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Aictioneers, Commission Agents, &c. \AGENQIES:f!ti<! Gray's Imp'eirei-.-.s ; L'clotie S'cpaiaiois ; O.K. Vs'skh- | . irg'ftlacl.ines; The Ctn.n t Pipe Co.: ISaioial Fiie & Maiiue JrsurMice Com} any ; Accident Liaixh of K.Z. Jnburfnce C 0. ,%; JSatfonal Mutual Lilt- Association^ r iai).Jw^ Ivpul^atort: aud Tcvltry ; i iggh' (G]?iioViF)^it«r/.l)ip^ i: '; Agents foi— T. MA.NDENO JACKSON, Laud Agent, Auckland - LANabEY SHAW, Land Agent, Hamilton, Waikato LA g\J W°^ HEBE aro FOUK magnificent Properties which should Jrv B™ SL^a .nterest sheep gioweis. and be -ROith T^ry careiul. consideration by intend/iig buyers :—: — - •"'.-./ -*" £' Kr\C\{~\ ACKISR.C.L., 1200 graced. 10 pa&iocH.all puriri fenciog eJ*_/\J\_/ posts ; 4-roomed howe, vcolslud, »htep ar.d cattle y»rdsj: over. . 3 miles sea coast frontage ; the chared -ovi oy cairying nearly tw o flu ep to tbe acre. Price asfced little aLovc tost of improvenjente. fet-nt £86 per \ ear. • \ ' £4-750 "I At) f\ i CEI S, BCO )> |L'r3?s. I plajice-l usb- ; 4 y a«?cf< clss, '5-roomfd bouse, ItdUU Ol^tb^)ildil J *g^, set! orchard : luar-Jy I^vel ; ojJ> 7 nnles from town-s-hip ; flosb to school auf! factory?; g<od -metal road; first-class s slieep or cat tie country. Goodt^rn'.s. ■ £3 15/- pei* acre . 9AHA ACBFS, 1000 scros O.K.P. ard 1000 L.^.P., W0 in jirass : clcarj&\J\J\J i. jr f«r»cerl T)d sub-divided ; fi'sooxmd boi^e fend good ont-1-uiJtiingß ; sheep and cattle yards ; 2 acres orchard ; on good rosd. Tho carrying capacity of ''he land is har- to beat. Iv the best p. rt of Taranaki. Only £2 15/- per acre 4Q/^kr\ ACIiES, all Ktrfrjdirig hush ; uiKloiibtcdly >he best block of bush' 7 \J VJ country in Tar*naki. "3 he greater part is easy country, find whoa grassed will carry fljlly iwo shoep to the acre ; ,^3 miles from ; .Bfcratford. Good roads being made intqvtUe^b^cj^. Ea;cejletjt - - terms. v , *V~ '- : 'rM ' * £15/* per acf»e SEED Logic: — ON.CE niore wo wish to impress upon the.f^rmers the • importance of sowiriEr only reliable seeds. Just read, in a) ew words, how Sutton's Turnip Seeds are raised :. " An ordinary crop of rqots, 1 - which most people would think were perfect, are packed over by expert;?,; and onJy toe very finest sperirnens are selficted. Those are planted in a spot where there is no dangpr of cross fertilisation:" vThe result from this seed will be a <rop oi . perl octly -shaped fine sppciraons. which combine the grestest weight with tha highest nntrMive qualities. SOLE AGENTS, WILSON & WOtAN, NEW PLYMOUTH. Sutton's Champion Puvyle Top. Llephant, and Magnum Bonum _ We alad 'offer Hurst's SVJonarch ard Crimson King. | I WrtftT THiL tfuUsltfiULP I v GROCER SAYS TO THE ISH DE VALU S PUBLIC about . . . I genuine. It's just the" same in _ _ _;_ _ & ■«■» m*% shoe-trading. The storecnan that PUK E 'TIEASa gives the honest value is the true j "' . ■■• p^ 1 x i •*?";" friend of the hoot-buying public. ' ' m^ JBiovv and Show costs money; , / j ' ask yourself tHe quastion —Whb -' Zs*^^Z s *^^ j pays the piper ? Our expenses £^?Spsil3K^ jo ?/ftS j are kept down to the minimum. j2fis*%sL Tfe3^>s^v We can afford to give our cus- C^.^^ j toaiers better " vakve." * Vw , ii f^mfflT^ | , Our Present Stock of " ' , \*\T\^^«aM J Summer Footweap is the largest, most varied, and , /" "; -/K| CT-^ |f* " [ , best valuo Taranaki- has ever «) v i?J wik'vV ' ''-'3x>r*' *^. Note the Name:— I ' H IfSGLWSO HrOS B 3 I Yea, Ma'am! I «uIW agi-ee THE VALUE GIVERS. I wlth yy ° U ' the^ 6 CEn b ° nodoubt [j I about that tea. NELSON MOATE Phone 201. I & Co^ beai^ a rerjutation' second .N»MW H »» nMMnM « nw «-,--- — *» So nQ^ 8 We haye trfed g fv | n g • Coupons and pushing our own * lKvasTiS lm M w™ society t9a « beo^ U3 f of the extra pro^' 1 (FarmaneHt). Du * It's \no u§e, only a few vyill \ ' (Instituted 1576.) have them more than once. Incorporated xuitier "The Building . I «oc«c S^. ibss." NELSON MOATE & Co. X DIRECTORS: , ] were the first to Introduce Messrs J. B, Connetti (Chairman), W. ; Ceylon Teas in 1880-1881... F. Brooking, T. Furlong, jun., C. •-— :%!?"■'. . '"— ~: "■■T m .- .. -»*S T. BiuwUe, C. T. Mills, David Toed, . and W. C. Weston. . ' . j ]^O YOCJ^as^ yoar p QSolicitor :E. C. Hughes, Esq. . { - rtOw ' ir iOr Bj|nk«rs : The Bar.k of New Zealand. \aa *^ | ?^ <!<w *»/»,8n , . - * W AXiftKi SOAr, LOANS granted- on approved secur- ; ■. . • ity from one to twelve years, on the \ Or do you just ask for Society's revised tables of repayment ; These am exceptionally liberal, r and j . k b^ r of soa ? and let compare favourably with any of vthe f T • him scad you the kind > best colonial institutions. Th^re ar^ no doductdons oi any sort he raake;s the bi off es either by way of bonus, commission j \ . p_ o Q t on ? or entrance fee*. • No ' Mortga'ge Deeds to- pay for when _, ~ , ; ~", . ..„« the loan i? over £100 ah'd not less! X malteS - ft b^ dl«erouc« than three years' duratida. . to l » " . Borrowers can redeem at any time, - t and on very - reasonable terms. ':^ r h;- : :'\j* .-\ /? ' to*- v, i -TT m* *' ■ "*^n&ot- toon having' v '"' l/rncp ojpen daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.'in'.'. Thursday • afyerncon excepted. §«# «ayt %* .7™ ff+ f% il rh CLARENCE REWNELL, WAXlf4'£, bUAP. Secretary & Treasurer. Office: Bro«ghaan-st.,' New Plymouth.' " • , '. i ' A -.TWIMP T. ,^ . uh* gi-.ii t]r,T Ws.ror FiUer. O T P .T',ND on Mortgage at exceptt?on- ' . «, , , . ally low rates, and on. easy terms. Jm.hkr., "'<k Ac - GOVETT & QUILLIAM, ?K- GiVKb' £114 , Solicitors. ' j JU^rcJef -street" •' - ' v /
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13357, 22 December 1906, Page 3
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885Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13357, 22 December 1906, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13357, 22 December 1906, Page 3
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