-'An interesting announcement was made at the Borough CoUtnoil on Mqn* day evening, by Cr. fCpllis. Be stalled that he had been 'asked by a local firm to ascertain ;wfiefcb|er 'tKe* -'Council .' was v willing 1 H<y "*" <xmsasier > ;a-propo-sal to lay d<sf^i£j%n electric tramway system between - Fittzroyj and ihe ' breakwater. ' kn e3^r%skißA" ! oi l opfiiion was-diSviMJ/'' •"' in-t'fwn\» '"j >' The.^Mayoir^saia^y^hW^^ ' ! also been. approached. "pn f , tKe , matroer. He, had ...suggested, t 'fhat^, J( pps®ibly the' old "waterworks' ",r plant /'oofuld'i be utilised for developing electric power. Cr. Brookmg^di^L not think much power cou^,^be^^afeveloped ) by this means. ? -y - _ ,s« - : - Crs. Wilson and Ewing thought, it was rather v ben»a^h> l j>th | c dignity of ihe Council tb^disfcuss* -a matter brought forward in such an informal manner. Cr. Mionteath said it was 'wie function of the -Council, to*discuss anything brought ufp. i A motion by Cr. CoMis, to the effect that the Council would be prepared to consider : a. proposal in writing, was eventually carried. , A representative' of the . Herald , subsequently waited upon. Messrs Roberts and Stokes, electrical engineers and, contractors, of New Plymouthj, whoiwill submit a formal to next Council' meeting, for the tight to lay ai line'ifr"6m OBUtzjrojy to tihe t •bjnealkwater, touching at the railway "station^ They are prepared to install the whole scheme, witE a municipal purchasing clause at the end of a stated term of [years. The system will, if advisable, | be, extended $o Vogiel-bo^i, fWe^fc^wn, a!od Devon Street Wtesti as tiho promoters are also* pTalcaing' a^terta^n vfatreaofiß in • future^ ThH same
I offer before the- } Wangauui Iflknicxpal ; a i»thorities. Messrs' Roberts and I Stokes' 'anticipate that ii the terms of 'tJtf.^New Plymouth offer are accepted, there will be no -difficulty in obtaining the required power and installing! ! !a^satisfiaotoy service.
Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13108, 10 April 1906, Page 2