THE OPUNAKE-MOTUROA LINE. MTTHOBITY FOE THE WORK. 1 (By -Wire.—Own Correspondent.) ( Wellington, Last Night, The Railways Authorisation Bill im, troduced in the House to-night, anth- > orisas the following lines:— (1) North Auckland Main extension of the authorised line from > the left bank of the Watroa River in Block VII, Manngata survey district, to a connection With the existing line near Ngapuhi. Length about 39 miles, (2) North Island Main Trunk.—A v, branch line from Otorjjhanga, along right bank of the Waipa River, to the south boundary of Block VI, Mangaoronga survey district. Length about 7J miles.
(3) North Island Main Trunk/—A' deviation between Plimmerton and Paekakarika, via Terowarewa Point. Length about 9 miles.
(4) East Coast Main Trunfe—!A branch line from Wairoa to WaikoJtopii. Length about 22 miles. • (5) Te Roti-Opnnake.—An extension of the authorised line from OpttnaSte' to a connection with the existing liifer at Moturoa. LenjfMi about 35 miles.
(0) (Midland.—A deviation at Sprygfieid, along the north-eastern sid*f of the existing line, between 28 mile* 10 chains and 31 miles 3 chains. Length about 1 mile, 74 chains. (7) Greymouth-Point Elizabeth.—An extension of the existing lirt* ffiM a point about 3 miles 45 chains torn Greymmith for nTxrnt 2 miles BO'chains in a northerly direction.
(8) North Auckland Main' Triwrk.—A branch line to connect with the KwiJitt Valley railway, commencing in Slock VTt, ifaungaru survey distriqt, and terminating in the town of DfttgtfWHa Lenertlv about W miles.
(ft) North Auckland Main Trunk.—A deviation of the authorised' line to' th# westward from 117 miles 14 chains to 121 miles 15 chains.
(10) Wnikoknxrai branch.—A branch line from the Huntly-Awaroa, railway in Block XV to section 115 Block XIII, Ranciriri survey district. Length about--1 miles.
Sir William Fraser explained that the onlv important new line being authorised was the line from Wairoa to Wfti'Trokopu. This line w urgently needed. Wairoa harbor, where there were valuable freezing works, had become useless and an outlet had to be provided at Waikokopu,. which was- the' best natural harbor on thn Sast Coast. No'• hodv. would object to the oropoßed extension of the North Auckland "ffrftnTc line. A short branch line froth Otorohanga on the North Island Main TS'iirtV was required to bring out road from a eood supply. The deviation between Plimmerton and PaeSrakAfilci Tftitf being authorised after careful tion in order to' settle the (luetftion 1 of route. Ho did not intend to gfte'fid much money on the deviation' this year. The nronosed extension of the firty-' month-Point Elizabeth liite w'as feqtaircd to give access to a coal field acquiifetf l bv' the State Coal Mines DepartirteiU. The Waikokowai branch would' (rive 1 to a State coal mine area rteaf fftfritly.
Taranaki Daily News, 24 October 1919, Page 4
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