Iliii SEW PLYMOUTH INVESTMENT & '.-GAM SOCIETY (PEKMANBHT.) r OANS on firai-olaea freobold seoa'Ky oai Li be obtained from the Society, 0. B3NSELL, Of3oo. Eroajzham-btrrct. t ■?*> ** TARANAKI LAND, BUILDING, & INVESTMENT SOCIETY (Permanent.) [established 1865.1 ISONEY to LEND on good irejbo) •UUL security No bonus deduoted. KOBT. G. BAUOHOPE, a43of tc Secretary. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE, FROM £100 DP TO £Qrfpß tf^lfW^ Lon S established UVjUI/Ui connections wiib local and outside capitalists, placing large amounts of money at our call from various sources, ensureß to BORROWERS by tbe jompeiitioa offering, considerable ad vantages; nz.; the negotiation of their mortgages or. very favourable terms, and at lowest current rateß of interest, with special arrangement* for any large Bums required, OHAS. POffNALL & Co., tteriveners and Mortgage Agenti. Wellington. E. ELLERY GILBERT, PIANOFORTE TUNER & REPAIRER. I3IANOS, Harmoniums, and other Musical L Instruments put into good repair Pianos tvn c d oy tho year. Country districts visited. Orders left with Mr. Skeet, Dentist, will receive prompt attention. |a 540 h tc TARANAKI ALMANAC AND OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, 18 84. PRICE ONE SHILLING. Medical. Hints by the late Dr. RAWSON. Medicinal Plants in New Zealand, and their uses ; by Dr. O'Oabkoll, Topographical Description of Taranaki — Haw Zealand Official Directory — Town and Couutry Official Directory — and feveral special features not to be found in other Almanacs published. Tabanaki Herald Office, New Plymouth. W. GARBING TON, LICENSED NATIVE INTERPRETER Commurtlcationa to be addressed— care of W Black, Bakisr Devon-street. t» 6 71 tc JAS. SANDJSKbUN, ARCHITECT. Opf iCiB — King's Knilnn-gr, over Mr. Morris' store, branch Office at Mr. Burnett's Htora, Oi.unakp. ft>4o2 l< HEKR7 J. T. EDMOKDg, AROaITEOT, OFifIOES: Richmond's Buliaii^g, Dovon-otrtot, tb»O>; tc A Scoldino Woman. — The barbarities of the ducking-stool for hcoldinj? women, though abolished l>y law, ure now oftentimes practiced by a kind of social burbarity none the icas rcprelicnsible. Women scold only when tlioy are ill. Instead of blaming them we should prepcribc Hop Bitters. The entire system will undergo a genial, pleasant change. The nerves will be quieted and acerbity of word and thought will give place to amiability and aifection. Healthy women do not scold or fret. Head. Lady Bbautifiers. — Ladies, you cannot iuako fair skin, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes with all tho cosmetics of France, or beautih'era of tho world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such rich blood, good health, strength, and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. See. 7
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 6513, 26 July 1884, Page 2
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