A serious accident happened on Saturday ! morning at the Opunake Flnx Mills to one of the employees, a Maori boy about 14 , years o£ age named Turi. He was engaged feeding the mill, and, not being accustomed to the work, he accidently got his fingers caught in the scutcher, and before it could be stopped his arm was drawn, in and terribly mangled. Mr. Layard was" sent for, and, on arrival, dressed the injuries, but he at once saw the case was oi: a very serious nature, and advised that the lad should b« brought into the hospital here. Accordingly, yesterday a conveyance was procured, and, on the boy arriving at the Hospital, a consultation between Drs. O'Ciirroll, Leatham>was held, when mortification having net in it was necessary that the arm should be amputated. The operation was performed last night, and the lad appeared to bear up bravely under it, and on enquiry at the Hospital this morning he is -reported as doing as well as could be expected. The youth is the son of Tumuhoki; one of the leading Parihaka chiefs, and is also a relative of Mrs. Plumbridge, of Opunake, who accompanied him into town, and has shown him every attention since the unfortunate occurrence took place.
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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4520, 10 December 1883, Page 2
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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4520, 10 December 1883, Page 2
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