Mr Thomas Wilking, consulting engineer, of London, is introducing a new explosive, which is being largely manufactured in Germany. It is claimed for this substance that it is safer than dynamite, and is also found to be more effective in mining operations. Its present price is about £5 per ton lesa than that of dynamite. There is no nitro-glycerine in it, and the principle of its mixture is the enveloping of each particle of the salts, of which the explosive is composed, in an elastic jelly, which itself furnishes material to the explosive, being entirely composed of hydro-carbons and nitrogen. For fear of dynamitards, it is perhaps not advisable to publish the exact composition of this novel explosive, which has been designated kinetite, but we may state that in sinking a shaft, a given weight of dynamite enabled 1.7 metres to be sunk in. 114 shifts, and with the same weight; of kinetite 1.6 metres were sunk in 94 shifts,
Mr J. H, Gillet, in his long success in, cattle raising, finds it is not dependent upon luok. He knows that raising good steers is not a matter depending upon lucky stars, but upon good judgment in breeding and feeding his steers. He knows that a 1600pound steer represents so much food and the care o£ a good herdsman. These steers are not produced by accident, nor by a luoky combination of oircumstances. They are the result of the sure operation of the laws of animal growth. All cattle feeders who will study his methods, and faithfully carry them out, may raise as good steers as ho does. He has no patent of the process. In these observations, we hope to impress upon the minda of our readers a sense of self-reliance, a dependence upon welldirected work in farming, with an utter indifference to luck, Luck is the talisman of the gambler, and not of the honest worker. Farmers, of all people, should have faith in the laws of Nature, and confidence in the promise to the husbandman,
How foolish most of our proverbs are! For instance, it is said that a straw shows whioh way the wind blows, when everybody knows it is the wind whioh shows whioh way the straw blows,
THE BAD AND WORTHLESS ARE never imitated or counterfeited. Tm> is especially true of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best,' and most valuable family medicine on earth, ' many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and the people of the country had expressed the merits of H. 8., and in every way trying to ; ' induce suffering invalids to use their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good nam9 of H.B. Many other , started nostrums put up in similar style to ! ' H. 8., with, variously devised names in which the word "Hop ,, or "Hops" were used in a way to induce people to believe ' they were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures, no matter what their style or name is. and especially ' those with the word "Hop" or "Hops"in. ':.' their name or in any way connected with' them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits, Beware of them. Touch none. ::: ofthem ; Use nothing but genuine American ■'•'■' Hop Bittera, with a. bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label, and Di. Soule's name blown in the glass, Trnsfc nothing elso. Druggists and Chemists ,' are warned against dealing in imitations or ?: counterfeits,
Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5112, 9 March 1885, Page 3
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