At Victory Square, Alhambra defeated Kaitoa by 22 to 17. For tlio ; winners tries we're scored by Karsten, . (2), Hannigan, Mansson, S. Pike, and Hayes. For the losers, A. Piko (2)/ J. James (2), and Wilson. [Press Association — Copyright.] Sydney, May 29. Ten thousand peoxile witnessed tho football match, it was a fast and open game for the greater portion of the match, the difference in points being only hve to three, the visitors well holding their own. Towards tlio finish tho New South Wales 'team showed good combination, which was lacking iv tho earlier stages. [United Press Association.] Wellington, May 29. Stohr, of Taranaki, takes the placo of Fryer, of Canterbury, in the New Zealand Rugby team tor Australia. Fryor was unable to make tho trip. The following team is to represent Wellington against the- _Cc\v Zealand representatives at the Athletic Park on Friday : — Full back, Thomas ; threequarters, Dawson, Bradley, Mather son ; nve-cightliß,Eveiison and Walsh ; hall-back, Tillyard ; wing forward, Avery ; forwards (front rank), Elliott, Irvine (lock), Rapson ; supports, Tannahill and Perry; back row, Bruco and McKellar* emergencies, forward, McFnrlane; back, Kiuvig.
Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12806, 30 May 1910, Page 1