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■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For February only. " ■ 0 "TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER "and "HEARTRENDING SACRIFICES," are words which often meet the public gaze, but, beyond being traps to catch the unwary, they possess very little meaning. LOVEDAY & HEYHOE, recognising this, will place all who patronise them during this month (February) on a far better footing. They wish to make room for large shipments of New Autumn and Winter Goods, which will shortly arrive. Therefore, ; LOVEDAY «8e HJEYHOE will for this month only allow a Discount of 2s 6d in the Pound to all Cash Buyers whose purchases amount to 20s and upwards. This, tbey venture to believe, will be far more acceptable to the majority of purchasers, as they see at once what a large saving tbey can make by availing themselves of this opportunity ; whereas on the other haod, by running after v sweeping reductions," &c, their experience often leads to the conclusion that they have saved nothing at all. All who study their own interests, and really wish to economiee, will do well to make use of this golden opportunity. ______—o " Zinc-lined Cases for Sale cheap. LOVEDAY & HEYHOE. Money to Lend, on Freehold , Security > in stmts to suit Borrowers^ at current rates of Interest* WM. ROUT. The Undersigned are CASH PURCHASERS of the following in unlimited quantities:— Cherries, Currants, Ikirs, Apples, &c, &c, &c. ggp All Fruit bought by weight, and paid for on delivery at the NELSON JAM FACTORY, -o y S. Kirkpatrick & Go.
THE LIGtfT-RONNING STANDARD Sewing Machine SURPASSES ALL OTHERS. . POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. We ask special attention to the following points of superiority in the Light-Running "STANDARD"— A Self-Setting Needle, which cannot be set wrong, will be recognised as an improvement in the right direction. The needle U self-setting in every sense of the werd, and is not dependent on a mark on the needle-bai as in other machines. The Automatic Trnsion, when once properly regulated, will rarely need to be changed 5 and, as a general rule, the whole range of family sewing can be done without any change of tension whatever. This reaull is obtained by nicely adjusted sprinye, thai will accommodate themselves to the size 0 the thread used. . A Device whereby the bobbin can be wound without running the Machine. This saves un necessary wear of the Machine, and the trouble of unthreading and removing work and at taobmmts while the bobbin is being filled. Laege Space under the arm, affording un usual facilities for doing all kinds of work. A Scale for regulating the length of stitcr. which enables the operator to readily aacer tain the length of stitch without testing pre. vious to commencing work. No other machine bas this convenient devioe. A Spbing-Tenison Shuitlb holding t bobbin that carries a largo amount of thread There is but one hole to thread through, making it the most easily threaded shuttle ir use. The tension may be chunged without moving the shuttle from machine. Thb Feed bas great power, and never faih to perform its duty—will feed the lightest and heaviest goods with equal precision, and will cross seams and hard places without changing length of sthon ot missing stitobe The Self-Aciing "Takb Up" permits the operator to use, with equal facility, the finest I to the coarsest thread manufactured, inoluding linen or aiik thread, without chafing or breaking. Adjustability 01 Pabts.—All the parts are made adjustable, so that " lost motion " from long usage can be easily taken up. This will have the expense of duplicating parts. The machine cannot be put out of time unless some part is broken, Dubabixity.—ln tbe construction of the ' Standard," the matter of durability bas been carefully considered. All the working parts are made of the very best material, and oase-hardened. We claim it is the most durable Family Sewing lYfaohine ever invented and challenge comparison with others in this respect. ' Light Running.—On account of the simple mechanical devices employed in its construction, the " Standabd " runs lighter and with greater speed tban any other machine, and is almost noiseless. It is the simplest, easiest-operated, best cade, and most elegantly ornamented machine in the world, combining every requisite to produce a perfect machine. Simplicity op Constbuotioh.—The" Stan dard " contains fewer working parts than any other maohine, and cannot gel out of order with fair U3age. Its great simplicity renders personal instruction unnecessary, and the inexperienced oannot fail to use it with plea.ure and profit. Can be had from IP. C?. PIDTTXT, HARDY STREET, on time payment o 2s 6d per weeV. Also Sub-Agent for Wheeleb & Wilson's Sewing Machines. nllfcJ Undersigned is in {osfeasion X of a CERTAIN REMEDY lor NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. Outward applicat.Ou. J. GOLDOTCKfiS,
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Colonist, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4068, 20 February 1885, Page 2
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777Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4068, 20 February 1885, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4068, 20 February 1885, Page 2
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