Page 3
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