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Invercargill Rowing Club
The annual meeting of this club was held last evening. Mr G. O. Joyce, captain, occupied the .chair, and there wase. large attendance of -members.
In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet (a digest of which was published yesterday) the Chairman said that the club last year had a string of successes— it would take a small book to recount them. all. The records conveyed more eloquently than words the position of the club in aquatics. One or two omissions had inadvertently been made from the printed report, the lapses being discovered too late. ; Mr N, J. M. Rein had presented: several trophiejs t.o "the "club, and the members tools this opportunity of thanking him. In the personal items in the report, the departure of Messrs Inst one and J. Taylor bad not been recorded ; they were both 1 most favourably known in racing circles, In financial matters, the club was in a better position ' by £10 than at the commencement of the previous season. He explained 1 41 few items in the balance-sheet, and ado"cd, amid applause, that thfl prize money had been abnormally high, viz., £103. The position was one that members should' be particularly proud of.
Mr Perry seconded the, motion, which was carried without discussion.
Mr J. Batger was reflected President, and the f olid wing gentlemen were elected vice-presidents :—Dr Young, Messrs E./ Bi_ Hammond, Reg. McKinnon,' '; R. J. : : tfii-. mour, A. F. Hdwkß, 0. 8. LonglJet, A.ED. Stock, J.H. Kirk, N--J.M. Rein, and Archdeacon Stocker. . y .
For the position of captain Messrs (3-. O. Joyce" (last season's captain) and A. McGavock (last depu*y-captain) were 'nominated, Mr McGavock by Messrs Joyco arid Craig. He at first declined to stand, nominating Mr Joyce for a second term. This appeared to meet with general acceptation, but Mr Joyce declined to continue in office, and pressed his nominator, urging that Mr McGav'ock had rendered most valuable assistance to the club in almost evpry office. Mr McOavock. was then unanimously elected to the position., Mr Joyce was proposed' aa dep_utyrcaptdin,; but preferred to stand down this season and Mr Gv Black was elected to fill, the position. Mr Tv Brown was re-elected hon. secretary, and Mr R. N: Todd to the office of hon. treasurer, a position formerly held by Mr Gf. K. Totton, who. has left the town. Mr J. M. Barnes was appointed assistant secretary and treasurer, and Messrs. J. Rigg. and A. H-. Stock auditors. ; general committee, Messrs. G. O. Joyce, D. Morton, B. C. Basstian, P. Campbell, and -E. S. Perry; selection committee, Messrs Hammond, McGavock, and Black ; hon. coaches, Messrs lJemniond and McGavock. "/; ; : The followingLjEere elected members :■» Messrs A. ;Mqskridge, ,W. Dutton, I*. 0, To thai, R. Edwards, Ritchie, iJ. Xarkin--A. H. Davßdson, H. Carswell, I?r 'H. Zieiie, G. B. Wright, J. Carswell, P. Oalien'der,rW. L. :Millar, G. Laing; Ferguson, hon. members; Messrs McNeil and H. Btovfn.' : ; .;: ■'.■■■: '■ ■ ■ ■•- T,he. opening day was fixed for Wednesday^ 28th |. September. ■ A Hearty ypte of thwiks was- passed to the retiring captain, Mr" Joyce, in appre-
ciation of the ability with which he had
discharged the duties of his office for tho past two years. The vote was carried With applause, and confirmed -with musical Honours.— Mr Joyce made a feeling response, expressing his appreciation of the support he had received, and bearing testimony to tl<c hajrononious n&turex of the club's gatherings. As a representative of the club on the Rowing Association he referred 1 to one or two matters of importance. A suggestion had been made, which ho considered very proper, that the soloctors of the Southland team should be elected by the individual votes of members of clubs. This was given a trial for one season, but was rescinded, although Sir McGavock proposed to amend it in the direction of restricting each club to one nomination. He hoped that something of the kind would be adopted. Another proposal rejected vt\as that senior fours be rowed in best-aiid-best boats. niu(T and Riverton opposed this change, but it was a decided disadvantage for Invercargill crews to train in clinkers for local races, and compete at regattas in bi'st-and-best boats. He knew that the Oiago Club was anxious that the Edmohds' Challenge Shield interpro. race should be rowed in bests, and if it were demanded Southland could not refuse. ITe suggested that some arrangement might bn made with tho High School Board, so that pupils of the school might acquire the art of rowing as early as possible. It could be arranged that tho boys, under an Instructor or teacher, should have certain . boats, and a small subsidy from the Board would cover necessary repairs. The same course could Ije followied in Dunedin, and interpro. school races arranged.
Mr Stock cordially supported Mr 'Joyce in his remarks as to the necessity of " catching 'em young." Tho boys would be easy to teach, as they had ivo prejudices to overcome. He strongly supported the proposal to row senior fours in best-and'-bests, and thought the Otago Club extremely foolish if it did not insi9t on a best-andrbest race for the shield.
Mr C. Basstian, who represents the Riverton Club on the Association, said thao he believed the outside cluba were a little jealous re the proposed method of election of selectors. Tho strength of the I.R.C. in voting naturally gave it the power to elect all three selectors. If Mr McOavock's amendment had been* brought up first it would have answered very well. He had no doubt that best-and-best fours would be adopted before long.
A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the committee for the excellent work done during the past season ; a special vote of thankti to donors of trophies and prizes, and to the Orphans for the use of the room,
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Southland Times, Issue 19367, 18 August 1904, Page 3
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968Invercargill Rowing Club Southland Times, Issue 19367, 18 August 1904, Page 3
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Invercargill Rowing Club Southland Times, Issue 19367, 18 August 1904, Page 3
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