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CABLE MESSAGES; British and Foreign Telegrams By Electric Telegraph. — United Press Association Copyright — Received 29 11191 — 9.30 a.m. FORBIDDING AFFIRMATION .N LIEU OF OATH. London, January 26. There is a notice on the Order Paper of the House of Commons, in Mr •Bradlaugh's name, of his intention to move the " expunging of the resolution of the House of Commons forbidding affirmation in lieu of taking an oath." VICTORIAN RAILWAY. The' Financial News asserts .thafc the Victorian railways must either have been recklessly extended or grossly mismanaged. TWO IR[SH IHBTIKB. The Tunes states that Mr O'Brien proposes as a solution of the difference between the two sections of the Irish party to suspend hostilities pending the general election, both sides to retain their present leaders. Mr Healey is opposed to this proposal. LONDON WOOL HAL'OH London, January 27. At tho wool sales to-day 13,000 bales were offered. There wns.a large attendance of buyers, aucl competition very I keen. Merinos are firm at prices realised at December series, and crossbreds show a slight increase. NEW JUDJB OF PKOBATB OOURT. Mr F. H. Jeune," Q.C., has been appointed Judge of the Probate Divorce 1 and Admiralty Court, vice Sir Jas. Hannen appointed to tho Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. COLONIAL OONFBRBN'Ufi. In the House of Commons Mr Smith, in reply to a question asked by Mr Howard Vincent, said matters of very high policy were connected with the convening of the Colonial Empire to discuss fiscal matters. IMPERIAL COIiONISATION SOfIEME. The Standard states it is expected that the Colonisation Committee appointed last session to enquire into the various schemes which, have been proposed to the Government to facilitate emigration from congested districts of tho United Kingdom to the British colonies, or elsewhere, will shortly submit their report, and that they will recommend that State intervention should only take place in famine stricken districts. AFRIOAN AFFAIBS. In .the House of Commons Sir James Fergusson Stated it was unlikely that the convention to be submitted to the Portuguese Cortes respecting the Zambesi and Shire River Districts would be favorably considered, as the one previously submitted was not ratified. PORTUGUESE EABT AFRICA. The statement that the Mozambique Company has been granted a charter for the purpose of exploiting Portuguese East Africa is unfounded. . THE CONSUMPTION CORE. Professc^r Liebmanns ha£- made the discovery of tubercle bacilli in the blood of patients after a few injections of Dr Koch's lymph. This is considered to . support Professor Virchou's criticism of Dr Koch's lymph. BRADLAUGH'S OVTH. expungod the motion forbidding Mr The House of Commons unanimously Bradlaugh to take the oath. , ZALISTBKI DYNAMITE GUN. The trial of the Zalinski dynamite gun at Shoeburyness was a success. STRIKE ON B3NGLIBR RAILWAIB BX IJ ECrED. London, January 28. The Amalgamated Railway Unions have formulated demands for a reduction of hours on the English lines after Easter. OCCUPATION OF SALO^I^A DENIED. • Lord Salisbury denies that , he has" sanctioned the occupation of Salonica by Austria. MIMING EIGHT HoU'lS A DAY BILL. The bill introduced by Mr Abraham prohibits miners being obliged to work underground beyond eight hours, under a penalty of 40s. VICTORIAN LOAN. The 7 imes announces that a Victorian loan will be placed on the market at the beginning of March. , , ' MORTALITY OF LOND IN. ' The mortality in London, owing to the • recent fogs ~ and frost, was 3000 beyond the average. FRENCH PLAY PROHIBITED Paris, January 28. M. Sardou's play, •• Thermidor," has been prohibited, owing to the Radicals objecting to the criticisms in it on M. Robespierre. FIGHTING IN TRESOUDAS. Suakin, January 28. ' A smart engagement has taken place with the dervishes outside the town. The English troops have occupied Handoub. CHILIAN REBELLION. Valparaiso. January 27. The rebels have captured Lunarche and Quillota, and are bombarding Coquimbo. Tongoy and Torborallis are blockaded. NEW ZEALAND SHIP ARRIVED AT NKW YOKK. New YohK, January 27. Arrived — Barque C. Tobias, from Wellington (October 6). INDIAN WAtt OVER. Washington, January, 26. '- The Indian rising is at an .end, and the troops hare been disbanded. WAR IST CENTRAL AMERICA. The Central American States are preparing for warj which is expected to break out in the spring. FATAL, RAILWAY AOOtDENT. ' Washington, January 28. A train conveying seventy cavalry men, who had distinguished themselves I in the recent fighting with the Indians, collided with an express in Kansas. Both trains were wrecked, with great loss of life. COLLIERY PXPLOSION IN AMERICA Fifty miners have been killed- by a colliery explosion in Pennsybariia. HTKAMER BURNT. . Thursday Island, January 28. . News from the east reports there was at^nWe loss of iifeQß the etwaw
Shanghai, which was burned on Christmas Day, principally due to a panic. The native villagers harrassed the survivors in every possible way. The steamer was in the river Yang-tse-Kiang at the time, and 200 perished in the disaster.
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Taranaki Herald, Volume XL, Issue 8994, 29 January 1891, Page 2
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805NEWS OF THE WORLD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XL, Issue 8994, 29 January 1891, Page 2
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NEWS OF THE WORLD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XL, Issue 8994, 29 January 1891, Page 2
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